Global Wisdom lifts human potential from 2.5% (Industrial economy) to 23.5% (Network Society)
Global Wisdom puts every “thing” in the cloud. Anyone in the organisation, industry, society or around the world can participate, contribute, “manage”, lead or govern any “thing”, anywhere, anytime involving anyone.
It is often asserted that humans use 1% of their brains and don’t reach their potential. Sergey Brin believes that we are only using 1% of the potential of the internet. Similarly, our “Industrial economy” society structure yields only 2.5% of human potential which is a fraction of human potential. A Network Society structure lifts human potential to 23.5% (with the current 3bn people connected) or 57.5% of human potential (if all 7.1bn people were connected to the internet). A ‘Network Society’ structure can yield 9-21 times more human potential than an ‘Industrial Economy’ structure.
The Millenium Project ranks 'Collective Intelligence - Global commons for the knowledge economy' as #4 in the elements required in the next economic system. Global Wisdom is the platform that delivers a global Network Society and collective intelligence. Global Wisdom consists of as few as 30 networks that can be achieve a Network Society in 2-5 years and also provide the collective governance, wisdom and effort to solve some of the worlds greatest challenges.
In the Agricultural Age, the combine harvester represents an evolution of innovation that increases productivity 600 fold. In the Industrial Age, containerisation and standardisation of rail gauges represent cascading innovation that dramatically increased productivity. In a Network Society, Wisdom Books also represent a common method (or standard) for person to person organisation that has a dramatic effect on personal, organisational, community, sector and national productivity. More is achieved with less if we all work from the same book.
Cloud-based Wisdom Networks enable everyone to see, participate and contribute to everything, everywhere (in every community) in real-time and focus wisdom and effort on outcomes via their mobile device. Human capacity is unleashed by distributed, transparent structures that empowers the individual with knowledge and the ability to organise their community to pursue and achieve individual or collective outcomes. Human capability is maximised by making siloed information in opaque hierarchies transparent and putting all 6 elements of wisdom in the cloud to which enables community wisdom (community knowledge and community pursuit of community outcomes). Wisdom Networks transcend every boundary and facilitate seamless collaboration across organisation, industry, country regional and globally. Wisdom Networks crowd create Network Society, productivity and prosperity and could increase productivity 50%+ and accelerate the Wisdom of Crowds (r)evolution to the next stage of economic development.
Video: Wisdom in 3 video introduction (3:01 video) - click to play
Global Wisdom puts all interaction in every community in the cloud and is the next stage of economic development. Wisdom Networks crowd create Network Society, productivity, growth, prosperity and the next stage of economic development. Global Wisdom is summarised in a flipboard at http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/magazines.
Global Wisdom is an elective singularity. People move from telecommunications to telewisdom (just like they did with Facebook for their social communities). This has a singularity effect on individuals, organisation, industry, government and society. Global Wisdom is achieved by linking individual wisdom communities (including the organisation) within the Internet of Everything (IoE).
Wisdom Networks crowd create productivity, prosperity, distributed leadership and accelerate the wisdom of crowds (r)evolution to the next stage of economic development

Poor decisions by a few, global consequences for many
Decision making has been less than optimal. Individuals with power and influence in hierarchies have made decision which were not in the community interest, or against community sentiment, with significant global consequences. Symptoms include war, financial collapse, insolvency and a lack of accountability
People rendered rendundant by technology, need to empowered and utilised in the next stage
Technology is displacing labour and unemployment is rising. We are not redeploying these unemployed for employment in the next stage of economic development. Society and the unemployed are stagnating. Without proactive change, a generation will not make a contribution to the economy (ie output) or society (ie; prosperity).
The choice to organise Productive Knowledge ... virtually or physically
The “Productive Knowledge” of society creates prosperity. Organising it physically costs trillions, takes decades and now suffers diminishing returns. Organising it virtually costs millions, takes months and provides a jump in productivity and the opportunity to achieve outcomes not previously considered possible.

The next stage involves people exchanging and transacting person to person rather than mediated through institutions. It has happened to retail and social networks. It will happen to financial markets, health, education and other aspects of society.
100 times more addressable data means 10,000 times more patterns (or knowledge) and “a profound change in the economics of the world we live in“. A Network Society in which Wisdom Networks empower everyone by connecting them, their devices and “Internet of Everything” (IoE) things to reveal knowledge and focus the inherent wisdom in the community on outcomes in commerce, health, and economic development. Only crowds can turn (open) data into (collective) wisdom, delivering (community, country, regional or global) prosperity.
It's not revolution, it's evolution ... a (r)evolution of crowds
The community has been crowd creating wisdom for decades. The community crowd created data (ie internet). The community crowd created information (ie world wide web). The community crowd created community (ie social networks). The community crowd created open source software from which wisdom networks are assembled. Wisdom Networks simply add to this foundation and put the remaining elements of wisdom in the cloud. Everything, everyone, everywhere evolves to the simplicity of a wisdom network which relies on people, their mobile devices and cloud app to bring wisdom to everything with one network (rather than the traditional approach of moving information things to hierarchies).
Let's shift to the next stage of development … put intelligence in the network
Global Wisdom accelerates the “Shift” or (r)evolution from Information Age (hardware defined communities) to Network Society (software defined communities). The hierarchy brings physical things and people into the organisation and implements systems to organise them. Society and urban landscapes are structured around this core physical way of organising. The Wisdom Network provides a virtual wisdom book for every physical thing. Every physical thing has a digital counterpart in the Internet of Everything. This means within the Wisdom Network anyone can participate and contribute to anything anywhere in real-time. Intelligence and knowledge move from isolated people, organisations and IT systems to collective wisdom networks accessible by all.
The Shift from Information Age to Wisdom Networks (4:26 video) - click to play
Software Defined Communities (SDC) are simple, a few moving parts (cloud, mobile and people), cheap and launched within 6 months. A few inputs, maximum prosperity output. As outlined in the following slide, we can aggregate “things” in the “Internet of Everything”, turn data into wisdom in 6 stages, share books to turn wisdom into prosperity. People with widom create distributed prosperity. Hierarchies with information centralise power, prosperity and are the cause of stagnation and poor productivity.
A brief video introduction to Wisdom Networks and Network Society (8:27 video) - click to play
Why? Singularity! Simplicity! Society!
Information is everywhere, but there is no wisdom. We can now structure communities with peer to peer telewisdom (linking things in books and sharing them) with a profound impact on productivity, prosperity, transparency, accountability and global community. One web application transforms fragmented, exponential complexity with encompassing, exponential simplicity. History shows that people freed from organising process in an information economy will be deployed to contribution, especially in a network society.
Wisdom Networks put all 6 elements of wisdom in the cloud and come “Over the Top” (OTT) to aggregate the content via meta processes that provide telewisdom for every "thing" in the “Internet of Everything”. Each network can be launched within 90-180 days and transform a community within 2-5 years.
Wisdom Books bring wisdom (data, information, community, collaboration, knowledge and wisdom) to the individual. Screenshots of eah wisdom community lists these things across the organisation. Other screenshots show wisdom in other communities. Features includes task management, audit trails, event management, discussions, polls, gantt chart etc.

Realising potential - only people required!
People work together within Global Wisdom to realise human potential. External incentives to encourage participation and contribution are likely to be significantly less than an industrial economy. The utility offered by the network may drive participation and contribution with each small individual activity creating collective wisdom for everyone, everywhere. The people just need the networks and their devices to realise human potential.
Accelerates the 'Shift' from centralised to distributed
All markets, industries and communities are shifting from centralisation to distributed structures. The key areas in the Shift are community structures, service delivery, money and financial markets. The Shift is occurring progressively by default. Global Wisdom implements the Shift proactively with a comprehensive approach to maximise and achieve benefits quickly, minimise costs of transition and ensure broad community participation, contribution and prosperity. In essence, Global Wisdom accelerates the Wisdom of Crowds (r)evolution.
Elective singularity
The practical impact is to introduce a technological singularity to advance society to the next stage of economic development. Previous Singularity have delivered an immediate 50-100% increase in output (for a given quantity of input/labour). This Singularity will deliver the same outcome.
An Industrial Economy manages in supply in irganisation, industry and country verticals. The pursuit of prosperity ironcally restricts supply. A Network Society manages demand without constraint horizontally by aggregating the people and the wisdom of crowds without constraints.
Video: 50%+ productivity jump from Singularity (3:01 video) - click to play
Wisdom structures mean less travel, more time for family and also less oil consumption. Some believe that the end of cheap oil is a catastrophe for physical and urban layouts which assumed cheap oil forever. A virtual approach to work changes this paradigm. In essence, wisdom can be anywhere, so work wisdom can be at home (rather than needing physically travel to a city). The result is a decline in oil consumption.
Service delivery
CaaS is the next stage of cloud computing, economic development, exports and society
Specific benefits within specific communities
Real-time governance and wisdom can be bought to everyone, everywhere including a students education, an electronic health record, a capital raising in the equity market, high value projects, local community projects, or global issues.

Customer adoption
Each network can be launched within 90-180 days. Each of those networks can (with "Internet Neutrality") reach every person with internet access. The networks can bring wisdom to every individual and community. The key issue will be consumer adoption (informing people of the new way to achieve outcomes). Facebook has already taught people to convert social things into social books and share them. The 30 wisdom networks will do the same thing. People that can reach large numbers of people will need to inform people of new efficiencies resulting from wisdom being used in their day to day interactions.
Single sign-on
People can also use one login (OpenID) to login in to the 30 networks (or hundreds of networks) across network society. The can quickly transfer between all their communities quickly without needing to login at each network.
The key challenge is consumer adoption.
Regulatory risk
A second challenge will be government response to legislate the "Information Age" in place to preserve employment, sovereignty or other issues that may be a concern.
As few as 30 networks can achieve global wisdom. Facebook has achieved Global Wisdom in social. As few as 30 networks, can achieve Wisdom in other aspects of society. These networks could be launched within 6 months and transform their respective communities within 2-5 years. Telewisdom will be a compelling productivity solution for each individual which drives demand from people and rapid adoption. Either the people, organisations or governments will build these networks.
The first steps are to find the 30 parties to build the 30 networks. These could be individuals, corporations or government.
Achieving Global Wisdom in 3 steps over 3 years
The problem is that we reach the end of the Information Age we are suffering from centralised stagnation. There is no solution other than restructuring society from captive telecommunications networks, organisational centralisation and information distribution amongst hierarchies, towards telewisdom, distributed structures and the exchange of wisdom (knowledge and outcomes) between people using their mobile devices. This is explained in the 3 minute video ‘How to achieve global prosperity and wisdom in 3 steps over 3 years’.
The following graphic summarises the path to prosperity for a country.
A country establishes a National Wisdom Network (NWN) to achieve country wisdom. Regional Wisdom is achieved by linked NWN's. A country can also export wisdom by providing the foundation for a global wisdom network (specialising in health, education, equity market) which derives export earnings.
The corporation is more likely to establish wisdom networks. Organisational Wisdom can encompass increasingly more people outside the organisation boundary and ultimately become one of the 30 networks which are the foundation for Global Wisdom. An organisation that can learn to capture wisdom within also has the opportunity to organise wisdom for a global audience.
Wisdom Networks build on the innovation of open source and free software communities. The community has been building the foundation for global wisdom, distributed structures and prosperity for decades. The team at www.wisdomnetworks.im/people have helped put this together.
Wisdom Networks web site
The www.wisdomnetworks.im web site provides comprehensive, clickable tours of each community. The content includes presentations, videos, explanatory letters and a 200+ article blog.
20 minute crash course ( http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/learn/wisdom-in-15 )
- Video: How to achieve Global Wisdom and prosperity in 3 steps over 3 years (3:14 video) http://is.gd/wisdomin3
- Video: The SHIFT from Information Age to Wisdom Networks (4:26 video)
- Video: A brief video introduction to Wisdom Networks and Network Society (8:27 video)
- Video: Singularity Productivity (3:26 video)
Magazines to help specific communities acquire wisdom
Key links (most communities below have flipboards)
Global Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/global
Regional Wisdom (eg; Europe) - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/regional
Economic Development Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/society
Country Wisdom (eg; Australia) - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/country
Government Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/government
Governance Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/governance
Health Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/health
Equity Market Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/equity-market
Education Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/education
Governance Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/governance
Organisation (or Management) Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/organisation. Our Mix entry "Organisation Wisdom" ( http://www.mixprize.org/hack/organisation-wisdom ) provides comprehensive information.
Individual Wisdom - http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/individual
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