It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

68 Stories
114 Hacks
5 Barriers

Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

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Design and nurture "Revolution Communities" whose objective is to reinvent the business of your company while abiding by new principles that reflect a more patient, social, principled capitalism; then
Hack by Luis Alberola on May 10, 2012
Terms like "open innovation" and "customer-driven innovation" are all the rage and these strategies can certainly help organizations become more innovative.
Hack by Chris Grams on July 28, 2010
Taking a leaf out of the recent North African uprisings there is something profound and real about the way leaders are chosen and once chosen how they maintain power and hegemony.
To varying degrees, everyone has self-centered ambitions: to become rich and famous, to win the race, to have some power over others. Such forces can drive people to work hard and produce results.
Hack by Tsukasa Makino on July 17, 2011
Every Public Sector organisation across the world is facing some challenges caused by the current economic state, which means that - as part of wider organisational considerations such as property ass
Hack by Heidi De Wolf on December 10, 2013
Technology isn't the centre of web 2.0, people are.  To create management 2.0, we need to enable change in the perspectives and behaviours of the people working within organisations.
Hack by Jon Ingham on July 17, 2011
In an era when recruiting and training more closely resemble “speed dating” than traditional apprenticeship, world-leading ophthalmic lenses manufacturer Essilor International pioneered th
Story by Frederic J.Leconte on May 27, 2011
In the knowledge era, we still have no real way to encode and share knowledge, the DNA of a modern organization.The WHY Code is a fundamental way to unblock organizational knowledge flow, empowering p
Hack by Trevor Davies on December 11, 2011
