It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


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To tackle big, thorny challenges, you need big, unconventional ideas.

That’s what you’ll find here: boundary-pushing proposals for changing the way organizations work and leaders lead — from setting strategy to allocating resources to designing work to rewarding and compensating individuals.

Check out the disruptive ideas and radical fixes posted by your fellow MIXers below — and join them in stirring the pot by proposing your own. A hack can be as seemingly basic as a better way to run meetings or as high-stakes as a complete overhaul of the compensation system — as long as it turns the tables on management-as-usual and offers up a pathway to progress on one of the moonshots.

The MIX Lab / Hacks

A dynamic collection of real-world case studies from the MIX community

This hack is pinpointing some ideas for how companies  - which stand in front of challenge of rapid growth - should go about scaling themselves without losing their engaging, entreprenerial and e
Hack by Magdalena Pawlowicz on November 9, 2011
Current management structures are bureaucratic and tend to suppress worker participation in decision making.
Hack by IMD Group 13 on November 7, 2011
Design and implment a collaborative technology that helps you get the work done - that moves the portfolio of change projects forward ina social colaborative way!
Hack by Geoff Carss on November 7, 2011
The organisational mantra of up-or-out is, in fact, out. Organiations need to develop a new way of recognising performance, and increase the skill-to-position match.
Hack by Group 14 on November 6, 2011
As the proportion of Millennials in the workforce increase, management is going to have to adapt to the demands of this unique cohort.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on November 2, 2011
The Red Cell is an idea borrowed from the military world and adapted for use in the business environment. It provides a competitive advantage due to two primary deliverables.
Hack by IMD Team 7 on November 2, 2011
If I asked you a make a list of high performing teams - the kind that deliver world class results under tremendous pressure every day, chances are, a management committee wouldn't feature.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on November 1, 2011
There's a crisis in management, and that's because everyone is fighting fires with the same old methods. It is like being on a treadmill that you can't get off.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on November 1, 2011
As the centers of gravity in terms of economics, demography, and geopolitics become increasingly diverse, most of today’s managerial practices will be found lacking by the second decade of the 21st ce
Hack by Amnon Danzig on November 1, 2011
Leadership practices have something in common with aging rock bands that continue to headline in obscure little venues: both have passed their prime yet fail to recognize it.
Hack by Jane Perdue on October 31, 2011
The world has changed. The problems that could be solved by Edison, Lister & Einstein have all been solved. Today's world needs collaboration of the best, not competition among the best.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on October 30, 2011
There is no recipe for innovation - after all, if someone has written down the recipe, it can't be innovative any longer. There are however principles. What matters is understanding the difference.
Hack by Alastair Dryburgh on October 26, 2011
Bureaucracy - almost by definition - is when the process overtakes the objective.I have now worked at a number of extremely bureaucratic organisations and can attest to the following formula to break
Hack by Riaan Steenberg on October 25, 2011
The problem is not that we are thinking about management challenges with concepts that are decades out of date, but that we are thinking about them with brains that are millenia out of date.
Hack by Alastair Dryburgh on October 24, 2011
