We'd like to thank a few who have generously shared of their time and thinking.
First, we must acknowledge both the intellectual contribution and powerful motivation provided by the members of the Renegade Brigade:
- Eric Abrahamson, Columbia Business School
- Chris Argyris, Harvard Business School
- Joanna Barsh, McKinsey & Company
- Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School
- Tim Brown, IDEO
- Lowell Bryan, McKinsey & Company
- Bhaskar Chakravorti, Harvard Business School
- Yves Doz, INSEAD
- Alex Ehrlich, Morgan Stanley
- Linda Hill, Harvard Business School
- Jeffrey Hollender, Seventh Generation
- Steve Jurvetson, Draper Fisher Jurvetson
- Kevin Kelly, Wired
- Terri Kelly, W.L. Gore
- Ed Lawler, University of Southern California
- John Mackey, Whole Foods
- Tom Malone, MIT's Sloan School of Management
- Marissa Mayer, Google
- Andrew McAfee, MIT's Sloan School of Management
- Lenny Mendonca, McKinsey & Company
- Henry Mintzberg, McGill University
- Vineet Nayar, HCL Technologies
- Jeffrey Pfeffer, Stanford University
- C.K. Prahalad, University of Michigan's Ross School of Business
- J. Leighton Read, Alloy Ventures
- Keith Sawyer, Washington University in St. Louis
- Eric Schmidt, Google
- Peter Senge, MIT
- Rajendra Sisodia, Bentley University
- Tom Stewart, Booz & Co.
- James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds
- Hal Varian, University of California, Berkeley
- Steven Weber, University of California, Berkeley
- David Wolfe, Wolfe Resources Group
- Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Business School
We're also deeply grateful for the ongoing support and invaluable insights offered by our friends and advisors:
- Julie Addicott, Dell
- Jim Daly
- Matt Hirschland, McKinsey & Company
- Ed Horrocks
- Rik Kirkland, McKinsey & Company
- Andy Lark, Dell
- Andrew Liekerman, London Business School
- Simon London, McKinsey & Company
- Joe Newsum
- Anna Peters, Promise
- Eric Peterson
- Doug Solomon, IDEO
- Danny Stillion, IDEO
- Charles Trevail, Promise
- Laura Tyson, University of California, Berkeley
- Bill Taylor, cofounder of Fast Company magazine and co-author of Mavericks at Work
Finally, we could not have produced the MIX without the design and development help of the team at RD2:
- Chris Ronan
- Candice Paddock
- Patty Murphree
- Eric Rosenstock
- Robbie Michael
- Rey Latham
- Graham Sutcliffe
- Ben Harwell
- Leia Scofield