It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


*In order for organizations to thrive in the 21st century global economy, knowledge workers must be allowed the flexibility and discretionary authority to offload their non-core busy work to help prop
Story by Jordan Cohen on April 11, 2010
GameChanger is a simple, flexible, and real-time innovation process run by an autonomous team at Shell that invests in helping people develop their novel ideas from genesis to proof of concept. 
Story by Russ Conser on January 7, 2013
42projects is an initiative across several teams at Microsoft to innovate in the way we manage by focusing on building trust, using games to increase productivity, and encouraging grassroots innovatio
Story by Ross Smith on April 11, 2010
The current industry model is broken. Our economy is built on a ‘take make waste’ model that negatively impacts environmental and human systems and is not tenable in the long term.
Hack by Chris Allen on May 10, 2012
The following is an excerpt from Gary Hamel's forthcoming book, What Matters Now , to be published in December 2011 by Jossey-Bass Business. In 1997 I bought an e-tablet from A.T. Cross, the pen company. Codeveloped with IBM, the CrossPad was hailed as a breakthrough product that would open up a...
Blog by Gary Hamel on October 7, 2011
A few months ago, in one of our Centered Leadership learning sessions, a Latin American executive approached me with an insight that had deeply affected him. “In our transformation meetings,” he said, “we always talk about how they have to change. I realize I have to change myself first if I want...
Blog by Joanna Barsh on June 10, 2010
