Ideas Tree
Our focus will be an internal market for innovative ideas that promotes active work outside of an individual’s core job function. Because of the tremendous span of time zones and geographies companies now operate in, the idea development would happen through an online portal.
Many big companies are not very efficient at assembling employees from various departments or regions together to collaborate on a particular idea or issue. E.g. someone based in UK might have a great idea but no resources to pursue it while someone in Germany might have a left over resource and no interesting project to put them into. These resources can take many forms: time, money, thought leadership, etc.
Many big companies are not very efficient at assembling employees from various departments or regions together to collaborate on a particular idea or issue. E.g. someone based in UK might have a great idea but no resources to pursue it while someone in Germany might have a left over resource and no interesting project to put them into. These resources can take many forms: time, money, thought leadership, etc.
Any employee regardless of rank, department, country can set forth an idea (i.e. whatever is on their mind that they can't solve themselves e.g. due to lack of knowledge, resources etc). that would guide the topic & scope around which ideas would need to be generated. This would be done as frequently as required.
1) In order to make this idea widely available we could set up an on-line “idea tree” functionality e.g. if you have a topic you would like to discuss you post your initial question – the trunk of the tree and send it out e.g. you could send it out to people with specific job title, department, country etc. The initial "trunk " could be linked with e-mail or office communicator and recipients would get a message that there is a new" branch / message". Anyone can respond to the thread and add their comments, additional questions, build new branches.
2) Certain rules would have to be put in place to ensure this functionality is used appropriately. E.g. for multinational companies a common language would have to be chosen (e.g. all branches posted in English or the most common language); you can only post an idea after an initial research has failed; as a owner of an idea you need to timely respond to people’s questions. Also rules in terms of sending mass e-mails would have to be established to avoid spamming inboxes.
In addition a moderator will be required to monitor the discussion, make sure branches are unique (e.g. repeated questions should be closed and owners referred to the original branch), close old branches and if required assign branches to specific departments to improve chance of a good response.
3) The Tree could be enables not only on a traditional desktop but also through smart phones and PDAs to enable people to communicate at any time from any place.
4) The idea tree could be integrated with various social networking sites Twitter or Facebook. It could also be commercialised and sold to other companies.
5) As the tree grows in size and a critical mass is reached, Senior Executives would select some of the best ideas for deeper level of development, perhaps commercializing the idea or developing some standard procedures that would be improvements on existing processes.
Practical application:
- Within my department, we created a "Job Jar" -a list that held tasks to be picked up when people had some extra time and/or desire to learn something new (e.g. in between projects). A system like the Idea Tree to capture, rank, and prioritize these jobs. If there are internal needs, from a smaller powerpoint slide content contribution, to more involved tool enhancements that need to be made, or new tools/reports altogether, anyone could submit a branch. Instead of having unstaffed personnel in between project, have them pick up a branch that they can effectively deal with. Obviously some tasks would be larger and take longer than others, but it can work. It helps us more effectively leverage resources, and can help train up people on new technical/functional skills
- Tree could be used to manage RAID (risks, assumptions, issues, dependencies). It’s a much easier way to show linkages between issues and dependencies. Branches would have owners, due dates etc and again integration with e-mail and presence of a moderator could help to manage just like a more traditional excel based RAID log.
- Better allocation of resources through this self-organizing method
- Run a quick survey within the company what functionality the idea tree should have. Propose some key functionality and ask people to prioritize it.
- Commence initial IT feasibility to prioritize what functionality can be delivered , costs and timelines .
LBS SEMBA 2001 – Capstone Group
Clemens Dabelstein
Jonathan McGowens
Patrycja Oselkowska
Arvind Ramachandran
Xavier Sallanon
Alan Walker
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