Evolve the ideology of Capitalism by challenging the Face of Business.
Keepitposted™ is a young multidisciplinary startup; using a ‘Holistic Approach’ to finding core components of the greater problems within our current economic environment. Distilling them into their basic characteristics and deriving solutions to the most influential of variables, capable of sending ‘ripples’ of change throughout the targeted problem.
Company Name: Keepitposted™ Limited
Company Location: Offices are located in Port Louis, Mauritius, and Cape Town, South Africa.
Company Size: Our team currently consists of 5 individuals,
Company Age: Founded in January 2008,
Incorporated in December 2010,
Industry: Information Technology, Specifically – Online Business and Networking Platform Solutions.
Company History: ‘The Conception’
Keepitposted™ was founded on the belief that it was possible to create a radically new type of business district. A new online Central Business District, (CBD) capable of evolving the ideologies of capitalism. Our vision is both to understand, and resolve recurring ‘Core’ concerns and address in a practical way, real world problems.
Key areas of focus include:
- Understanding the how and why of our approach. ‘Respecting the Business of Others’, has revealed a ‘Core’ concern and real world problem that has inspired Keepitposted™ to develop three separate and yet integrated systems. These are the central foundations which inform the new CBD, which Keepitposted™ seeks to create.
The first foundation stone of this new CBD is:
- A patented ‘Copy Control™’ system. This automates copyright protection of digital content within a social and network oriented environment.
The Competitive Landscape:
Our competitive landscape worldwide is vast, fast moving and contains some of the largest and most influential companies on our planet. These include but are not limited to: Google, Facebook and Linked In. The mountain Keepitposted™ seeks to climb, with respect to financing, expertise and time, are by no means misunderstood, and our core team is well aware of the challenges ahead, yet every member remains passionate and committed to seeing this project through and making it a reality.
The Competitive Gap:
- Competitors leverage the quality of a members digital content contributions to sell advertising space, detracting from, and or competing against the power of that members content,
- Members typically cannot make money from their own content, when they are able to do so; a substantial cut is taken, (as high as 40%)
- To receive access to any ‘valuable’ functionality, members are required to pay monthly subscription fees.
Keepitposted™ views the above three points as:
“Tapping into the business of others” and forms the basis for Keepitposted’s™ approach to ‘Respecting the business of others’.
One other gap of note:
- The absence of negative feedback or the inability to leave negative feedback hinders open, honest transparency, trust and thus evolution of the human spirit, project or business in review.
The following discussion does not describe the ‘triggers’ that sparked the drive to change, so much so as it was those ‘triggers’ that were the underlying reason Keepitposted™ was founded in the first place.
“If we are to rebuild for our future, we must set our foundations strong”
Unknown Author.
What is a holistic approach?
Keepitposted™ believes, to resolve any problem, you first must understand the bigger picture, ‘the holistic nature’ of a greater problem. Only then can you dive into the depths and complexities in order to find the core issue at the root of it all. As with any problematic system, there are likely to be many key components. Where each issue has enough influence to affect its neighboring components and then this impacts other neighboring components, and so on. Thus, it is often not necessary to reinvent the entire system, but resolve a few key concerns, each capable of resounding influence and change throughout the entire system.
Like a mathematical problem with a myriad variables, where each variable can be tweaked and changed or replaced entirely, causing a ripple effect throughout an interconnected, cross-pollinated and semantic system, and thus, changing ‘the nature of beast’. This is a ‘Holistic Approach.’
What are the goals of a holistic approach?
As a trained Architect, I think of solutions to all problems using a holistic approach to the system with appropriate methodologies.
- If we are to build or rebuild; the most important thing we can do for our future generations, and ourselves, is to ensure that that which we create, is built upon the strongest of foundations.
- When we build or rebuild; prior to the first brick being laid, before the first code typed or text written, we have journeyed far enough to see beyond the scope of the problem and have dived deep enough into the problem itself, to understand the most crucial, and most influential of variables,
- Only when we have understood the scope of the problem, and identified the most crucial and most influential of variables, can we begin formulating a solution with any hope of it being strong and stable enough to support, and thus, resolve those problems we seek to overcome.
Why is a holistic approach so important?
It has been my experience, brief as that may be, that the best solutions arise though discoveries made upon the journey to a solution and not, by focusing on what a solution may be. This approach often yields results that we would have originally considered outside the scope of the problem itself.
“Experience the journey, don’t seek the experience.”
There are many variables as to why Keepitposted™ chose to focus its efforts into creating a new online business district and why it believes a new online ‘CBD’ has the potential to resolve many of our current economic problems, but non more so than the ideas of ‘Ownership’ and ‘Barriers to Entry’.
Be it real estate, stocks and shares, or intellectual property, ‘Ownership’ sits at the heart of capitalism, and if ownership sits at its heart, then creating ‘barriers to entry’: impeding, restricting and or reducing the ability for other individuals, businesses and or organizations to own, or succeed in achieving, and thus obtaining the ability to own, does creating ‘barriers to entry’ become a primary objective to a capitalist’s success.
This ‘root cause’, is illustrated by those competitive gaps specified within the ‘context’ of this ‘story’, highlighting a significant problem to the stability and longevity of our global economic systems.
For example, consider the requirement of monetization. Each and every online platform that currently exists, that was originally conceived and designed to enable and or empower its members, had at some point in its growth, needed to consider monetization. It is at this moment, that existing online platforms literally begin building their own barriers to entry, by ‘tapping’ into the business of those members they originally sought to enable and or empower. Why?
Lets consider the following:
In order to form a balanced, synergetic relationship between enabler and the enabled, (a platform and its member) there must be a state of equilibrium on both sides. Whereby if one side creates real, tangible value for itself, then this must also be true for the other. Like two equations that equal each other.
So what can we consider ‘tangible value’?
We can actually answer this question, with a question: What is it that is most valuable online?
The answer is simple: Quality Content.
No matter the enablement or empowerment an online platform may offer, if it is unable to obtain quality content – in this current state of capitalism mentality: in which monetization is driven by finding ways of ‘leveraging’ the work and efforts of others, with the purpose of enabling the ‘enabler’ to exert minimum effort and yield maximum profit, – then its ability to sustain itself long term, let alone value itself, are dramatically reduced.
So where is the imbalance?
The imbalance exists, or is created, when an enabler begins to consider deriving its value from:
- The content in which it contains – in which its members have contributed and or,
- From the members themselves, that chose to join the enabler through common beliefs and mutual respect and or,
- From the effort made by members who make sales on the enablers platform,
For example:
The content members contribute, giving the enabler their perceived value is in fact not and should not be considered value associated to that enabler, but instead associated to that member who contributed it. For the enabler to then, for example: place adverts around or on that content, in order to earn money from the sale of that advertisement is, as Keepitposted™ believes, ‘tapping into the business of others’.
So how do we rebalance the equation?
The solution: Consider the platforms underlying business and what tangible value each bring to the table. (We will discuss this further when reviewing ‘Challenges and Solutions’)
I have always found it incredibly interesting to dive into the absolute basics of a problem, to understand the very nature of what it is that we are actually trying to resolve, from a historic point of view. My favorite starting point has thus been to understand the meaning and intention of that or those words used to convey a message that is our current problem.
So, what does Capitalism actually mean?
Derived from the words: ‘Capital’ and ‘Ism’:
From the word, ‘capital’ meaning, “wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization for a particular purpose such as investing, (?) Or starting a company,” and the word, ‘ism’ meaning, “a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically an ideology or movement.”
New Oxford Dictionary
‘Investing’ – within the context of capitalism, means – “to expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit” (i.e. more money).
New Oxford Dictionary
Thus, through understanding of the above two constituents to the word ‘Capitalism’, it is revealed to us:
Two systems of purpose and or intent, where capitalism = money and,
- The existence of money is to be used to “invest” for the purpose of creating ‘more’ money, and
- The existence of money is to enable the ability to create something: such as, “starting a company”.
What is interesting to note however, is that the definitions of those constituents to the word ‘capitalism’, does not describe its meaning in terms of sustainability. Or in other words, does money not also exist to SUSTAIN something: such as that ‘company’ we recently created, or perhaps, a ‘LIFESTYLE’?
As our ability to transmit information over the internet becomes ever faster and ever more accessible to the masses, so more and more creative entrepreneurs, their businesses and their brands have turned to social and network orientated platforms to advertise, market and create brand awareness for themselves.
As the focus of Keepitposted’s™ efforts surround those concerns of: barriers to entry and that of ownership online, solutions to these problems are paramount to those foundations Keepitposted™ is creating.
So what is this concern?
The concern is that, if the mentality of those ideologies we (the enablers) have of our global marketplace and of those marketplaces we create, do not change with a long-term outlook: that elevates or eliminates those barriers to entry and those stresses effecting the sustainability for the continuity of new businesses, our economic outlook for the foreseeable future is unlikely to improve.
To derive and develop a system, platform and or environment capable of ‘Stepping Out the Business of Others’, reducing and or eliminating those barriers to entry that hinders the success, growth and evolution of an entrepreneur. This includes but is not limited to:
- Eliminating the need for paid memberships,
- Eliminating the need for any advertising to be on site,
- Eliminating the need for any commissions to be taken from sales made through that system, platform or environment,
And, at the same time, ensure that that same system, platform and or environment is capable and able of being both feasible and profitable.
It is Keepitposted’s™ belief that in ‘Respecting the Business of Others’, we are able, to enable others to make, transact and trade, without being subjected to unnecessary fees, charges or commissions or being placed in the position of having to compete against unnecessary advertising, hindering the success, growth and evolution of that business, project or individual.
Keepitposted™ also believes that it is entrepreneurs that decide the success or failure of an economy for the following reasons:
- More successful entrepreneurs means,
- More successful, growing businesses,
- Growing, successful businesses mean more jobs and
- More jobs means a healthier economy.
‘The enablement of entrepreneurs is therefore key to a successful change within our economy.’
And finally, Keepitposted™ believes in integrity, transparency and above all, the freedom to choose, to earn, and to create ones own value through the quality of ones own input, contributions to, and interactions with, the environment in which one is engaging.
“Only with the right philosophy, can there be made, room for change.”
Unknown Author
The object of Copy Control™ is to provide an alternative control system, which provides authors and or owners of digital media, (content) the means to choose how or if they wish to protect the copyright of all or any separate and distinct digital media they own.
From a content owners perspective, Copy Control™ defines a system where their users now have the freedom to view, consume, share and or distribute that digital media throughout the system, while ensuring their own copyrights remain intact and secure.
From a users perspective however, this previous paragraph may not sound so new or exciting. After all, copyrights are typically the last thing on a users mind, as they navigate current platforms and consume today’s content.
The most exciting realization however, of Copy Control™, is its ability to enable users to ‘Use’ that content on the system.
What this means is the following:
Users of Keepitposted™ will be able to ‘Copy’ a selected digital media file, and having stored it in their own account, be able to edit that digital media file in a manner that includes but is not limited to splicing that content with other content from the Keepitposted™ network, for the purpose of creating their own stories. In other words, a user will be able to find and ‘copy’ content to ‘use’ other members digital media to tell their own stories, without infringing upon the copyrights of that content used because each and every segment that is used, is for example:
- Automatically linked directly back to the owner of that content,
And or,
- If that content required or requires payment for consumption, an automatic fee will be deducted each time that component of that new story is consumed.
It should be noted how the above two examples show how Copy Control™ retains the security of digital media and illustrate how it is able to create an environment that is more free and enabling to members who may be incapable of creating quality digital media, but now have the opportunity to tell their own stories, using components or segments of that content they collect.
Unlike traditional ‘Content Controls’ that assist users to manage, sort and or filter digital media they are navigation and or searching for, or ‘Privacy Controls’ that assist users to hide or make visible that digital media they control through their own account or profile, ‘Copy Control™’ looks at governing the manner in which digital media is interacted with, either from a collections perspective, or that of an individual, separate and distinct media file.
During early stage user acceptance testing of Keepitposted’s™ test sites, a series of discoveries were made that have since been developed into Copy Control’s™ patented and primary four laws. These four laws governing stage 1 of Copy Control’s™ internal Architecture, consist of the following:
- A Security Status,
- A Visibility Status,
- A Monetary Status,
- A Distribution Status,
Contained within each law, (also referred to as a control variable) are contained any number of parameters. For example:
- The visibility status may include parameters such as: ‘Public’ and ‘Private’,
- The monetary status may include parameters such as: ‘Free’ and ‘Paid’,
With each law/control variable containing at least two parameters, it is immediately possible to create at least 16 variations of the original four laws. These variations form the foundations to Copy Control™. The ability for an owner of content to now customize the manner in which they wish their own content to be use and by whom, on the Keepitposted™ network.
With only two parameters per law/control variable, it has been made apparent through our own investigations that it is possible to define content that is:
- Open Source, to
- Sensitive and Encrypted,
The goal (and intent) behind Copy Control™ is not of control at all, but is in fact about relinquishing control of someone else’s creation, someone else’s value, and giving them the ability to choose how or if they wish to release their creation into an environment ‘free’ enough, that it allows other members to use, share and consume that creation in any way they–themselves choose. All the while respecting the decisions the original owner of that creation had chosen. Thus, ensuring copyrights remain intact and secure.
I believe that in every innovative solution, there should always be a greater purpose, a need that exists beyond the problem we have sought to resolve. The fulfillment of a core human ‘desire’ that would result from the resolution of that problem we are offering a solution. That only by fulfilling this need, can the innovation be encouraged, adopted and replicated.
Leaving a mark, a legacy, has always been a predominant driving force within our human race. From you and I, to Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs, it doesn’t matter who we are, what matters is what we do with our lives, the lives we touch and how profound our contributions were to our wider human communities.
‘Could this be, what will ultimately define weather or not we will be remembered?’
With the advent and growth of socially orientated platforms, it can already be theorized that the success of such platforms could also be linked to the success in their ability to duplicate a digital version of ourselves, a digital and therefore eternal copy of ourselves.
But our lives are not linear, although we may perceive them to be; we are continuously multitasking, both consciously and subconsciously. Always pulling unconscious desires, passions and motivations to the surface of our conscious minds.
We are built upon many facets of ourselves: a collage of our explorations and our experiences, our successes and our failures, each equally valid and each culminating to reveal our own purpose, our own evolution.
“Give me the opportunity to prove myself; to become a valued and valuable member of my worldly community. Let the people I touch guide and give my life purpose and let the journeys I leave behind be my legacy”
As Keepitposted™ aspires to be “the next generation” of online business and networking platforms, it has positioned itself as a game changing challenger brand with the objective of becoming an open, transparent and global entrepreneurial enabler.
To achieve this monumental goal, The ‘Architecture’ on which Keepitposted™ is to be built, is fundamentally based upon the synergy of three systems:
- The Copy Control™ system that secures and returns control of content back to the owners of that content, that remarkably, also results in their consumers having the freedom to use that content for their own purpose – enabling them to tell their own stories.
- A system that seeks to answer that core human need: the desire to leave a mark, by creating solutions that enable members to maximize their exposure within their chosen and associated communities and through the quality of their own input, interactions and contributions. We call this: ‘Evolutionary Energy™’ And,
- A system that seeks to enable members to build their own profile through the collaboration of fragmented journeys, created by themselves and other members with whom they interact.
Thus Keepitposted™ continues striving to understand those questions we have discussed, to create a platform that is as much a chronicle of ones own evolution as it is a place for us to do business.
Since the foundation of Keepitposted™ in 2008, there have only been a few questions that resonate from the ‘core’ of our driving vision. Those questions are:
- What is it that we value most? And,
- How do we valuate and evaluate that which we seek to value?
Consider the actual value the enabler and the enabled bring to the table:
- The enabler brings the infrastructure to create the environment the enabled seek to engage with and,
- The enabler brings the talent to create and maintain that environment,
- The enabled brings the quality content, their business and their networks,
Remove all ‘human’ components, aspects and list all remaining variables:
For example, Keepitposted’s™ list of variables are as follows:
Infrastructure – Consisting of everything that makes the system work: hardware, software and functionality.
Essence – The reason Keepitposted™ was created.
Philosophy – That which sits at the core of Keepitposted’s™ belief system.
From those members of Keepitposted™, their variable would be: Their ‘Content’.
Balancing the above variables, Keepitposted™ formulated the following equation to derive their monetization model:
[Infrastructure – (essence + philosophy)] = Content
To ‘Step Out’ the business of the enabled, the enabler must consider their own business: what is their business IF it is not to ‘Tap into’ the business of those they are enabling. Or, how will the enabler sustain it-self without infringing upon that essence and purpose in which it was originally created.
This is a very difficult question to answer, because it resides in the decisions made during the initial conception of the business.
Multidisciplinary teams have proven to be an incredibly valuable source of perspective, with each member challenging the same problem from a viewpoint unique to that member’s trained methodologies and disciplines. Solutions are often more in-depth, uncovering a greater number of ‘micro’ effects, node points, points of influence and new methodologies or processes.
Keepitposted™ has learned that although its small team covers a wide discipline base, it still lacks some areas of expertise it has uncovered in order to achieve its own goals. Keepitposted™ has also learned that if it is to achieve its goals and objectives within appropriate time frames, it will require a larger team base, capable of bringing the necessary skills to the team.
Keepitposted™ is currently actively looking for resolutions to those lessons learned.
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