Nothing worse than a lazy golddigger ! Government (the digger) installed to provide (the gold) for his citizens, just doing the absolute minimum or better yet the outcome is just the absolute minimum. OLIGARCHY ! I hear you shout ! But to me that's just the result and not the reason. We need a simple and stupid proces to help government take efficient, supported measures to attack the contemporary problems, and this is how,....
Whenever I read or hear something about government taking a decision I frequently get shivers all over my body.
How can they take a stupid decision like that ? Where they thinking ? What data did they use ?
When asking my political friends about the information they used ,very often I go : “ And what about this? And what about that? “ ( when referring to the information which I think they left out ).
I always get the same type of answers about deciding the best for the “average” of the target group. This gets me so frustrated. Since when is “average” close enough? And then, after a while they open up. It seems that they didn’t want to try that “disruptive” idea or that “innovative concept” because they were afraid of the potential negative fallout. This I can believe AND I can do something with this information!
If we see how "adoption management" works, this is how we should build a new concept in taking decisions that affect the community (the source of income for the government) , and I mean for individuals as well as companies ! because providing mediocrity solutions to very serious problems will build a mediocrity community or society in the end.
Government, once convinced they should try that million dollar idea, should get a small part of designated companies (or individuals depending on the type of decision) and brief them with the solution, government proposes and the possitive and negative effects they foresee and use them as an experimental example or tryout . (for example for getting more jobs in a company by lowering the cost for the company, but thus lowering income for the government )
In this situation one could say , if OPEX (labor cost) gets down the company just gets more profit and that's it! But the project would say to use this money to create more jobs, thus lowering stress and work pressure and augmenting work satisfaction and provoking more income for government by reducing cost for not needing to provide for the unemployed and get more income because the newly employed can start spending more money , (and even potentialy lowering crime rate)
If this is tested and proven doable with a win-win outcome these test results can get other companies to adopt this concept. Step by step , city by city or whatever fraction is possible.
This sort of "evidence based decision making" will always provide a "proof of concept" for government towards the expected target group.
In this way any idea which is labelled dangerous or tricky can be tried, evaluated and implemented and therefore rebuild society and get government to an efficient and effective state of being.
I gave an example in the items here above about lowering labourcost in favour of extra jobs or lower prices.But the possibilities are legio...
Jimmy Van de Putte
9041 Oostakker
Contact :
Mobile : +32 479 40 82 52
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