Partner, Founder, lecturer at Engage // Innovate , BI Norwegian Business School
Me in Three
I help clients innovate how they innovate. Run Villa Vista Taiba, a world class strategy & innovation camp in Brazil. Teach full-time strategy, leadership and innovation at BI - Norwegian Business School.
we are, Engage // Innovate, a Scandinavian management consulting company. Our business idea is to drive innovative strategic transformation.
We wish to engage our clients. This means creating energy, enthusiasm and passion in the people we meet. We call it Creating sparks.
We wish to be innovative. This means being creative in solutions and methods. We surprise. We are different. We think differently. We work on mental models, behavior and company strategy. We help our clients create radical innovation. We call it Dream Bigger.
One Director recently called us “a small company with big ideas”.
We strive to be just that.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Engage // Innovate as Christian Rangen