It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Create internal markets for ideas, talent & resources

“Organizations need a resource allocation process that more accurately mimics the selection pressures of a real market.”

Funding decisions in corporations are usually made at the top and are heavily influenced by political factors. That’s why companies over-invest in the past and underfund the future. By contrast, resource allocation in a market-based system like the New York Stock Exchange is decentralized and apolitical. While markets are obviously vulnerable to short-term distortions, in the long run they’re better than big organizations at getting the right resources behind the right opportunities. To make resource allocation more flexible and dynamic, companies must create internal markets where legacy programs and new projects compete on an equal footing for talent and cash.

44 Stories
71 Hacks
5 Barriers

Create internal markets for ideas, talent & resources

“Organizations need a resource allocation process that more accurately mimics the selection pressures of a real market.”

Funding decisions in corporations are usually made at the top and are heavily influenced by political factors. That’s why companies over-invest in the past and underfund the future. By contrast, resource allocation in a market-based system like the New York Stock Exchange is decentralized and apolitical. While markets are obviously vulnerable to short-term distortions, in the long run they’re better than big organizations at getting the right resources behind the right opportunities. To make resource allocation more flexible and dynamic, companies must create internal markets where legacy programs and new projects compete on an equal footing for talent and cash.

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I've always admired CEOs who forgo multimillion dollar salary payments, like Jobs at Apple,but if you drill into the pay-scales at the top companies, you can seethat executive compensation has, well f
Barrier by Aaron Anderson on April 27, 2011
Create a networked community connecting present and ex-consultants that 1) promotes sharing of solutions and problems2) identifies resources availability for projects
Hack by Bernard Tan on July 13, 2011
It's basicly a Geosocial network (like foursquare socialnetwork) with gaming features  that enables people from different backgrounds to invest on the stock exchange and the commodities futures e
Story by patrick chanda on December 27, 2011
Decisions to be made have to be put on a platform (IT-based) in order that everyone can access them and enter his/her knowledge or point of view.
Hack by Erwin Pfuhler on July 29, 2014
It’s easy to get caught up in what we think needs to be done, today, and always putting future projects on the back burner. When we do this, though, we typically never get to those projects.
Hack by Marton Jojarth on October 8, 2015
Virtually every company has some sort of training program with the goal of having their people work smarter, but it is not the program that counts but how effective it is.
Hack by George Kobak on March 24, 2015
In order to sustain long term growth, organizations need to constantly reinvent themselves. But reinventing requires constant change, which may be hard to implement.
Story by Matt Shlosberg on June 24, 2010
I've been facilitating groups of 18 people from roughly a half dozen countries who meet for 3 separate weeks over a 6 month period. Each time we meet on a different continent.
Story by Kimberly Wiefling on May 30, 2013
Reaching right levels of the organisation can be a difficult task even for the employees.
Hack by Aleksandar Zivaljevic on February 27, 2011
Feeling recognized feels amazing. At work we started a recognition revolution with StarmeUp!
Story by Laura Alfonsin on August 17, 2017
