Wisdom Networks crowd create distributed leadership, productivity, growth and prosperity across organisation, industry and society
Facebook reduced social interaction to books of "things" that could shared with anyone, everywhere and restructured global social time and attention and achieved global transparency and meritocracy in less than 10 years. Wisdom Networks are an open source platform that defines things, books, process and outcomes for complex communities and can be deployed within 90-180 days. Wisdom Networks will reduce organisations, industries and society to books that can be shared with anyone, everywhere, anytime and transform the remainder of society within 2-5 years. The change in person to person communication crowd creates the next stage of economic development - distributed prosperity.
A Wisdom Network is an "Over the Top" platform that organises the wisdom and effort of crowds across the organisation, industry and society. Wisdom Networks leverages the Internet of Everything (IoE) by linking "things" to reveal knowledge, sharing books of things to share knowledge and organising action toward optimal outcomes. Any complex communities can be reduced to six types of "things" and a few simple interactions which can be managed by wisdom networks.
Facebook links all social things in a "book" which is shared with others. Social interaction and communication is restructured and global participation and contribution becomes routine. The global community can focus on one person social "book". Wisdom Networks do the same for the organisation, industry and society by creating books for each element underlying each community. Wisdom Networks add collaboration, knowledge and wisdom to each book to encourage the community to pursue and achieve outcomes.
With knowledge instantly available on every "thing" in a book, everyone can contribute information, knowledge, wisdom, time, effort and leadership from everywhere, anytime. This has profound implications for society and how we work, play and contribute. Productive time in hierarchies is 28%. In Wisdom networks, productive time is 50-75%. Will each individual spend more time on work family or society contribution.
By restructuring human time and attention (from individual centric to community centric), the Wisdom Network achieves a rapid jump in productivity, growth and causes the shift from the centralised stagnation of the Information Age to the distributed prosperity of Wisdom Networks. Wisdom Networks accelerate the Wisdom of Crowds (r)evolution and deliver distributed prosperity 16 years early. As few as 30 wisdom networks could transform the world. Each could be setup in 90 days and transform a community within 1-2 years.
Our basis of organisation is person and organisation centric. The individual pushes and pulls information "things" over months to develop knowledge. This information may be shared within an organisation. The person or organisation achieve knowledge which is used as a source of power and influence. That knowledge is used to advance an organisations objectives. True knowledge and wisdom can only be achieved with collaboration beyond the organisation boundary. This means that knowledge must be shared, or collectively developed to ensure optimal decision making.
Hierarchies are inefficient and are more concerned with process than outcomes. Only 28% of work time is productive. The remaining time is used to organise process. In addition, across society there is duplication of effort within each hierarchy and each industry. The same thing is created by different organisations, industries and countries throughout the world.
The organisation uses hundreds of different types of management and information technologies. Each organisation is customised. Society expends significant resources to produce a customised version of how an organisation should operate. This has standardised over time, but significant technical and cultural barriers exist which prevent collaboration across the organisational boundary.
Many of the key technologies underlying the Information Age are redundant and can be replaced with more effective equivalents in distributed, wisdom networks. Please see the attached slide.
Our community is trapped in transition. The Information Age has ended in centralised stagnation. All underlying elements of the Information Age are exhausted. Further investment will not produce returns. Global productivity is declining or negative.
The community has been crowd creating the opportunity for distributed prosperity for decades. The community has crowd created connectivity (ie; internet), information (ie; world wide web which has given date/information a web address), community (social networks), tools (open source software) and presented the opportunity to crowd create wisdom (knowledge and action). The world is evolving through six stages data, information. community, collaboration, knowledge and wisdom.
Wisdom Networks are assembled from the world's best open source content management system. It's purpose is to focus the wisdom and effort of crowds and beomes an organisation structure, industry and society collaboration platform. It rests on the shoulders of giants and builds upon on the prior milestones to reshape society.
Wisdom Networks crowd create the final stage by restructuring human time and attention. Knowledge that has been centralised with the individual or organisation is placed in single web based wisdom book (on any specific matter within a community) to crowd create collective knowledge and action.
Every community can be reduced to 6 types of "Things" which are tagged, linked ,and shared to create "Books" which consumers push through a process to achieve outcomes. This means that one book represents knowledge and organises action on a specific matter. Duplication of effort across organisation, industry and society is eliminated. Organisations, industries and society can be organised within a wisdom network. The CEO of Shell defines future success as the ability to collaborate across organisation, industry and society.
One wisdom network can organise many, or all, communities. Alternatively, each organisation, industry or society (ie country) can utilise separate wisdom networks. All wisdom networks are interoperable. The community becomes transparent, accessible and decisions are based upon the best knowledge and action that the community could devise. Any individual can participate or contribute to any wisdom network anywhere in the world.
The Wisdom Network is a standard organisation structure which uses a fraction of the available management and information technology. It is interoperable with all other wisdom networks.
The enclosed presentations provide screenshots of a wisdom network and the "things", books" and the six stage process to achieve outcomes for the organisation, various industries and society as a whole. This includes the organisation, health, equity market, governance and the National Wisdom Network (NWN) intended to crowd create Network Society.
Wisdom Networks will be ubiquitous in five years. The National Wisdom Network could crowd create the Network Society which would mean greater productivity, growth, better education, better health, collective intelligence and empowered citizens. They are a better means of government to organise and deliver services. They are a powerful policy tool that deals with issues of government efficiency, productivity, growth and regional integration.
Wisdom Networks can also be used as an organisation structure. Wisdom Networks already include gamification to motivate team toward outcomes. Wisdom Networks overcome many of the failings of the hierarchy. Please review enclosed presentation.
Productive work time lifts from 28% in the Information Age to 50-75% with Wisdom Networks. Wisdom Networks could double, triple or quadruple productivity of every employee by restructuring human time and attention... sources include reclaiming travel time, reclaiming identified wasted time, restructuring unproductive work time and motivation from gamification. The extra time could be devoted to additional work, family or contribution to society.
Wisdom Networks catalyse the shift from the Information Age to Wisdom Networks. Please see the attached slide summarising the shift.
Wisdom Networks deliver a rapid jump in productivity, growth and user in an era of distributed prosperity identifed in the Shell New Lens forecast. The effort devoted to process or duplicated across society is redeployed to outcomes. This could deliver a significant jump in output.
Knowledge can be instantly communicated to anyone, anywhere. This provides the opportunity for any individual to contribute their knowledge and influence decisions based upon the quality of their contribution, rather than their position of influence in a hierarchy. It also provides the opportunity for anyone, anywhere in the world to make a contribution to an organisation, industry or society in rapid timeframes. If knowledge (embodied in a book) is available in one place, it can be reviewed quickly and a contribution made in rapid time. Books become an audit trail of the past, a statement of knowledge in the present and a project plan for the future. The result is that complex communities (data, information, community, collaboration, knowledge and wisdom) can be organised and scheduled in advance and displayed on a timeline.
General purpose technology drives most economic growth. History shows use that the first generation uses a general purpose technology within the status quo. It is usually the second generation some 30 years later that use the the general purpose technology to reshape the status quo.
The first generation has used it speed up the status quo ... 100 year old information hierarchies. They haven't used it to take advantage of the internet's flexibility. The second generation will use it to reshape the hierarchy to take advantage of the internet. However, it is likely to take another 16 years before the second generation enters positions of influence and adopts Wisdom Networks.
The challenge is that the first generation currently holding positions of influence will only use the internet to speed up the status quo, not reshape it. We are in a trapped transition between Information Age (centralised stagnation) and Wisdom Networks (distributed prosperity).
Global productivity is declining and negative, GDP has stalled and there is much discontent in society over centralisation. Crisis should have ushered in the change to distributed prosperity. In the last five years, the first generation has chosen to preserve the status quo at any cost to society. The challenge is to drive adoption of wisdom networks amongst people that have derived power, influence or profit from the structures of the Information Age.
It has been in development for five years. The first step is to launch a wisdom network within an organisation, industry or country. The Books and Things which constitute some communities (such as health, governance and equity market) have been defined. They can be deployed in 90 to 180 days and a community can be transformed within 1-2 years. The impact of putting every "thing" in one book and sharing it globally needs to be demonstrated.
Facebook provides a single network of social books which redefine social interaction and person to person contact globally. As few as 30 networks could provide books for key countries, industries and organisation which restructure human time and attention and deliver the Network Society, productivity and growth.
The first step is to create network number 1. This can be supported by existing and large open source communities with the skills to build and operate wisdom networks. We provide video training on wisdom network specifics to scale multiple networks concurrently. This means the shift to distributed prosperity could be created rapidly. Eventually, Wisdom networks will be downloaded by anyone, things and books will be defined in a few days and deployed to large communities. Anyone will be able to focus the wisdom and effort of the global crowd.
Over five years, WisdomNetworks.im led by Marcus Cake has created a Wisdom Network.
The "Wisdom achieves prosperity" presentation provides an introduction to Wisdom Networks. It is available at our web site and attached below.
Many applications of Wisdom Networks ... and specific presentations
We have developed letters, presentations and blog articles encompassing a wide variety of applications of wisdom networks and are available at http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/overview .
- Accelerating Economic Development (Letter)
- EUROPEAN WISDOM: Crowd creating European Network Society (Letter) ... an example of regional integration
- WISDOM ACHIEVES PROSPERITY: the next stage of productivity, growth and society (introduction presentation)
- SOCIETY WISDOM: Wisdom Networks crowd create Network Society (presentation)
- EQUITY MARKET WISDOM: Wisdom Networks crowd create equity market revolution and evolution (presentation)
- HEALTH WISDOM: Wisdom Networks crowd create personal healthcare MANAGEMENT WISDOM: leadership and productivity everywhere!
- MANAGEMENT WISDOM: the use of Wisdom Networks as an organisational structure.
Shift from Information Age to Wisdom Networks
A slide which outlines the shift from Information Age to Wisdom Networks is attached for your convenience.
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