To build it, to develop it and to support me in what I want to do for others. at Agility Innovation Specialists
Me in Three
Innovation as a passion- oh yes! Innovation to inspire- even better Innovation to be understood- ideal Innovation well delivered- trying constantly
I chose a career path that has given me wonderful opportunities to live in five continents, to appreciate differences, to learn, to discover, to be amazed. It has also allowed me to deeply appreciate differences.
I'd like to add more space to explore and experiment and the time to value the diversity that is all around us for what it can offer- new experience, deeper understandings and above all a more tolerant world that gives us back a sense of time to explore, appreciate and nurture.
You can go through life and never see great men or women at work, I don't mean the famous ones we read about, I mean the ones that stop to help you, to lift up your thinking, your values and provide you the opportunity to experience how little things can have such incredible, powerful effects on those around you. I've been lucky to meet a few who instil, who can shape something that has incredible meaning and hand on their learning freely, as a gift so you can equally carry that forward. They are all around us, often we chose not to see what positive effect they can make on our lives
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Paul Hobcraft
I just keep going back to this, it just resonates for meThe Australian Business Foundation published a report - the Hidden Human Dimensions of Innovation (