"Value Shifts" series : Episode 1.Some doppler effect with impact on your paycheck
Economy is passing through ages, maturing and adding layers.
Some fade away.Some piled up.Economy of scale is a basic one.
Digital economy did tumble upside down accesses to emotion (music, movies, images...) as well as data.etc...
Knowledge economy is trying to materialize.
A vast majority of us keeps getting a paycheck as a labor x hours value.
It is time to innovate by mixing value parameters in corporate wages.
"Value Shifts" is a new serie with a common pattern, a scheme that is familiar for Mixers who took a chance to read other stories and hacks I proposed, with a call for co-operative production.
All about : how do you want to pay, and get paid tomorrow ?starting today.
For episode 1, I propose the helicopter trip, introducing some Doppler effect image, as an analogy.
Therefore a way to illustrate leads, and practical framework, with examples and data.
In a nutshell, episode 1 proposes a shift between periods: A.early bird stage, B.rising star times if any, C. commoditization. Plus a long tail cloning time.
Just as one example among others combinations.
When and how to get out of the cage of labor x hours equation in the so called times of knowledge economy ?
When it is a temptation to consider everything as free and accessible, a great asset to produce goods but of no value. No value really, are we kidding ourselves ?
Do we need to stick to multiple centuries old habits and management rules with beans counting against the clock?
It is time to innovate by mixing value parameters in corporate wages and to shake the so called services deals and contracts.
All about : how do you want to pay, and get paid tomorrow ?starting today.
For episode 1, I propose some Doppler effect image, as an analogy.
Therefore a simplified way to illustrate possible evolution leads, and practical framework, with words, examples and data.
Episode 1 proposes a shift between periods in time such as: some early bird stage, the kind of rising star times if any, the cow milking commoditization, and why not a copy and paste long tail ending, for the sake of one alternative application. Easy cloning benefits to balance and fund development times.
The doppler effect image can help us to visualize, (or listen to the sound of) future paychecks building.
I mean the most simplified version being a 3 major phases and components for computing the value of a (wide angle) knowledge object (idea, transmission, problem solving, bid data (no typo, ending with a D, may be big or small), acceleration hint...).
A first remote hardly visible and shy signal, of extreme value potential (although not yet necessarally bankable), a more familiar period of clear trading value, nicely linked to productivity and time, followed by a long tail of what I call long tail (thin or fat) of micro rewards (such as royalties)
Credits graph FJ Leconte 2014
The shift from blue to red zones reflects the acceleration of the spread of a good input.
The value versus time, or per unit, decreases but the cumulative value of each element in the long tail may become relevant and sustainable.
Depending on different factors, including deals.Therefore either a short flat or thicker and sustainable spread.
Somehow like a star born in some blue (gas) ocean shifting to some comet red (ocean) hair profile....
In the sense of knowledge and innovation value defined in the Blue ocean strategy by W.Chan KIM and Renée Mauborgne.
That is basically the Doppler effect able to move the lines of managing revenues even closer to mainstream business venues.
Idea being to look at the mix of the 3 very different revenue streams.With interesting compound value.
Blue to red driving some interesting kind of "purple economy" mixed raindrops.
Economy is passing through ages, maturing and adding layers.
Some fade away and disappeared.Some piled up.
Others co-exist.
Economy of scale is a basic one. Economy of the rare is at work in antiques, as well as in entertainment.
Digital economy did tumble upside down accesses to emotion as well as data.etc...
Knowledge economy is trying to materialize after being stretched in different dimensions.
A vast majority keeps getting a paycheck or cash or food as a labor x hours x local market spot value.
Some gets bonuses and multipliers, supposely linked to outputs, sales, risks, responsabilities or taking advantage of some asymetries in trading. High frequency being an example.
Question is : how many are able to do what you can do, at the precise moment you dare to do it ?
When you show the way, how many follow?
What is the value for each of them ? And therefore the collective and the consolidated value you generated? What fraction will you get?
How much are you willing to reward the daring ones, and the followers and how long?
Curve shifts description and examples
The risk is part 1 of the sound, coming along with the value image A.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014- UEA Dubai
The early bird stage.
Remote humming on your left ear, or coming let say from the west if your timeline is western mindset and beliefs oriented.....
1.Innovative Know-How
or data crunching, or early release before any proof of concept etc...
is what the knowledge authors bring to the table.
More likely not as a regular flow, but when reaching an excitation level himsielf or for the receivers.
So only once in a while. Think about a book writer, or a patent for R&D engineers, as opposed to a blog articles flow.
Patents and copyright did take care of this space, although timing, costs of protection and trade off with agility
and sharing value are shifting criteria in arbitrage.
Darers, leaders, early adopters can try to get up that curve.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014- UEA Dubai "The Daring Early Bird Diver"
Value is high while cost may be either marginal at the individual level, or reflect a long term investment and effort, always suspended to a personal or limited group bet..
In fact there is a large dispersion in the ratio between the value and the cost of good sold so to speak.
The higher on the curve, the less relevant.
The production is part 2 of the sound.
Now clear stereo and somerimes surround system where more skilled actors join the dance and add to the play and noise.
2.What we are good at and efficient,
as (few to many) others, but available, adaptable and engaged
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014- UEA Dubai " The Engaged Momentum Adders"
This is where emerging futures for resilient ideas, knowledge or date of phase 1 generate a call and appeal for additional free-lance collaborators then investors willing to follow the new open path.
The earlier in the curve the higher remaining value and needs for some daring replication, with derivative applications, therefore still reserved for skilled, technical or creative followers.
This is where the new perspective given to many, with more opportunities than risk or unknown is providing different data, different business models, or technical solutions, or emotions.
And materials for rebouncing.
The eco-system can be highly responding and recycling some of it.
Even a micro-reward can pile up and fuel other daring adventures.
The reproduction is part 3, a diverse range of outputs, from tense and bright and sustained to fading
3.What is the impact of Know How former actions
Low cost cloning and diffusion
Spread can be done at the speed of light, sequenced like a laser pump or high frequency trading orders scanning, at diving costs rapidly bottoming to nothing.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014 Provence/ France " Scaled pulses replicas "
but high value of sustainability eventually.
this is where the new perspective given to many, with more opportunities than risk or unknown is providing different data, different business models, or technical solutions, or emotions.
And materials for rebouncing.
The eco-system can be highly responding and recycling some of it.
Even a micro-reward can pile up and fuel other daring adventures.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014- UEA Dubai " The New Angle and Perspective revealed"
This is another place where paycheck sound can and should be serviced and tuned in the coming years.
This can help to get out of some dead end costs comparison of today global economics.
And gives back hope and engagement to many, starting by some knowledge workers and dealers.
This can bring new deals and win-win outputs, solving some free lunch and open sources equations, that are helpful but also a drying and starvation process.
While making corporate places as well as family businesses a better match with already moving skills, knowledge workers market places and engagement processes.
Something we could get addicted to.
A pure concept design set of data could be the following :
Y2000 a marketing manager is granted 100Kusd a year total benefits + bonus for reaching personal goals
Y2020 a marketing manager is granted 50Kusd a year partial benefits for a 100 days of work by contract with the premier rank company + bonus for a partner company reaching its business goals + 30 days of remote (physically abroad missions or on line duties) field support for previous experience expertise at company A and partners + 5 years fees contract on an innovative solution, not patented, but recycled by some eco-system.
Replace marketer by engineer, or HR. Finance alike.
Not as a unique case, but soon quite a common new package mix.
Get it?
Like fresh air.
Almost as difficult as creating a new currency.
We can make it the hard way (think about the birth of Euro, as much powerful as painful).
We can choose the under the radar (cf "neutrinos management" 2012 hacks..) bitcoins tactic.
Both pro and cons.
The challenge is to convince funders, investors, managers or HR compensation&benefits managers to open a fraction of their mind to this knowledge element impact.
And dare to experiment in corporate or family business what is already partly at work in some more knowledge driven eco-systems.
Step 1 : check how much the problem are appealing to some of the MIX community, and resonates with daylife limitations of today frameworks
Step 2: share the existing business model idea and representation ( a curve actually)
Step 3 : check how any already fit somehow into the model and can feed some parts of the real situations illustrations and quotation.
Step 4 : experiment in the real world of a corporate business context, on a 3 year start up funding as part as the innovative allowances of many kinds that already exist.
So as explained as a challenge, it takes to convince managers or HR comp&ben to open a fraction of their mind and dare to experiment what is already partly at work, spread in different eco-systems.
Some vortex could be the output and a powerful stream wide opening the doors and minds, fed by some aspiration of numerous talents and knowledge forces.
Boosted by the survivor motivation of many willing to escape from the low cost/ or free lunch prisoner dilemna.
Although I try to be innovative, I must recognize the triggers, sparkles, catalysts and names the giants shoulders I am taking advantage of to look beyond my own natural horizon for bolder inspiration.
For this series, I need to name
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, mostly thanks to analysis elements developped into his "Anti-Fragile" concept.
Seth Godin, again for "Linchpin" but all multi-directional blog arrows,
Jeanne C.Meister& Karie Willyerd with their forward-looking synthesis book by the ame of "The 2020 workplace".
Benoit Mandelbrot, for the huge impact of his "The Fractalist ; Memoir of a scientific maverick" on daring abilities to claim a personal right to be wrong. And free to link nots between oranges and elephant bananas consumption statistical data, that some can call mental frauds.As long as being convinced it is a potential lead.
For this Episode 1, I need to add a first binary pulsar of bright thinkers :
W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne (1999), Strategy, value innovation, and the knowledge economy, Sloan Management Review, vol.40, issue 3, p. 41-54
"Blue Ocean Strategy". Harvard Business Review (Boston: Harvard Business School Press): 76–85. October 2004
Slide about Value shift Doppler effect curve example inserted in the body text.
Additional episodes drilling down or adding to the valuation point and application leads and examples.
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