Under Leadership Everywhere Challenge programme what are we looking for- an idea or a leader? A person who will throw up an idea which will catch on like wild fire or a person who will provide solutions to innumerable problems that the world is facing today?
Is the world looking for many Jimmy Wales or many ideas like Wikipedia? I thought we need more Jimmy Wales like people and many more ideas too. We are looking for agents who will power large scale change in the world. But where do they derive the power from?
- WHAT CHANGE- from what to what?
So we do recognize that all is not well with the present situation in the world and we are looking for something better. Power comes from a seat – elected by people (politicians) or acquired power. We are not referring to money power- as money cannot buy you everything. We are not referring to muscle power. So what we are actually referring to is some invisible power – which has been available in plenty, is dormant, is unused, and is freely available when asked- it is the Soul / Cosmic power. Nothing can be done without power.
Once we talk of soul / cosmic power- we are not looking for religious or spiritual leaders, but industrial leaders who live amidst us in daily life. We are looking for those transformational / change leaders – with soul / cosmic power!!!!
Can one acquire Soul / Cosmic power? No, it has just to be nurtured, experienced. It is already there. Connection has to be established and allowed to flow freely though this body!!!!! Here we are not referring to a few leaders at the top alone- but anyone from lowest (new entrant) to highest (oldest) level in the establishment.
Who will be recognized for ever as an idea leader/ Mahatma Gandhi (MKG), Martin Luther King (MKG), Jesus Christ (JC) brought irreversible transformations in the society of a lasting nature and they will never be forgotten by history – by time and space. They were mass leaders. Now I would even name Jimmy Wales (JW), the founder of Wikipedia in the modern cyber invisible world. These are stalwarts in their own chosen field. There are scientists, as well as social leaders.
QUALITIES OF A LEADER / SOURCE OF POWER - What are the qualities of the Soul? Bliss, purity, ocean of peace, ocean of abundance (of everything – knowledge, wisdom), non–destructible (beyond time and space), has no physical body, acts through human body through the intellect and mind into this physical world. A leader acting through such soul conscious thoughts can only be totally transparent, sincere, loyal, acting out of love and good for everyone (not materialistic, not after money, non-self oriented ), blissful, has peace of mind (self-contended)), all his/her actions have a pure, sincere intent. All his/her thoughts are clean, transparent, directed at benefit of larger society / organization etc. This is the culture of Dharma – righteousness. Western world recognizes the word Ethics – which is a set of code of conduct, which may be written or unwritten. So how is that there is some universally accepted code, who programmed it? Does this code change with space (geographically and is it applicable only on the earth?) and time (does it change with century or technology?)? Everyone is pre-programmed with these ethics while born, it is the bodily related experiences as the body goes through world from birth through death that over writes on the original programme. So a good leader is one, who has retained the original programme and act accordingly.
Anyone acting not out of Dharma- his conscience is pricked (by the soul). Interesting to note that we human beings are all programmed by same conscientiousness- and that is why we say- listen to the majority- if consciousness of an individual is out of synch- for various reasons. All this can come if the Leader has stayed connected with the Supreme Power source.
REPLICATING / CLONING LEADERS -In everyday life, in industry we need leaders at various levels. If the nature had really given some magical powers, I wondered whether a leader would like his own clones to be ever his second and third line. Would Steve Jobs SJ) ever enjoy working with his own clones all over his own empire? If nature ever given option to hypnotize people and brainwash people- would any existing CEO in industry use this technique to create replicas of him/her to fill the entire company at all levels? Everybody will be thinking alike, there will not be any contrarian view, no fresh ideas, no progress, no diversity, all are super brains (like CEO)- no need for mentoring!!!!
INVISIBLE LEADER - If a leader wishes to be immortal- remembered beyond his/her life time for good work done, and then why not become invisible when alive?? That means exercising, guiding organization by remaining invisible. If God is able to maintain order and maintain progress of the world – without His physical presence, why not a leader?
CONNECTION = NETWORKING with everyone in the organization. In HBR I find some articles on Emotional quotient. There has to be detached, invisible connected among everyone in the organization. They say Universe is expanding and there is something called black hole at the center. Taking this concept further- we have organizations which expand geographically far into the larger world and survive for decades and centuries. So one thing which holds such giants which started as small miniscule (like seed of a giant tree) –is this invisible ethical codes and invisible binding force.
ROOM AT THE TOP IS LONELY – applies to God too and so to nay human leader (at any level). A Supervisor at the top of his own small unit, while a CEO of GE is head of a organization spread geographically all over the world (earth only- so far). He has to keep his stake holders performance happy with his positive performance. Even in times of recession all round, he has to maintain morale, keep cool, remain calm, and come up with new creative ideas to move the large organization forward. From where does he drive his own inspiration, maintain his own enthusiasm, in spite of all negative data? = An invisible connection to whom? If this invisible connection works, can we think of replicating such an invisible connections (JW, MKG, MLK, SJ, JC- all did exactly that). I can name many more, school drop outs- who have achieved name, fame, and brought positive benefits to the society at large for ever.
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE - LEARN FROM NATURE – Universe has many galaxies, many stars & many planetary systems, down to electrons going round protons and neutrons in an atom etc. Interestingly from macro to micro, the construction seems to be same. Government has federal structure to govern geographically spread areas. Why did not the industry adopt federal or a planetary systemic structure? So why did industry choose to represent its organizational structure as a triangular hierarchy diagram – with a small top and large base to support it? Why do we call it as top down or bottom up approach? Imagine GE managing so many business sectors – I wish I can put each sector as a planet (stand alone system) with its own space (market, product) and time (process times). How does CEO think and act in which time and space? Between planets is there competition, or politics (arising from conflicting points of views, greed, enmity) etc – which are negative thoughts with negative intent?
GROOMING/ IDENTIFYING LEADERS- How do you groom, and nurture a leader to become future CEO? So from appointment to grooming, one looks for person who is in synch with organizational needs in prevalent conditions. Imagine GE, TATAs, surviving over centuries and Leman Brothers going down after nearly 150 years of operation. So in some cases ethics, transparency, sincerity, purity etc were carried through by torch bearers from the founders through the generations. Many of the qualities mentioned are invisible physical characteristics, they are just vibrations emanating from his/her mind – some call it aura.
MIND OVER MATTER- Hence a Leader can be anyone- no caste, color, gender, size, physic, beauty etc. Basically a good leader is a deep balanced (who weighs many opposing options well without bias) thinker (does lot introspection), listens a lot, is not quick to respond and provide spot decisions/ judgments. In fact his / her actions are seen to have long-term befits and get implemented only after a lot of thinking has gone behind it. Some have tried to find relation between these invisible parameters to external physical parameters like face reading, body language etc. The observed and the observer interaction must be zero – to get pure results- be it in physical or non-physical level. Anyone acting out of pure consciousness- will be self-confident, fearless, creative, daring- so what is this concept of market recession, equity market going Yo-Yo etc. So when the Leader is able to remain detached from this external Yo-Yo world, he/she can come up with new direction –and will get guided from his/her soul- to take us all out of recession (only a fear in the mind).
VACUUM IN LEADERSHIP? When there are so many stalwarts in politics and industry - why do we commoners still feel uncomfortable? We commoners feel that the economy is in recession, job creation is at a low level investments in new areas is totally absent and yet there are top leaders earning heftier sums ands spending time in luxury. We the commoners are in search of a Leader, not those at the helm already!!!!! My own feeling is lot of leaders are earning huge salaries (sometimes millions of times needed to live a simple normal life) – which results in fear of loss in case of even small mistake- hence they are risk averse, complacent (non-creative), play politics ( prestige attached to position and hence office politics) and competitive spirit, dominating nature. Many times head strong – not listening and not (soul) conscious – thus just trying keep the organization floating for time being.
Today – America is confused state with its won self inflicted policy misjudgments – acting to dominate the world. Know that America itself is a land that was Explored / Discovered and is still today land of discoveries, land of immigrants- looking for course correction- in search of Leader Everywhere.
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