"Value Shifts" series : Episode 3. Echoes
A very simple, bare episode 3.
Opposite to 1 & 2.
Kind of a break.
And Mix experience.
All about : how do you want to bring value and define value at the same time ?
It is about the power law of engagement. To be highly recognized, leveraged and valued.
For episode 3, I propose the "call to community" to get valuable inputs about the different shifts in economy
Episode 3 is about how much the Mixers can light up the path with some milestones and benchmarks. to daring managers of the new kind ?
The daring ones willing to compensate knowledge sharing and co-operative production with innovative compound deals ?
And demonstrate the value of investing time to add to the co-operative intelligence at the same time.
Simply list economy shifts, and connect the most relevant ones to the definition of value.
Assess the potential impact on paychecks design.
Propose frameworks, definitions and examples, with data, that will make sense in new trade-offs between traditional managers. and knowledge oriented agents, as individuals and communities.
Moving the lines in different economic environment, all looked at through the filters or prism of knowledge sharing, spreading and co-operative production.
Economy of scale
Labor economy
Barter economy (currency)
Mass consumption economy
Sharing economy
Gift economy
Information economy
Informal economy
Digital economy
Virtual economy
Knowledge economy
Collaborative economy
Creatve economy
Cognitive cultural economy
Cultural economy
Purple economy
Inclusive economy
Counterfeit economy
Start up economy
Arts and antiques market (economy of the rare)
Long Tails
High Frequency Trading
Intellectual property
Data Science
Open Source
Echoes and feed-back to Episodes 1 and 2.
We will demonstrate an application of the Value Shifting Doppler effect eventually.
Or illustrate the strength of resistance.
We can impact the ratio of interaction on all Mix dynamics, and take it to an upper sate of excitement.
We can contribute to establish new contribution loops. Some vortex stream as describe into Episode 1.
And rewards.
This can help to get out of some dead end costs comparison of today global economics.
And gives back hope and engagement to many, starting by some knowledge workers and dealers serving at the wide open bar.
Something we could get addicted to.
Dive in momentum.
Reduce fear, increase trust (typical moonshot)
Somehow creating a new currency, or a basket mix of existing ones.
I propose a 2 steps (texan) dance first to jump start our colective analysis :
1.Please jump in via the easiest way and demo : just comment the list proposed below first.
Two words, one line, a full statement, do not be shy and do not censored yourself (within respect fo the Mix manifesto).
Your call.
Comment. Echo. Feed-back.
Economics. (Echo no Mix ?)
Taxonomics insights.
2.I will integrate back up in the body text, at the appropriate place (additional leads into the solution, challenges,steps), and extrapolate eventually ideas that I understand and feel comfortable to carry on.
You can even co-author directly if you find your own motivation to dare and dive in.
It can be again text, links, but also a picture, web captures or drawings, too as long as you give the credits to the author and sources.
Then we will see where we go...
Let's welcome some serendipity...
Although I try to be innovative, I must recognize the triggers, sparkles, catalysts and names the giants shoulders I am taking advantage of to look beyond my own natural horizon for bolder inspiration.
For this episode another binary pulsar set of guides : Don Tapscott and Anthony D.Williams, with must read famous "Wikinomics" and 2011 "Macrowikinomics.Rebooting business and the world" dedicated to entrepreneurs and social innovators by the authors.
All lighthouse signals for our own taxonomics search.
("We key No Mix"...how fun, sounds like a rap hit echoeing episode 2 No comment... )
For this series, I need to name
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, mostly thanks to analysis elements developped into his "Anti-Fragile" concept.
Seth Godin, again for "Linchpin" but all multi-directional blog arrows,
Jeanne C.Meister& Karie Willyerd with their forward-looking synthesis book by the name of "The 2020 workplace".
Benoit Mandelbrot, for the huge impact of his "The Fractalist ; Memoir of a scientific maverick" on daring abilities to claim a personal right to be wrong. And free to link nots between oranges and elephant bananas consumption statistical data, that some can call mental frauds.As long as being convinced it is a potential lead.
I wish to be very soon able to pile add names of daring Mixers and mention of additional content and materials.
Additional episodes drilling down or adding to the valuation point and application leads and examples.
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