Beyond Peak Performance, Metaperformance: the Rise of the Integral Excellence by Michele Munaretti
Inspired by the new sciences and adopting an integral approach aimed to the inclusion of different paradigms, theories and models on the organization field, I propose three requirements to effectively develop every organization: a new way of thinking (systemic/integral), a new concept of the organization (as a Complex Adaptive System), a new integral methodology (Metaperformance®).
In particular, the Metaperformance® methodology identifies ten variables that, grouped in five couples of polar complementarities, metaphorically represent the two organizational “hemispheres”. Just synchronizing these two “hemispheres”, through the dynamic balancing of the two complementarities in each couple, a new and superior steady state of the system can be achieved, in which the organizational potential is fully unleashed and an integral performance (Metaperformance®) naturally emerges.
Metaperformance® is not a flash performance, but a long term performance composed by four integrated dimensions: economic, social, ecological and cultural.
Today, organizations are studied and managed as machines, but organizations are complex adaptive systems, social systems. Consequently, many organizations are sub-optimized in an obsolete, mechanistic paradigm. Everything and everyone is negatively affected: shareholders, workers, consumers, local communities and the natural environment.
Like the dissipative structures of Ilya Prigogine, Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1977, organizations just "tack" (or oscillate) between "red" and "blue", in order to achieve an optimum steady state at "purple".
- "Red organizations" are excessively ordered, so they risk dying for fossilization.
- "Blue organization" are excessively chaotic, so they risk dying for disintegration.
- "Purple organization" thrive at the edge of chaos and are integral excellent.
Be Excellent, be a Purple Org
We need a Metànoia for individuals and a Metamorphosis – a second order change – for business organizations. In doing this, we need the powerful language of Metaphors. We need an integral methodology (a Meta-methodology) to study and manage organizations in a way that is truly trans-disciplinary and systemic at its very core. Referring to the lexicon of Don Beck and Chris Cowan in their “spiral dynamics theory”, we need a set of conceptual tools located at the “second tier” of the spiral(yellow, turquoise vmemes).
How? Simply putting the pieces together, a coloured mosaic emerges! Indeed, I have been inspired by quantum mechanics, general system theory, biology, complexity science, philosophy, psicology (jungian and transpersonal), sociology, anthropology and other disciplines.
So, I developed different Meta-models that constitute the Metaperformance® methodology. We refer to meta-models because they synergistically aggregate several models. All of the meta-models in Metaperformance® are based on the same assumption: the need to balance the system in a "purple" steady state at the edge of chaos.
According to Metaperformance®, 10 universal variables exist in every organizational system:
- spirituality
- strategic thinking
- strategic planning
- culture
- structure
- sustainability
- leadership
- management
- entrepreneurship
- processes
The 10 variables of Metaperformance could be arranged in different configurations (meta-models). For instance, variables could be arranged in 5 couples of polar complementarities. Since there is a multiplicative relation between polarities in each couple, you need to improve the weakest one. It is necessary to balance all of the couple to achive a second order change, a metamorphosis.
Heuristically, on the one hand the organization behaves like an combinatorial system, on the other like a operational system. Blue and red, chaos and order, structure and culture, leadership and managament... all is one, a different perspective of the same system! And we are the powerful "observer" of this system, like Schrödinger with his cat.
Metaperformance® is the ultimate hemi-synch technology for the organizations. I describe and graph the meta-models in the book "Metaperformance, La Metamorfosi dell'Impresa" published in Italy by Interscienze Edizioni Scientifiche or in the eBook "Eccellenza Integrale" at the Amazon Kindle Store.
Metaperformance® is constituted by several meta-models, and each of them has been carefully studied to include and trascend the coloured spiral of management!
Please, check out www.metaperformance.cc
- Purpose, inspiration and community at the work place
- Better business models, stragic planning and strategy implementation
- A strong organizational culture that fits with the most appropriate structure
- Sustainabily fully integrated in strategy, organization and processes
- Distributed leadership, management and entrepreneurship
- Superior business procesess that deliver value to the customers
Metaperforming, a company overperforms its competitors on ROI during the long term, delivering also social, ecological and cultural value. The ability to perform integrally drives to exellence and my study on the performance of 10 multinational companies proves this. I selected 10 companies operating in 10 different sectors and in 10 different countries, companies that generated sustainable industry-outperforming return on investment and whose brands are globally recognized for the highest quality.
Investing 1.000 € in a hypothetical “Meta-Portfolio” equally divided between these 10 companies 10 years ago, would pay back 6.700€ today, a 570% ROI. And, keeping out Apple, the ROI would be in any case impressive: 340%. FTSE Global 100, after 10 years, delivered a ROI of only 14%… no comparison! Indeed, each of these companies outperformed their industries in the long term, creating a dramatically greater ROI. Furthermore, each of these companies went far beyond the profit, delivering social, ecological and cultural value. The complete details of this study are reported in my book, "Metaperformance, La metamorfosi dell'impresa" published in Italy by Interscienze.

The Metaperformance steady-state can be achieve by every company, from the big conglomerates to SMEs, simply following our Metaperformance consulting approach, articulated in 6 steps or phases. An executive committee and an implementation group must be formed before the kick-off.
Every phase is drilled down to operational tasks and detailed information is provided to the executive committee and implementation group, through scheduled meetings and milestones during the project.
Please, contact me if you are interested in understanding more about Metaperformance® and/or publish my book or eBook in english or other foreign languages. Thanks so much for your interest.
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