Launched in 2009, Innotribe is SWIFT’s initiative to enable collaborative innovation in financial services. Innotribe fosters creative thinking in financial services, through debating the options (at Innotribe events) and supporting the creation of innovative new solutions (through the Incubator, Startup Challenge and Proof of Concepts).
SWIFT is a member-owned cooperative that provides the communications platform, products and services to connect more than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries and territories. SWIFT enables its users to exchange automated, standardised financial information securely and reliably, thereby lowering costs, reducing operational risk and eliminating operational inefficiencies. SWIFT also brings the financial community together to work collaboratively to shape market practice, define standards and debate issues of mutual interest.
The initial triggers for having a specific innovation focus and creating a dedicated tem was driven by both product and culture requirements.
Product: A good example of a product requirement was the need for a product for low volume customers. Typically, existing products targeted the top and medium segment of our customers, but we did not really have a product for low volume customers. That need was identified before the creation of Innotribe.
Culture: Given the nature of its business, SWIFT has a strong company culture of “Failure-Is-Not-An-Option” (FNAO). Although this culture was inspired on the Apollo 13 mission, where the NASA team would do “whatever it takes” to get the three astronauts back from space, and learning from mistakes, over the years the FNAO mantra was at times misinterpreted as a culture of no-risk taking, not coming up with ideas challenging the status quo, not daring to step forward.
Phase-0: 2005-2007 (bottom-up activities and murmuration)
- Several groups in SWIFT expressed the desire for a faster time to market and a more modern product and service portfolio.
- Just before the creation of the innovation team, prototyping was introduced when one of the innovators challenged an executive on a proposed new product line, and suggested to fund a prototype as an alternative to theoretical PowerPoint presentations.
- The executive agreed in funding 2 competing prototype teams, one for his own idea and one for the idea of the innovator.
The “only” constraint was that the prototype needed to be ready in the next four weeks.
- The executive created the prototype with the existing internal development teams.
- The innovator went outside and procured the development services of Microsoft Consulting Services
- What the innovator did not know was that the executive was already 4 months in development with his own team.
- Anyway, four weeks later, each prototype team pitched their idea and prototype head to head in front of the full executive team.
- To the surprise of many, the prototype of the innovator won, and got the opportunity to make it happen for real in as one of the first Innotribe Projects.
- The winning idea was one of the first to be tackled by the Innovation team that was started end 2007.
- Other needs for application integration and secure file transfer found their home later on in the innovation team. In that sense, the first projects were bottom-up initiatives that first got credibility internally, and then across the network.
Phase-1: 2007-2008 (group established, focus clarified)
- In April 2007, a new CEO came on board, articulating a strong focus on innovation across the company.
The innovation team was formed in September 2007, under the executive sponsorship of the new CEO.
- He appointed Kosta Peric as Head of Innovation, reporting into the Executive for Products and Services. Kosta had 15+ years of SWIFT under his belt, in all possible departments of the company, except HR.
- Kosta handpicked the first members of his team: most members of the initial team had product management experience, and about half of them had joined the company the last 2 years, coming from enterprise software providers and telecom companies.
- Project Management skills were insourced per project from different product and IT units.
- Initially, the innovation team was seen as a fast product development shop where the end deliverables were software products. Black-Belt teams were formed per product, and end-to-end delivery cycles were reduced from 3-5 year to 1 year.
- This was made possible by forming self-sufficient multi-disciplinary teams versus a silo-approach, and a strong CEO executive support with fast and direct escalation paths.
- A good example is the trigger-prototype example for low volume customers. The black-belt team delivered a brand new product in one-year time. The team not only revamped the product functionality, but also revised fundamentally the buying experience, on boarding, pricing model, and business UI experience.
The black-belt teams delivered 3 products to market.
- The Alliance Lite SAAS application targeting the low-end customers.
- The Alliance Integrator EAI product, targeting the mid segment of our customers
- The SWIFTNet Mail product, addressing the secure file transfer need.
- At the end of 2008, the financial crisis hit. The decrease of worldwide economic activity also had its repercussion on SWIFT’s message traffic evolution. In an attempt to increase the efficiency of the organization, a Lean program together with McKinsey was rolled out company-wide.
- As part of the in-depth internal customer review – part of the Lean methodology – it became clear that the executive team was not aligned on the mission and scope of the innovation team. Some executives expected the team to act as a pure R&D and fast product delivery shop; others wanted a pure enabling unit. Almost every executive could be plotted somewhere on the spectrum from R&D to Enabling, with the result that nobody was really happy.
- Lean requested the executives to align in an unambiguous way on the scope and mission of the team: they agreed that it should be a unit within the company for enabling collaborative innovation.
Phase-2: 2009-2010 (public launch, initial portfolio of tools/capabilities in place)
- The Innotribe brand was launched in 2009 during SWIFT’s flagship event “Sibos” in Hong-Kong.
- Initial focus of the revamped Innotribe was on idea generation and creating serendipities
- The core-team composition changed gradually from product management type of resources into a multidisciplinary team of content researchers and curators, facilitation and design experts, and program managers
- The core team was complemented by “megaphones”
Megaphones: very early on we started with the idea of “Megaphones”, some sort of internal innovation ambassadors in different departments of the company.
- In the initial version, megaphones were “volunteered”, their mandate was unclear and their management was not motivated or incentivized.
- In version 3.0 we got it more or less “right”: we have a novel and very transparent megaphones recruitment campaign, megaphones now have a clear mandate, spend 15% of their time on innovation related activities, and this is part of their objectives, and signed-off at the begin of the year by their managers.
- The role is to co-create internal awareness about our innovation activities
- Megaphones also play an important role in filtering the ideas coming in via the idea-management tool.
- In addition they have curation and production roles for internal events.
- We wanted to create a culture where “failing smart” was accepted. To that end, we created a number of tools and techniques to enable collaborative innovation.
By end 2010, we had in place:
- An innovation framework based on open innovation;
- A portfolio of tools and techniques for internal (SWIFT as a company and ecosystem) and external (the financial industry at large) innovation. Most of these tools and techniques were used to create the initial tribe and ideation for the open innovation pipeline;
- A group of internal ambassadors, called “megaphones”;
- A successful event and facilitation practice
Our own “sandbox”. The concept is introduced on Kosta Peric’s Forbes blog here. Kosta is SWIFT’s Head of Innovation, and has documented the history and activities of Innotribe in a recently published book “The Castle and the Sandbox” available here.
- The sandbox is an “incubator” – a protected place where people with ideas can “play”, or to try out their ideas, without impacting the castle. The “castle” is the metaphor for the mothership, the core of the company. The incubator is the place where you can try, experiment, fail, try again, fail again, and eventually learn and succeed.
- We also offer tools to the SWIFT employees like Idea Challenges, Brown Bags, Hackatons, and internal TEDx-like events to encourage team members to learn from the edges, to step forward and to reward initiative.
- The team focus was balanced about 50/50 on internal and external innovation activities.
Quite organically, we found some methods to growing and energize the tribe
- Very early in the year, the team goes on off-site and hacks a very rough activities plan. Tasks are distributed and team members get ownership for “game-plans”, that have to start from the “intention”, and then drilling down into “what does it enable?”, the measurable results, and only then the next steps, milestones and actions.
- The consolidated plan is then underpinned by a communications plan that includes all channels: Social media, blogs, video channel, press roadshows, publications
- Some other team members focus on trends scouting and content curation. Once the themes and trends are stabilizing, we identify the subject matter experts in these domains; we call them the “igniters”. As a matter of fact, this is quite an iterative process: sometimes the igniter informs the theme; sometimes the theme informs the igniter required.
- We also give a lot of attention in creating connections between the igniters for a specific team, so that natural leaders emerge, and strong and aligned igniter teams are formed.
- We have a very solid events/workshop production capability within our own team to create/architect serendipity. Our designs are very detailed, and documented in minute by minute straw dogs, detailing crowd control, architected turbulences, audio and video landscapes, support and effect.
- The ultimate goal is to create connections between people at the human level, beyond the functional level.
Phase-3: 2011-2012 (scaling and addition of incubator and start-up challenge)
- In 2011, the Incubator and the worldwide start-up challenge were added to the mix and we further scaled and perfected our existing tools and techniques.
The Start-Up Challenge:
- The Start-Up Challenge emerged almost organically. Already in 2009 we were experimenting with 1-2 hours/day workshops over 4 days, facilitating our audience with ideation all the way up to preparing a professional VC pitch of that idea in front of a professional jury.
- In 2010, we decided to sponsor GuideWire Group’s Innovate2010, with a specific request to identify 6 start-ups in the financial services space. We added 6 other start-ups to that initial list (really based on gut-feel), and let them compete at the Innotribe@Sibos event 2010 in Amsterdam.
- It was a huge success, and we decided to professionalize the approach. With the first edition of the Innotribe Start-Up Challenge in 2011 in Toronto.
- In the 2012 edition, we had 3 regional competitions (Americas, EMEA, APAC). In total more than 600 start-ups in financial services competed for a 50,000 USD cash price
The Incubator
- The incubation phase was particularly important as for the first time we had a multi-million dollar fund for investing in promising innovations.
It was a natural extension of our proof-of-concept tool, but this time with more a more significant budget.
- The incubation projects are funded by the Incubation Fund, a 100% SWIFT Fund.
The concept of “enablers”.
- To help us deciding where we put our funds, a group of “enablers” was created. This is a group of senior leaders from our industry ànd from outside our industry. They have been selected for their authority and influence as persons, not necessarily because of the organization they represent.
- The role of the “enablers” is to “enable” incubation projects. This is NOT a killing committee or gating process to say “no”. It’s a group of wise people saying “yes” to projects and bringing enabling assets to the table such as contacts, experiences, trend validation, etc
- By end 2011, our Innotribe “brand” was considered the most important brand SWIFT launched in the last 30 years.
In 2012, we explored the Acceleration phase to progress the most promising incubation ideas through different forms of co-investment.
- As the word suggests, the acceleration phase is to accelerate incubation projects into scale-implementations.
- As the funding required for such projects usually exceeds the funding capacity of the incubation fund, co-investment with other parties is one of the options.
- So, only one project reach acceleration phase, but it was not using any form of co-investment to reach that phase. It is a rather well-scoped and self-contained project where internal funding was sufficient.
Phase-4: 2013 (plans for further experimentation with innovation journeys, etc)
- In 2013, we will continue and further increase our innovation efforts, with a greater focus on the core activities of the company for internal innovation, and exploring novel funding models for our external innovation.
- In 2013, we will also experiment with “Innovation Journeys”, a model for enabling business units to win though co-ideation, co-creation, co-delivering. We also plan to complement our existing toolset with scenario planning and story-telling.
One particular example is a project where we plan to combine big data and scenario planning to support our growth objectives. Instead of making the innovation team win and shine, “journeys” are much more about coaching, knowledge transfer, transparency and making the business unit win and shine.
- Co-ideation: the business unit iterates together with somebody from the innovation team on the business needs, requirements, and possible approaches. The innovation team fully transparently shares its extensive network with the business unit, and we select together the most appropriate parties to work with.
- Co-creation: the project objectives, scope, constraints, deliverables and budgets are set together. Team members from different business units are part of the core project team. External parties are interviewed and their opinions further inform the direction of the project.
- Co-delivering: In order to inform the different decision levels in the company (from Board, to Executive Team, Senior Management, Middle Management, and Executing levels), joined roles and responsibilities will be defined.
Here are some of the key implementation challenges that had to be overcome:
CEO as sponsor is instrumental:
- When a new CEO came on board in 2007, he made it crystal clear that innovation was one of his big bets.
- A CEO can make or break the innovation agenda, and set the direction and ambition for disruptive innovation or not.
- A CEO “protects” the innovators from anti-bodies who try to fight change.
- A CEO can “force” certain innovation projects to go ahead.
- A CEO can open the door for skip-level meetings to have a direct contact with what’s happening in the field
Executive alignment. Having the CEO as sponsor is one thing, having the whole Executive Team (and the subsequent hierarchies) aligned is another thing.
- In 2008, the company engaged in a company wide “Lean” efficiency exercise. Part of the methodology includes an internal customer satisfaction survey: it became clear that the executive team was not aligned on the mission of the innovation team. Expectations ranged from a pure R&D shop to a facilitating unit.
- The Lean methodology facilitated clarity on the direction of the innovation team: it was collectively agreed that the mission was to enable collaborative innovation.
- Any company wide program with executive attention is a great opportunity for getting executive alignment on innovation.
The importance of communication.
- If there is one big recommendation it is “communicate like hell”. If “they” don’t know what you do, they can’t support it, they can’t leverage it, and they can’t sponsor it.
- Although we were doing a lot of the right things, not many people in the company really knew what we were doing. When we were dumping at the end of the year the list of our activities, many people were surprised of all the things that went on.
- For external communication we struggled for finding the appropriate bandwidth from our own communications department. The good intentions were there, not the bandwidth. In the end we mutually agreed with our communications department to hire our own external communications agency. For internal communication, we gave one person in the team that responsibility, and we leverage as much existing communication channels like our corporate intranet, Yammer and Chatter.
Being creative with funding.
When coming up with new ideas, we heard several times an enthusiastic “yes, you should do that, but you have to stay in your existing budget”. So we explored alternative ways of funding such as sponsorship.
- A good example here is our Start-Up Challenge that has become fully self-sustainable through sponsoring. This Start-Up Challenge is probably one of the most visible initiatives now of Innotribe. In 2012 more than 600 start-up companies were screened during 3 regional competitions (one for the Americas, one for EMEA and one for APAC), and the two winners get away with a 50K$ cash price. The basic objective of this initiative is to bridge the gap between the start-up community and the heads of innovation of the financial industry. Success story: Mastercard acquired the winner of the 2011 edition in 2012 for 40M $.
Financial: own P/L
- Our best motivation is when third parties pro-actively approach the Innotribe team and ask whether they can buy our services.
- In 2012, we had our first innovation consulting and facilitation contracts.
- Some of the challenges we had were related to accounting of these new revenue and cost streams. In a bigger corporation, it is not so self-evident to create a different P/L and decide what revenues and costs have to be allocated to that new P/L. To be continued…
Legal/Governance: by-laws of the company
- SWIFT is a non-profit co-operative. Certain innovation ideas that are for profit and/or for the benefit of only a subset of the community would require a change in the by-laws of the company.
- The governance of the company is based on a long tradition of customer consultation and consensus making. For example, our 10,000+ members are represented through 160+ National Member Groups. Consultation takes time, and sometime we want to move faster. We have learned to live with some of these constraints, to choose our battles, and remain passionate, perseverant and patient.
Grass-roots practical challenges and scale rapidly
- The team always has some “No rules, Great Scotch” approach and we are a self contained multi-disciplinary team - very hands-on – that if required creates its own artwork, collateral, audio/visual support.
- Over time some “pairs” or “duos” have formed in the team, people who understand each other without almost saying a word.
- This team cohesion creates some form of magic and velocity that enables us to move fast - almost in guerilla style – and make things happen in surprise-mode.
- Our communication style – fresh and with some “un-polishedness” – makes our outcome more accessible.
- For our workshop and facilitation work we have developed “how-to-templates” so that other groups can pick up successful techniques rather rapidly.
Fostering collaborative innovation in a large, diverse, risk-averse and consensus driven coop-op is not always easy. The governance of our organization is rather heavy, and where possible, we try to walk alternative paths.
- Sometimes we compromise for only part of our dream. We get our foot in the door, can show some success, and next time we can do a little bit more.
- At other occasions, we have experimented with the “Jack Bauer” approach. Somebody of the team is sent on a secret mission to talk to executives and even Board members to influence from above. These sorts of missions are not 100% secret. We do them in transparency with our direct hierarchy.
- Also straightforward old-fashioned lobbying has to be in place, to prepare the political landscape for what’s coming. One could call it “executive signaling”.
- In few occasions, we obtained “Executive mandate”. The CEO was just super-public that this or that project was going to happen “whatever it takes”. Having the CEO being very public about this is probably the biggest lever for making progress in a complex environment like ours.
- We also curated and organized Executive study tours in Silicon Valley: having your full executive team “on-the-road” creates a cohesion that’s difficult to beat. It also adds a lot of credibility to the network of experts that the innovation team has access to.
- We also have a separate and lighter gating process. The mindset of this process is not to “close” gates but to “open” gates. This was also the reason why our incubation fund is guided by “enablers”, people who can say “yes” and who can bring resources, contacts, and network to the table.
- For the incubator sandbox approach, project teams are even located in a separate building. It was an empty platform in one of the side-wings of the campus, and as innovation team we jokingly said that we were going to highjack that space. Which in the end we more or less did. With minimal budget, some paint and beanbags from IKEA, we transformed the office space in a loft-alike start-up garage, where end-to-end project teams were co-located.
- With hindsight, the separate building approach may need some fine-tuning. Working separately without much transparency creates tensions, suspicion and jealousy. It would probably be better to physically create the sandbox “within” the castle, like a sort of patio, so that people can look over the shoulder, feel confident that real and cool works is being done there, tempting their curiosity so they are looking to join our projects too.
The benefits of Innotribe can be clustered in to three “Impact” vectors: brand, revenue, and people
The Innotribe-brand has a strong positive effect on the overall SWIFT-brand. During our 2011 Innotribe at Sibos event in Toronto, our CEO referred to the Innotribe brand as the “strongest brand SWIFT has produced in the last 30 years”
- The Innotribe-brand is omni-present at internal and external SWIFT events
- Our design and facilitation techniques create an immersive learning experience
- Our curation expertise brings the finest speakers, igniters and subject matter experts to our staff and to our community
- Customers declare it is “their” Innotribe
- All our activities are appreciated for their freshness, deep design philosophy, and accessibility.
- The brand reflects innovation, collaboration, youth, dynamism, and novelty.
- The Innotribe brand is now strong enough to attract dedicated sponsoring, and initial explorations with an own P&L. We are humble enough in knowing that our brand is and will get a substantial part of its value from the connection with the “mothership” SWIFT.
The Innotribe-brand has a strong positive effect on the overall SWIFT-brand. During our 2011 Innotribe at Sibos event in Toronto, our CEO referred to the Innotribe brand as the “strongest brand SWIFT has produced in the last 30 years”
- From very early on in the Innotribe history, we are getting challenged on the tangibility of our deliverables, how much they contribute to the company strategy and how much they contribute to the revenue objectives.
- It is not always easy to find a fine balance between seeing innovation as a means for supporting short-term sales objectives, and innovation as a means to re-define the agenda.
- A great success story is one of the incubation projects “MyStandards”. As one of the first true incubation ”sandbox” projects, a dedicated team with its own scrum master delivered a new product in one year time, with first paying customers and revenue contribution 3 months after production launch.
- Our internal innovation activities touched more than 50% of the company during face-to-face meetings, workshops, events, and facilitation assignments.
- More than 10% of the staff participated in our innovation challenges
- Several ideas from the challenge have been implemented
- But we feel we have to communicate better, at all levels: senior management, middle management, and the workforce at large.
Metrics used
- Most of our metrics are quantitative and in essence about influence: we measure people reached, number of events, number of facilitations, number of ideas, velocity of ideas from ideation phase to incubation phase, etc
- We regularly perform NPS (Net Promoter Scorecard) surveys. Participants to our events are very satisfied; non-participants (those who never attended) are skeptical and give us lower scores. Another reason why communication is so important
- We are not (yet) measured on revenue contribution, but we start feeling the heat in the general crisis-climate of the financial industry, with a tendency to proving short team bottom-line results.
We have also seen some unintended side-effects
- Tribe behavior. Our events are really special: we architect serendipities and immersive learning experiences. We create connections at people/human level. Our customers love it. We see tribe behavior – like fans for life, groupies – and return customers, who come back only for the Innotribe vibe and connections.
- The tribe keeps growing. Very year we have more participants to our flagship event at Sibos: when Sibos itself attracts about 8,000 participants from the financial system, about 2,000 of them visit the Innotribe Space through-out the week, with about 1,200 unique visits. Some of the sessions go beyond the max capacity of the room (250 PAX) and we have monitors outside so people can follow. +1,500 fans now follow our twitter account.
- We quickly also saw that we had “return-visitors” of our events and on-line resources. In true Innotribe-speak we called them our “groupies”. We started using these die-hard fans in co-designing and co-production of our events.
- Change in mindset on what is possible. We don’t have hard evidence, but it looks like Innotribe also shapes the mindsets of people in financial services on what kinds of innovations are possible in their industry. We seem to be able to plant “big-bad” ideas in the minds of people, execute on them in prototype and incubation phase and get some new waves of thinking rolling. In one specific case, the incubation project was stopped as part of a strategy alignment exercise, but it’s core idea popped-up 3 years later in full force, and is now fully part of the operating plan. Another example is the “eMe” projects (the electronic me), which started as the winner of an idea-competition at Sibos. The Innotribe followed through with proof-of-concept and incubation budgets and resources, and the project culminated in a far forward vision and prototype for digital assets banking. One member of the team got invited as expert in the WEF expert team for Personal Data. So in that sense, thought leadership is also one of side effects of our work.
- We did not plan for it, but in 2012 we are seeing the first customers – both from inside and outside our industry – soliciting us for paid facilitation, consultation and event services.
- We are also very much in demand by our internal departments. This creates capacity challenges. The biggest challenge is to remain focused and dare to say no. We also have decided to do certain internal/external engagements only against a fee and covered T&E.
Here are some of the most important lessons that other organizations should learn from our Innotribe experience.
Communicate like hell: it’s extremely important to communicate what you do.
- Hire a PR agency fully dedicated to your external communication. Design with them a communications plan, plan press events, plan regular press interviews, invite press to your events. Use social media tools like Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Yammer, Chatter, etc
- It may sound obvious, but have a website explaining what you do, what your methods and tools are, what your deliverables are: this should be the landing page for press and other communication contacts.
- Appoint at least one person responsible for internal communication. Communicate everything: success stories and lessons learned. Celebrate experimentation, celebrate success. Have small ceremonies for winners of internal challenges. Organise brownbags, hackatons, special staff events
Think in terms of an "Innovation Portfolio"
We recommend you start thinking in terms of an “innovation portfolio”, highlighting how many projects and/or how many budget you will allocate to different areas of innovation: innovation in the core, adjacencies, new functionalities, new territories aka disruptive innovation.
- Make sure you have some quick wins in core and adjacencies; it will help you getting credibility for doing more disruptive stuff later.
- Keep fighting for disruptive, don’t get complacent or discouraged, it is your mission to challenge the status quo relentlessly.
Accept craziness, stealth work, but capitalize on what works
- Innovators do things differently: withhold some ideas that initially sound crazy or impossible.
- Stealth work. Sometimes you have to walk on thin ice and do actions behind the scenes that are not fully in line with the script or standard procedures. This does not need to be done in secrecy: you can do stealth work in full transparency with your Head of Innovation and your CEO.
Passion, Perseverance, Patience
- Innovation is challenging the status quo. Many people in your organization don’t like change. They will challenge you. They will fight you. Just accept this as part of the job. Don’t get too frustrated too much by it. And if it gets too much, get yourself a trusted friend with whom you can share your frustration, and get on with it.
Your passion is infectious and viral. Talk to as many as possible people in your organization and keep the conversation going. When they see the passion in your eyes and your irresistible enthusiasm, they will follow.
Don’t “force” innovation but do “coach” and enable innovation. The metaphor is that of a parent learning a child to bicycle: at a certain moment, you have to release, let the child experiment and fail until it can bike on its own.
- Be patient. Sometimes you have to live with the constraints of your organization, and accept it will take time to get where you want to be
- Innovation is human business
Stay fresh, fun and accessible
- Almost forgotten, but have fun ;-) Whatever you do, it must have certain lightness, freshness in it.
- Design surprises/disruptions in the flow of your brainstorms, events, and facilitations. Make people experiment with their hands and build physical things, metaphors: they will love it and smile.
- We design our events on purpose with some “un-polishedness”: we have learned that if what you do is too polished, too finished, you create distance and you don’t leave much room for input and creativity.
Believe in the impossible.
- If you are like us and you have a passion for innovation but work in a context where you don’t control all the levers to make innovation happen, then the probably single most important lesson to share is to believe in the impossible, and you have to do so relentlessly.
- You have to relentlessly keep on challenging the status quo, breaking the rules, saying the unsaid, spreading the innovation virus, seeding Tribal energy, with no fear, with a cause to do good, and leading by being from your true self, relentlessly.
- Being an innovator is about having a mindset of tenacity and courage, of never giving up, and embodying an enthusiasm that is infectious and breaking down stone by stone irresistibly dysfunctional structures, and re-building them in tune with the velocity required by our hyper-connected economy.
This post/submission is only possible because we have a fantastic team building Innotribe into what it is today. Petervan – the submitter of this story – is just one of the team members. Kosta Peric, Head of Innovation SWIFT, heads the team. Key team members are: Mela Atanassova, Martine Deweirdt, Muriel Dewingaerden, Greet Michiels, Karen Declerck, Matteo Rizzi, Nektarios Liolios, Dominik Debuyser.
We would not be where we are without the support of Lazaro Campos (the CEO who put the innovation team in place in 2007) and his successor Gottfried Leibbrandt who has been a sponsor since day one.
We also would like to extend credits to “the tribe”. We feel honored and humbled they consider us as “their” Innotribe.
More information about Innotribe can be found in following resources:
- Website innotribe:
- Website Start-Up Challenge:
Our YouTube Channel:
- Example of a Sibos 2012 Feel Good Video
Our YouTube Foresight Scenario Films:
- Example Digital Asset Grid video
- Our Flickr page with pictures from events:
- Innotribe:
- Kosta Peric: and
- Matteo Rizzi:
- Petervan:
- Team twitter accounts: @innotribe, @copernicc, @petervan, @matteorizzi, @karendeclerk01, @Ddebuyser, @Muchedewin, @nekliolios, @mdeweird, @mela_atanassova
- Book Kosta Peric “The Castle and the Sandbox”
Real inspiration to see how you approched this. Great post. Thanks as well for sharing the do's and dont's. Will help us to do other things wrong and share them back!
Have fun!
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Excellent Treatise. Great Exposition. Truly Inspiring. I believe this convincing story would be the 'ultimate' winner here and 'in the field'
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Great submission and I hope you will be among winners. I’ve posted links to your piece on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter with hopes of bringing more attention to your endeavors.
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Excellent, and well deserved!!!
Will share for others to learn about.
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