Merging Analytics with Common Sense
October 8, 2010 at 10:16am
Increasing trust and reducing fear has a causal relationship to the meritocratic organization coupled to strong internal leadership. Trust and fear is indicative of xenophobia endemic to the firm human capital. To increase trust and reduce fear is a holistic process that involves an in-depth analysis of the variance between where the organization currently stands with trust and fear. Generally speaking, the human resources department is the first area where trust is non-existant and where fear commonly exists.
The interview stage is a pure judgement call where the candidate is being analyzed for weakness. With all the effort to build commaraderie, there can never be trust when the potential to dismiss the candidate still exists. Even after the candidate is hired, this trust and fear remains as the HR function within the firm is to protect management and not the employee. Unions also exist primarily to support managagement and to ensure that the unionized employees still have jobs..but not much else.
Therefore, in these organizations, the organizational worker is the "peon". For example a retail employee that deals directly with the customer is at the bottom of the organizational pyramid and is deemed replaceable. Another example, an "at will" employee is deemed replaceable at any time and lives on a tenuous status. The numbers of these types of employees are growing throughout industry, most notably in retail, finance, and business management of legal practices.
An example: There may be a pleuthra of reasons as to why one will assess and attribute to G.I. Joe as being successful against Cobra. In a nutshell, there was trust throughout this organization. From Duke through Sargeant Slaughter, to Jinx, trust was sometimes put to a test, but remained resiliant and breached only once. Overall the resounding characteristics attributed to the survival of this organization is the following: he decentralization of command/authority, strong leadership qualities and soft-skills to induce respect amongst one another, interactive training and development programs, and the use of directives.
Now, as G.I. Joe is a military organization, there is ultimately a chain of command but this authority was essentially delegated and free will therefore was not endemic. The use of directives came as top-down orders and so for purposes of this Hack the facets in the use of the chain of command control will be ignored.
The Creation of a new human resources management system to monitor and fear and trust sentiment by analyzing data inputted into the system. Additionally, the system will facilitate the coordination of suitable candidates into the organization.
It is also necessary to redefine the role within team dynamics. The system will be able to mix and match teams based on a number of parameters, such as need and skill.
Essentially, the new human resources management system will integrate web-based applications that enable candidate profiles to be linked to internal project proposals and additional interactive activities intended to identify compatible new hires, and increase trust, reduce fear.
Practical Impact
My suggestion will have an impact on reducing fear and increasing trust. It is a way for organizations to grow learning about the human capital that is out in the marketplace. A way to familiarize with these potential hires, a way that organizations can be tapped into these individuals. A means to process information and analyze via a comprehensive understanding of personality, psyche, intrinsic talents, abilities and other intangibles.
The portal to this world will be available through the internet, accessible to anyone with internet access. After registering with the site, the registrant will be able to complete a timed essay questioned response form. This form captures the data, in the initial stage of the data transfer and transformation process. Analytical methodology that, qualitatively speaking, will be used to analyze the thought process from the start to the finish.
For example: A registrant completes the bio and interest section of the site, uploads a resume (if any), and elects to receive information pertaining to the industries and companies/types of companies of interest. At this point, the registrant elects a time to sit and elect to answer the series of essay form questions. For instance....
1.) If you were given one million dollars..what would you do?
2.) Student A is able to solve Algebraic equations in his head and prefers to just write the answer. Student B cannot and therefore must solve. Contrary to the opinion of the teacher and the class, there is no cheating involved. Student A is a C student and Student B is an A student. Which student do you prefer to hire to run your organization, and why?
These are examples of questions designed to determine the candidate's ability to see reality, to remove "what ought to be" from its primary setting to a secondary role behind "what is", then leading to "what ought to be". This is the data pertaining to the study of Normative and Positive Economic decision-making.
There are many additional examples and the actual software, website combination is going to be very comprehensive. Too many details to get into on this forum. However, the insight provided here as a function of describing "what is" and "what ought to be" is a necessary transition from fear to less fear (no fear) and less trust to trusting with a smile.
Organizations are linked to the analytic results from the information and are able to ascertain available candidates that will create private and public benefit. A level of volunteering is now possible where companies can reach individuals looking to contribute to environmental stewardship on behalf of the sponsoring company. Projects can be created for these candidates to complete and a budget can be established in a bank account. Reporting to the organization via the tools available on the website will ensure compliance standards and contractual obligations.
Increasingly, organizations are finding themselves linked to Social Entrepreneurship as a means to gain competitive advantage in a "greening" marketplace. Social Sustainabliltiy is a function of this and a means of employing millions of people. It also leaves the Human Resources to focus on the allocation, payment, and record keeping of compensation and benefits, training and development responsibilities for each employee..where HR is held accountable for lack of employee (human capital) satisfaction or lack of growth and development. This outlines what comprehensively involves reinventing of the hiring and human capital management process that is necessary to achieve competitive advantage in the 21st century.
This new human capital management system is capable of being linked to external organizational strategic planning. Over time, the use of this system will increase trust and reduce fear.
First Steps
Work on creating the software from an algorithm design for development of an interactive program linked to an interactive website.

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