Corporate Centric World and Community Based World
Most of the resources for businesses were possessed by corporations. Employees had to give up their freedom in exchange for salaries and resources. But now, abundant resources are available in the network community. Corporations may have to reconsider their traditional management style to retain talents within them.
Previously, most of the resources for businesses were possessed by corporations. So if you want to do something, joining a company had been the most realistic way. Once you joined a company with traditional style management, you had to give up your dream, do what you don’t want and follow the rules you don’t understand. Starting your own company had been another option, but it was not easy to raise money, hire people, do advertise, establish delivery channels, and build appropriate computer system.
But IT has made it incredibly easy to obtain abundant resources such as knowledge, talents, computer system and software, advertisement channel, delivery channel for free or almost free.
A lot of talents are shifting from corporate centric world to community based world. If a company sticks to the old style management and suppress the creativity and flexibility of its employees, more and more talented people will move to the community world.
Worst scenario for a company is that the employees earn their living during the business hour with minimum effort, and unleash their talents after the business hour in the community world.
Corporate centric world will still play an important part in our society, but companies should review their old management style and let the employees unleash their power within their companies.
- Give employees more freedom, or even encourage them to participate in the community based world such as open source community.
- Give employees more freedom to use their advanced, private-owned devices rather than binding them to use obsolete, company-supplied devices.
- Give employees more freedom to participate in the social network services.
- Encourage employees to create values within the community world, and hopefully bring some back to the company.
- Try to share (give & take) values with communities. Do not attempt to exploit values from communities.
- Improve employees’ motivation, creativity, autonomy and happiness.
- Improve trust and royalty to the company from the employees and communities.
- Can expect synergetic effects of corporation and community.
- Improve the chance of serendipity.
- May have to redefine the word “corporation” or “company”.
- Watch the activities and culture of communities carefully.
- Improve understanding how people are motivated in communities.
- See what the difference of motivation between corporate centric world and community based world.
- Clarify why your company should remain in the form of “company”?

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