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Disaggregate the organization

“The challenge is to create large-scale organizations without losing human scale.”

To intercept opportunities that come and go at lightning speed, organizations must be able to quickly reconfigure capabilities, infrastructure, and resources. Unfortunately, in many organizations, rigid unit boundaries, functional silos, and political fiefdoms hamper the rapid realignment of skills and assets. Large organizational units that encompass hundreds or thousands of employees pose another danger, as they often lead to groupthink on a grand scale. To become more adaptable, companies must organize themselves into smaller units and create fluid, project-based structures.

13 Stories
43 Hacks
4 Barriers

Disaggregate the organization

“The challenge is to create large-scale organizations without losing human scale.”

To intercept opportunities that come and go at lightning speed, organizations must be able to quickly reconfigure capabilities, infrastructure, and resources. Unfortunately, in many organizations, rigid unit boundaries, functional silos, and political fiefdoms hamper the rapid realignment of skills and assets. Large organizational units that encompass hundreds or thousands of employees pose another danger, as they often lead to groupthink on a grand scale. To become more adaptable, companies must organize themselves into smaller units and create fluid, project-based structures.

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For corporate management roles, human resources are used to fill them.  But what if the best ideas were allowed to manage also?  Put an AI system in place that would test and prove ideas, se
Hack by George Kobak on April 30, 2013
Manage Without Them is a complete disagreegation of management to allow integration of technology and peer to peer collaboration without loss of governance.
Hack by Matthew De George on May 26, 2011
Develop a tool that enables employees from any organization to go through experiences and situations totally different from the day-a-day work routine.
Hack by IESE MBA TEAM 4 on January 11, 2011
IntroductionImagine a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that you provide to your entire organization. They access it from anywhere: desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Hack by Dennis Shiao on May 27, 2011
With so much attention on the potential for web 2.0 technologies to “flatten” the organizational hierarchy, and excitement that meritocracy will rule the day, how are the downsides to a flat organizat
Hack by Clint Carlson on June 2, 2011
I currently teach a course in Managing Organizations and People to students in the MBA Program at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA.
Story by Mike Cook on June 24, 2013
Imange if the Internal Combustion vehicle's under utilised energy (eg electricity/ thermal valued per year at more than $4000) was suppied to homes, factories and Green houses,then imange( multipling
Hack by patrick chanda on July 20, 2018
Government needs to negotiate a partnership with tyre manufacturers which would give access to high-quality yet low cost tyres, specifically for the taxi industry in order to save passenger lives.
Staff working in the public sector (Government, Local Government and Agencies) –are – for the main part – working on very similar agendas.
Story by Stephen Dale on July 12, 2011
Don't have top-down capital via a holding company. Semi-franchise everything so businesses are cellular. Cells can succeed or fail. Capital can directly flow.
Hack by Damian Horton on September 13, 2012
