"Value Shifts" series : Episode 4.Purple Echoes Trading.
"Like" in a blink, versus "S.M.A.R.T comment" ?
Let's value these objects .
Mixers : let's get into some "Taxonomics". Nothing to be afraid of.Not a disease.
Only an invitation to sort and identify organic evolution and put numbers around.
Economy is passing through ages, maturing, adding layers and changing pricing power.
Some former models fade away.Some pile up.
Digital economy did tumble upside down accesses to emotion (music, movies, images...) as
well as data.etc...see Episode 1 and 2 and 3...and play.OR get into the dance circle.
Knowledge economy is trying to materialize.We can help.
It is time to innovate by mixing value parameters in Mix contributions.And iilustrate.
"Value Shifts" is a serie with a common fractal pattern, a scheme that is familiar for
Mixers who took a chance to read other stories and hacks I proposed, with a call
for co-operative production.
Fractal because it can multiply in smaller chunks but add up absolute value of very high magnitude.
And because fractal, we must realize it can develop fast and cheap along organic growth power of nature principles and ecology.
Also along life nervous connections principles, and within colonies of living beings organization models.
Ants, bees or maverick thinkers.
All about : how do you want to value contribution, and feed-back, and add-ons connection ? starting
For episode 4, I propose the scanner imaging, introducing some currency debate.So to be able to trade.Get into a win-win value creation deal.
In a nutshell, episode 4 is about how much the Mixers can show the path to daring
managers of the new kind.
Especially about how big the value of investing time to add to the co-operative intelligence, on a multi-tier scale as opposed to basic social media functions, in order to match deeper grounds of any manifesto and collective goals and dream.
Mix is a productive community. Quite diverse and counting many smart people.
Can we get S.M.A.R.Ter. ? You know the basic acronym. I have nothing else in mind at that stage.
That is to say to commit drilling into "S"pecifics as opposed to surface in the air trendy melodies. And Measures oriented.
Toward "A"chievable line pushing, moves and shifts. What can corporate world and actors can accept?
"R"ealistic versus to each his own position and relative influence. What percentage of darers can be reached to make a diffference ? Or how many are ALREADY into such framework ?
And all above with a smart leverage of "T"ime dimension.How fast the trading or how long can we wait for maturity and acceptability of such moves ?
Purpose of the MIX is very well defined, and its manifesto is a Best in Class in terms of clarity and expectations;
I can find lots of posts of high interest and brain opener, or detailed testimonials with high value to my own needs.
Although, we saw in pervious episode how data show that hackers and story tellers talent is higher (strictly quantitative) than the capacity to rebound and add to the content.So far.
Clearly not a designed to become a conversational social network, it is however a loss of value to end up with a very basic ratio of over 95% push mix, and over 95% individual, regardless of any topic and author, wiuth the exception of specific challenges and moments.
Our shift problem is therefore quite plain simple : how to engage a growing number of Mixers to balance reading time with comments additive efforts?
Get echoes and shifts.To add and combine colors like autistic brains map and calculate.
(Shifted ) Photo credits FJL 2014 Singapore "Bridge Reflections For Purple Echoes".
" Shifting like Doppler effect to combine blue and red oceans"
Cross fertilization being already at work (it is easy to identify such effects as people rebounce with similar experiences), the next step is to : how to engage more mixers to...Mix and Mash.
Mix In co-production.
In this micro lab context : when any mixer is posting a Story, a hack, a barrier or a blog article, we collectively gain an asset of a certain and variable value.
To be evaluated by each of us, according to our own needs and starting point.
This will be the focus of a next episode dedicated to valuation examples.
Reading such a post is trigerring an individual debt column entry on your knowledge bank account.
Negative is the case you believe you lost your time investment. Shared responsbility.You are e-powered and enpowered to better filter your search.
But positive against your starting point on the topic, or the valuable capacity for the post to open a door you did not know about.
Directly related to the post topic, OR only related to the connection for yourself to some personal idea, issue, rebound, whatever it trigerred by sharp insights or total serendipity.
A good surprise often far away from the author purpose and goal. Data, understanding, opportunities light up, free coaching sparkle, or emotion alike.
Whatever the value of the post and the surprise if any, along your own needs scale, we can establish for the sake of a framework, a virtual currency of 100 for the post.
We can now apply this starting fundation platform to any relevant business environment, as a replica and extrapolation of the Mix contribution lab example.
So as a summary and as of today : a large enough community to pretend to move up to the second part of the Doppler shift curve (cf episode 1), and armed to propose new deals, within a trading framework, more likely to convince stakeholders to study new currencies options, and rewards or incentives paychecks.
We will demonstrate an application of the Value Shifting Doppler effect eventually.
Or illustrate the strength of resistance.
We can impact the ratio of interaction on all Mix dynamics, and take it to an upper sate of excitement.
We can contribute to establish new contribution loops. Some vortex stream as describe into Episode 1.
And rewards. Thanks to clearer comparison elements to existing very well known basis, some sort of revised "Taxonomics" around wages, incentives, fees, labor to purple economy elements, but a working process to consolidate into easy to manipulate packages.
This can help to get out of some dead end costs comparison of today global economics.
And gives back hope and engagement to many, starting by some knowledge workers and dealers.
Something we could get addicted to.
The reproduction is part 3, a diverse range of outputs, from tense and bright and sustained to fading
Back to Episode one statement : Almost as difficult as creating a new currency.
We can make it the hard way (think about the birth of Euro, as much powerful as painful).
We can choose the under the radar (cf "neutrinos management" 2012 hacks..) bitcoins tactic.
Both pro and cons.
The challenge is to convince funders, investors, managers or HR compensation&benefits managers to open a fraction of their mind to this knowledge element impact.
And dare to experiment in corporate or family business what is already partly at work in some more knowledge driven eco-systems.
We can multiply the base by the collective interest : does it add up to the community objectives and fund in term of knowledge assets, within a time frame. same insight have a higer value when ahead of global awrareness or agreement ?
You can substract for yourself whatever the debt for lost time reading something no so fresh and inspiring, because already heard or read 100 times elsewhere for instance.
Anyone deciding to like is adding a value of 1 unit in our new born currency.
Because it is helping (a little) others to get opportunity and interest to read, while reducin the risk of losing time.
Anyone deciding to comment makes a differrence and a clear step u for comment author and for the collective intelligence.
Value is at least double of like (let say 3 if limited to a thank you or praise), but jumps to 5 or above if it does point back to a specific part of the content, or link to existing related knowledge with sources and resources infos, data or links. It adds instantly to the next reader.
See how value can pile up and shift, when we ourselves individually shift from like to comments, and colectivelly recognize this contribution segmentation and currency trading place mechanism.
(Back to episode 1) Doppler curve phase 3 questioning:
What is the impact of Know How former actions ?
Post is phase 1 value of 50 + on the graph.Sky is the limit.
Value of 100 in our calculation.
In real business and industries life, units can be grands of usd for books,
Up to Millions for an input ending as a molecule or bio-genetic drug or sequencing patent with market blockbuster potential final output.
On social networks it can be a blog post. 50 followers on a niche site up to 50K likes on a mass market of mobile devices screens.Time any click fee value, according to the media space.
At phase 2 some smart scouters, investing times to get fresh ideas and innovative or creative inputs as close to the source as possible (like using a telescope to get back to the singular event of all energies concentration).
Other early adopters get the point and capture both the value and a part of the time related advantage, and can benefit from the drafting effect.Same field and market or as a transpose into another time and space segment.
At this stage it is often not so clear to establish a clear link between original ideas and derivated usage, especially in open and sharing data and source friendly environment.
Patent is easier.Infringement is early detection.But costly to stop as a trade off.
A comment would fit into this spot.With standard value of 2 units for a precision question to the author (not direclty pushing the debate but helping other readers to grasp more of the complexity or the novelty).
With low value, kind of appreciable pad in the back for thanks and praise, in the tenths of unit range.
Still the more, the better for morale and final consolidation.
High value of 5, same as innovative know-how at the bottom of the ladder, reflects addition to the author thoughts or data providing.It is a co-operative valuable asset taken to the collective table.
Phase 3 is the more bankable one.
This is what I defined as :
Low cost cloning and diffusion
Spread can be done at the speed of light, sequenced like a laser pump or high frequency trading orders scanning, at diving costs rapidly bottoming to nothing.
This is likely where funders can accept to open their minds, for the risk and rewards are with very manageable.It does not nedd to rely upon costly patents or copyrights licensing.
but high value of sustainability eventually.
this is where the new perspective given to many, with more opportunities than risk or unknown is providing different data, different business models, or technical solutions, or emotions.
And materials for rebouncing.
The eco-system can be highly responding and recycling some of it.
Even a micro-reward can pile up and fuel other daring adventures.
Massive infringement such as generic drugs or estabilshed best sellers copies are easier to value and catch.Still not so easy to stop everywhere.But rewards for every stop are piling up.It is a luxury goods and market source of revenues, relevant versus official markets sales with high brand asset and rare market collateral benefits.
Combined revenues from blue period (one hit of high value) down to red shift (multiple raindrops cloning of very small derivated value) can mix into an attractive sustainable purple rain, echo of the so-called purple economy principles.
" Purple economy " meaning it does contribute to enrich any input (not necessarally cultural) with a cultural dimension. The cloning and echoes processes are creating culture features within a community by definition.
These are places where paycheck sound can and should be serviced and tuned in the coming months.
Although I try to be innovative, I must recognize the triggers, sparkles, catalysts and names the giants shoulders I am taking advantage of to look beyond my own natural horizon for bolder inspiration.
For this episode also the binary pulsar set of phase 1 Blue shift to red guides : Don Tapscott and Anthony D.Williams, with must read famous "Wikinomics" and 2011 "Macrowikinomics.Rebooting business and the world" dedicated to entrepreneurs and social innovators by the authors.
All lighthouse signals for our own " Taxonomics" search.
("We key No Mix"...how fun, sounds like a rap hit echoeing episode 2 No comment and 3 Echoes.. )
For this series, I need to name
Nicholas Nassim Taleb, mostly thanks to analysis elements developped into his "Anti-Fragile" concept.
Seth Godin, again for "Linchpin" but all multi-directional blog arrows,
Jeanne C.Meister& Karie Willyerd with their forward-looking synthesis book by the ame of "The 2020 workplace".
Benoit Mandelbrot, for the huge impact of his "The Fractalist ; Memoir of a scientific maverick" on daring abilities to claim a personal right to be wrong. And free to link nots between oranges and elephant bananas consumption statistical data, that some can call mental frauds.As long as being convinced it is a potential lead.
I wish to be very soon able to pile add names of daring Mixers and mention of additional contant and materials.
Additional episodes drilling down or adding to the valuation point and application leads and examples.
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