Ground Zero definitions : To accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something
Source : Cambridge recognize the rights, authority, or status of... to disclose knowledge of or agreement recognize as genuine or valid Source Merriam-Webster
- Credit : Original design by Retro GT.
(H)igher (R)aised Level :
1.Hack core HR and Management processes such as performance reviews, or objective settings, in order to unleash the access and revision of formalized knowledge.
2.Assign tasks for unveiling tacit or expert knowledge, in order to spread such elements, but with the second level intent to update, curate, re-visit and tune them according to new worlds benchmarks.
3.Re-invent Succession planning. It often sounds quite funeral oriented.Adaptability requires some healthier picture and motivation factors for anticipation for experience and expertise cycles.
4.Knowledge Hacking, Collective Talent Scouting would be useful alternatives among others, to keep re-naming, defining and testing.To make a loing story short : to adapt.
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