The Management 3.0 "Central Brain" open source software platform enables integrated Digital Ecosystems spanning organisation, industry, national and global endeavours
WHAT? Management 3.0 is a method of organisation and coordination to focus the wisdom and effort of crowds to within digitial ecosystems to prioritise and achieve valuable outcomes across organisation, industry, national and global endeavours. Management 3.0 builds on the groundwork laid in social media technologies and open source software to offer a superior way for organisations and the community to organise using the internet. Management 3.0 is an open source software upgrade to global, digital, collaborative and transparent networks from the Management 1.0 analogue hierarchy. Mananagement 1.0 was unable to scale beyond the boundary of the organisation and relied upon channels to provide limited integration with other organisations on the organsational boundary.
HOW? Management 3.0 "Central Brain" open source software platform assembles four technologies to enable Digital Ecosystems The Central Brain is an open source cloud-based software platform that enables Management 3.0 across organisations, industry, national and global endeavours. It enables open, transparent and collaborative organisations and community that are fit for the future and seemlessly integrate organisation, industry, national and global endeavours. We can deliver a Central Brain template within 5 days and customise over 30-90 days to specific requirements.
WHERE? Digital Ecosystems are local, national, industry and global communities of common interest that are empowered with transparency, universal accessibility and seemless integration by utilising a Central Brain to enable Management 3.0 within their community. Cascading Central Brains link Web 3.0 (national collaboration) Digital Ecosystems into Web 4.0 (Global integration). Potential Digital Ecosystems include Equity Market 4.0 (global equity market), Health 3.0 (national healthcare), Health 4.0 (global integrated health system), Democracy 3.0 (national democracy), United 4.0 (global governance to implement Economic Development 4.0), Education 3.0 (national education) and Democracy 4.0 (global democracy)
WHY? Every social, political or industrial endeavour needs a Central brain to coordinate community innovation, collaboration and focus the Wisdom or Crowds toward valuable outcomes. Industry collaboration enabled by platforms (not incremental point solutions) is the key strategy for success until 2015.
Software defines the organisation and industry. Proprietary software is built using different technologies. Properietary software is only available to use if licensed. Proprietary software often takes significant time and unique skill to implement. It is also unlikely that the owners of all the necessary elements could agree to combine their respective technologies, resulting in a compromised solution or failure to complete the platform. If proprietary software can provide the software platform for Management 3.0, then it is only available to the largest organisations at a cost of millions of dollars in licenses, implementation and maintenance. To have maximum community and economic impact, Management 3.0 platforms need to be freely available to large corporations and small and emdium enterprises.
Hierarchical databases can’t provide network views of information
The foundation of modern information technology is the relational database. It is hierarchical and this has become a significant limitation in a world incerasing dominated by peer to peer networks. People can share information in a peer to peer way. However, organisations can only see their information from a limited number of vantage points which is usually from a higher level on the relational database. However, in a networked world, the value and knowledge is in understanding relationships between data held in lower levels of the database hierarchy.
Restricted by organisational boundaries resulted in organisational “information silos”, not community knowledge
After decades of information technology, organisations have created information silos. This information is not aggregated to provide industry, community or global knowledge upon which decisions can be made.
Web 1.0 has produced less than optimal decision-making
Convention dictates that the hierarchy is the best way to organize and private ownership of community information and distribution channels is necessary to encourage investment and innovation. The resulting Web 1.0 structures are opaque, accessible only to Tier 1 members of the community and have resulted in outcomes which have compromised some broader community objectives.
The Web 1.0 structures of the world rely on hierarchical information channels to coordinate management and distribute information. These channels are opaque and only share information for a fee.
Coding takes time and money … assembly is free and (almost) instantaneous
Traditional models of software development require significant time to build and integrate new functionality into existing systems.
Careers not community - Fear, Uncertainty, doubt … no-one ever got fired for buying IBM
The draw of the status quo is strong.
Security and authorised access
Participation in multiple systems within industry and enterprise brings with it additional risk and a need to manage multiple passwords.
In the last one hundred years, we have used the hierarchy and proprietary channels to connect, organise and focus the efforts of the global community. This structure offered limited community access, was opaque and resulted in less than optimal decision making. In Web 1.0 (information distribution), we “read” from the web as hierarchies distributed information to us. In Web 2.0 (social participation), we “write” to the web and learnt the possibilities of peer to peer networks by participating in social networks. The internet has grown to connect a billion people and anyone can use it without cost or restriction. The internet enables a new transparent and accessible structure to organise and focus effort – Web 3.0, or person to person, networks. In Web 3.0, we “execute” on the web and collaborate to deliver community outcomes. Web 3.0 (national collaboration)will connect and focus effort with the same commercial and community outcomes in open, transparent and accessible networks. They harness the Wisdom of Crowds for superior decision making and focus collective effort. In Web 4.0 (international integration), we “link” or “share” to integrate social, political and industrial endeavours around the world for global community governance and execution. Every social, political or industrial endeavour or needs a “Central Brain” to coordinate community innovation, collaboration, workflow, wisdom and effort toward valuable outcomes within a “Digital Ecosystem”. The initial inspiration for the term “Central Brain” came from a recent government Innovation report that stated that a “helicopter view” of an ecosystem was . A recent PWC report recently stated that the vast majority of industry winners in 2015 will have industry collaboration infused in their DNA. A Central Brain has many applications with social, industrial and political endeavours. One of those applications is Management 3.0. The purpose of this paper is to build on the groundwork laid in social media technologies and assemble a Management 3.0 platform from for the enterprise in 90 days. Management 3.0 "Central Brain" is an open source cloud-based management framework that combines peer to peer networking (pioneered by social networks), comprehensive linking and tagging of organisation and industry content (semantic web) and enterprise software to enable a open collaborative organisations that are fit for the future and seemlessly integrate into cascading industry, national and global digital ecosystems.
What is the Management 3.0 "Central Brain"
The Management 3.0 network “Design” applies Web 3.0 principles to all social, industrial and political endeavours to create Management 3.0 networks or structures using a cloud-based open source content management system to tag and link the people and content within a community of common interest to facilitate information distribution, collaboration and workflow to deliver quality community outcomes. A Management 3.0 "Central Brain" can be engineered for a social, industrial or political endeavour within 90 days by a few people. The Web 3.0 network offers the following benefits over Web 1.0 structures:
- Deepens participation: Participation reaches lower tiers by using a Web application to connect all participants in community of common interest in a P2P network.
- Expands features or functionality: The network reproduces what people do everyday online allowing new features and functionality to be added by simply adding new software functionality from open source software communities. Features include market prices, content management, ratings or meritocracy, prioritisation, collaboration, applications and workflow.
- Integrates separate groups or countries: Integration occurs as transparent open web networks transcend, complement or replace proprietary limited information channels needed before the internet. They aggregate the Wisdom of Crowds for superior decision making and focus collective effort on prioritised outcomes.
Management 3.0 “Central Brain” - Functional requirements
Every social, political or industrial endeavour or needs a “Central Brain” to coordinate community innovation, collaboration, workflow, wisdom and effort toward valuable outcomes. A “Central Brain” has the following features:
- Transparent – Knows everyone and their intention: Profiles are self published using community specific tags. People can find each other using tag based search which describes “who they are”, “what they are doing” and “what they are interested in doing?”
- Comprehensive – knows everything about a specific community and shares it: information specific to the community can be published by anyone in a single location
- Meritocracy – better decisions: A “helicopter view” and the “Wisdom of Crowds” means better, merit based decisions
- Knowledgeable with community based linking of information to provide a “helicopter view” of each member and the community or ecosystem
- Efficient – simply reproduces what people do everyday in an online community
- Simple, standard processes – standardised business processes and managed workflows
- Pervasive – reaches people within existing structures to align organisation and community goals
- Universal – enhances existing organisational structures or a new structure
- Effective – effectively allocates resources amongst competing consumption and investment options
- Interoperable – tag based data can be freely shared with search engines and other central brains
- Respectful – each user can freely choose to participate, contribute, share (or link) or maintain their privacy (or anonymity)
- Focused on valuable outcomes: members can influence outcomes with ratings, voting on priorities and incentives provided by members
- Adaptable and learns with new features and innovations provided instantly by open source communities
- Ubiquitous: can coordinate the effort and wisdom of two billion people using web applications and the reach of the internet
The "Central Brain" provides a "Helicopter view", landing page or vantage point of how any particular item of content is linked to any other. This creates knowledge that can be quickyl transfered to any person landing on the page. Please see the slide above.
Management 3.0 “Central Brain” - technical requirements
The “Central Brain” has the following features:
- peer to peer linking of content reveals knowledge within a “digital ecosystem”
- functional groups collaborate like a social network.
- Comprehensive content management and linking within the digitial ecosystem includes organisational information, events workflow, events, tasks and transactions.
- people have three purposes within the functional groups
- industry or community collaboration focused on valuable outcomes. An enterprise grade content management system system to tag, link and create knowledge)
- enterprise (or organisational) functions and processes: software will continue to define business processes (ie ERP, HR etc). The “Central Brain” will integrate into these systems to include tagging of process events and transactions and link to other content.
- industry collaboration: this platform can integrate with other “Central Brains” (or open networks) to share information and facilitate industry or global collaboration.
The functionality of each of the above is provide by separate elements from the open source software communities. Open source software is already built for the Web and may be freely integrated into a Management 3.0 “Central Brain” to coordinate a “digital ecosystem” for the organisation. It is the integration of best of breed open source software that powers the Management 3.0 “Central Brain”. Each element can be sourced from multiple software communities. In some cases, only one software package or module may be suitable for incorporation in this “Central Brain”.
Cascading Central Brains form part of larger “Central Brains”
An organisational “Central Brain” forms part of an industry “Central Brain” to improve communication, collaboration and the efficient and effective pursuit of collective outcomes. Each industry “Central Brain” forms part of a global industry central and, collectively provide global transparency, meritocracy and decisions based upon the “wisdom of crowds” prioritised by the community.
Push based peer to peer workflow
The “Central Brain” knows where every item of content is in its process. The process is outlined in the slide above. It can identify information that needs action and draw it to the attention of an executive responsible for action around the content, or a manager if action has not been taken within a specified time frame. The result is push based workflow through executives within functional groups. Managers supervise and approve events within the process. Directors focus on defining the process to ensure it is efficient and effective.
Links “information silos” to create community knowledge
Decades of information technology has resulted in organisation “information silos”. This fragmented information and opaque information limits the knowledge that the community can have and results in lower quality decision making. The “Central Brain” links this information and provides a vantage point through which all other content can be seen. The community has acquired knowledge upon which action can be based.
Authentication across the organisation, industry and globe … roaming contribution!
OpenID is a group of internet companies that provide the ability to use a single-sign on into organisation and industry systems. The “Central Brain” offers OpenID. There are 1 billion OpenID accounts and 50,000 web sites. This means that executives within one “Central Brain” can seemlessly move between roles and functions within different “Central Brains” within different organisations, industries or global institutions.
This presents a unique opportunity for people to work virtually within different organisations (social, political and industrial) and make their commercial or volunteer contribution within each. Individual utilisation, contribution and impact is increased as a result of being able to make a contribution within different endeavours.
The more participation by organisations in open source communities leads to better software for the global community.
Making organisations more inspiring and engaging
Management 3.0 means that all participants focus on relationships, execution and workflow, rather than organisational boundaries and hierarchy. They are free to communicate, collaborate and contribute across the enterprise, industry and other communities of common interest. They will have a specific function and role within each community.
Any person within the organisation, or those from the industry with approval, may participate in any functional group. Individuals are free to make a contribution or execute in any functional area within the social networking structure.
An individual may participate in any public “Central Brain”, or private “Central Brain” with permission,
Developing an outside-in orientation
The Management 3.0 “Central Brain” provides management framework and consistent approach to content management. This “Central Brain” is also linked to industry. As previously stated, PWC believe that a platform to facilitate industry collaboration will be a key success for an organisation til 2015. The industry “Central Brain” is likely to have the same management framework and approach to content management. This management structure could be consistent across organisations and industries throughout the world (in much the same way the hierarchy is today). An individual could roam through Central Brain Management 3.0 structures and make a contribution anywhere and everywhere.
Managing without managers
The “Central Brain” has three roles - Directors, managers and executives. These historical conventional names, but the actual work of each of these indivudals bears little resemblance to their use today. Executives execute a process within each of the functional areas - the focus is only execution. Managers review and approve. Directors direct or restructure the process for optimum efficiency. All participants are reviewed by there peers.
- Direction: The direction is determined by the “wisdom of crowds”
- Accountability: a transparent system makes everyone accountable for every action
- Motivation: the negative elements of the hierarchy are removed and individuals a free to make their contribution throughout the organisation
- Leadership: leadership comes from every person in the organisation
- Coordination & Control: coordination is superior with perfect knowledge of the organisation and industry
- External Orientation: a common management framework between organisation and industry “Central Brain” means that the organisation is integrated with, and has detailed knowledge of, its industry (or community to which it belongs).
- Culture & Climate: the culture has the vigour of a social network.
- Capabilities:
- Innovation & Learning: any individal can contribute to the innovation function, or learn about the organsation from the (social network) functional groups of the organisation.
Global labour shortage - tap the third world!
One example: Add new people to your business in an hour!
If you need some extra people to run your business, search for them (ie; NSW payroll executive), read their profile, see their availability, check community feedback/ratings, call them on Skype and then provision them on your “Central Brain” … in an hour! Global or national “Central Brain” for an industry provide large pools of skilled labour to provision into an organisation “Central Brain”. There is a significant shortage of skilled labour in the first world (33m people). This approach could satisfy this shortage by utilising people in the 3rd world provisioned into organisation “Central Brains” on an on-demand, temporary or permanent basis.
- This M-Prize application will be dynamic. It will include two Slideshare presentations and additional content at www.marcuscake.com. As of the 23rd december 2011, I have not prepared a “Management 3.0 “Central Brain” presentation at Slideshare. I plan to do so. Please check http://www.slideshare.net/marcuscake
- I have established a Buddypress Community to manage client project and invite the exchange of ideas around Management 3.0 and other applications of the “Central Brain”. Please see http://www.marcuscake.com/community for videos on Buddypress, Project management and Courseware and a list of groups available to join.
- The potential of Web 3.0 Central Brains in financial markets have been summarised in financial markets (Equity Market 4.0) and economic development (Economic Development 4.0). A Management 3.0 presentation may be included shortly. A Health 3.0 presentation is also available.
- Entrepreneurs, philanthropists and statesmen need to provide the inspiration for widespread adoption of Web 3.0 Central Brains and inspire consumer, industrial and political adoption. However, each entrepreneur needs to be attracted by a specific Equity Market 3.0 or Economic Development 4.0.
- How many entrepreneurs do we need? We need 5-10. Open Letters are a means to contact people and organisations on the critical path to adopt or align their objectives with the pursuit of an Equity Market 4.0 and Economic Development 4.0 network.
- To secure an initial application of a Management 3.0 “Central Brain”, I have also written a series of open letters to organisations with a likely interest in a Web 3.0 network offering to implement the Hack. Please join me on my social networks and help me crowdcreate this years hack into next years story.
Initial Open Letters will focus on people that may be interested in more than one Web 3.0 network.
- Every country and innovation ecosystem needs a “Central Brain” to coordinate innovation, collaboration, workflow and valuable outcomes
- Who spawns and cradles Economic Development 4.0? The Earth Institute is a good candidate and catalyst …
- Why Open Letters? They explain the role of each person on the critical path so the crowd can assess merit, arrange contact or replace
- Open letter to Stock Exchanges: Equity Market 3.0 is better, faster and cheaper than mergers
- Open Letter to Bjorn Lomborg: Web 3.0 networks overcome Web 1.0 limitations to prioritise and implement global solutions
- My 2nd HBR-McKinsey M-Prize Application for Economic Development 4.0
- Open letter to Google.org and its volunteers: Please help engineer global SME growth (equitymarket.org), climate stability, health and Economic Development 4.0!
- Open Letter to George Soros: Web 3.0 thinking about democracy, economic development and financial markets (equitymarket.gs)
- We can trust the “Wisdom of Crowds” to run the world!
- Open letter to Richard Branson: Revolutionising investment banking (equitymarket.vg), revolutionising financial markets (financialmarket.co.uk) and Economic Development
- Application to TED: A Twitter now and a speaking slot in 2012?
- Open letter to the Ruler of Dubai: Web 3.0 networks to accelerate financial market growth (EquityMarket.ae) and economic development
- My HBR-McKinsey M-Prize Application for Equity Market 3.0
And, ofcourse, promoting the idea through the Management Innovation Exchange!
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