How to Find Hidden Talent
Gild helps companies hire skilled developers by ensuring that candidates stand out on their proven abilities, not just their resumes. Backed by proprietary data analysis that examines developers’ work and experience, Gild allows recruiters to focus on the real indicators of developer talent and discover individuals who would be overlooked.
There’s a huge demand for skilled developers, and at the same time it’s impossible to tell by a resume how good a developer is. As a result, recruiters and hiring managers tend to overvalue college degrees and work experience. In tech, where job functions and needs are continually changing, what someone learned in school or whether they worked for a well-known company is not necessarily relevant. Many of the skills in software development can be learned online, and the developers who are self-taught can be overlooked. Gild objectively evaluates developers, which allows recruiters to look beyond candidates’ resumes and see their actual skill level.
Gild was born out of a problem and a realization: resumes have little correlation with talent. It’s impossible to tell who is a good developer just on the resume alone. Today, developers are building code on open source communities, talking about software on coding forums, and answering questions on Q&A sites. It was Gild’s innovation to apply algorithms and data science to all this open source data and objectively evaluate developers’ skills and experience. Ultimately, Gild gives recruiters and hiring managers an objective look at a person’s level of expertise. Some companies are hesitant to hire developers who don’t have traditional markers of success, like degrees or work experience at well-known companies. But for those determined to find and hire developers they know are good, Gild provides a great solution.
Overlooked developers have found jobs because of Gild. Duncan McGreggor applied to Rackspace, and his application was overlooked. Six months later, Rackspace started using Gild, which had rated Duncan highly. Before using Gild, Duncan’s resume was one of thousands. With Gild, Rackspace had a quantifiable understanding of Duncan’s talent. Ultimately, Rackspace realized that Duncan had the potential to be a great addition to their team, and hired him. At Gild, we have also made hires using our own product. One of our application developers, Jade Dominguez, is a self-taught coder and high school graduate. Most companies would not have interviewed Jade because he did not go to college. But we knew using Gild that he was one of the best developers in California and brought him on. When Gild is used, recruiters are able to see beyond social signifiers and hire based on merit, not resumes.
Finding someone who will thrive within a company is just as important as finding someone who is skilled. Gild helps companies find talented people. Although we provide insights about the personalities and motivators of these individuals, how they will mesh with a particular organization’s culture is not something we currently compute. Interviews and connecting to someone face-to-face still have a place in the hiring process. Ultimately, coders with less traditional backgrounds have unique perspectives, which can lead to powerful collaborations with developers with more traditional ones.
Organizations can request to see a demo of our product.
Gild’s founders, Luca Bonmassar and Sheeroy Desai, deserve credit for this innovation. Luca has led the development of the technology behind Gild’s flagship product, Gild Source. With help from his team, Luca built a large infrastructure to scour the web to find information on developers, including their public code and entire social footprint. Luca also led the development of technology that would enable Gild to match identities across social networks. In a year, Gild went from 500,000 profiles to more than 6 million. From 2013 to today, Gild has had 200% growth in its customer base. Together, Sheeroy and Luca brought on leaders who share their ambition to revolutionize hiring. Sheeroy recruited Gild’s first customer, Brad Warga from Salesforce.com to join Gild. They also brought on Dr. Vivienne Ming, a theoretical neuroscientist focusing on probabilistic models of perception and cognition, to become Gild’s Chief Scientist. The whole Gild team works together to maximize human potential and bring meritocracy to hiring.
Please find attached news features about Gild, an internal case study on our work, videos of Gild CEO, CTO, and chief science officer talking about the company, and photos of the lead team.
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