"Value Shifts" series : Episode 5.FM Break.
Recognizing the superior value of a "Comment" versus a "Like" was previous episode example.
How much do we value as a community when a daring mixer makes an interception and bounces back to take someone else idea to a new field area ?
Episode 5 echoes and bounces back on "5 Fingers Management rule" by September Mixer Hacker: Sidarth Tikoo, All about Diversity.
Episode 5 also introduces a "Fundamental Measurable" break point. (FM).
Photo credit FJ L 2013 Barcelona, Spain : "Shifting buildings cross contributions ?"
The FM point where we shift from individual idea to a co-operative production.Where and when diversity kicks in, in the real world.No intellectual construction any longer.
Co-op at work.And elevating.
The match is not obvious at first sight, lines are not parallel.Nor they are clearly converging.
However a break is done. Different angles show up.
A new balance.
Beyond the over-utilized expression, how can we shift for tangible recognition of "diversity" ?
Shift value of any expression of diversity in processing, thinking or contributing to collective assets.
Economy is passing through ages and episodes (joke), maturing, adding layers and changing pricing power.
Power of 5 (fingers, people combinations, 5 Why's etc...) is an interesting moonshot. Let's try not to foolishlly focus on one single finger tip. But the moon and all.
Digital economy did tumble upside down accesses to emotion as
well as data.etc...see Episode 1to 4...
Knowledge economy is trying to materialize.Need our help.
It is time to innovate by mixing HACKING parameters in Mix contributions
"Value Shifts" is a serie with a common fractal pattern, a scheme familiar for
Mixers who read other stories and hacks I proposed, with a call for co-operative production.
Also along life nervous connections principles, and within colonies of living beings organization models.
Ants, bees or maverick thinkers.
All about : how do you want to value contribution, feed-back, and add-ons connectivity?
For episode 5, I propose the recycling of the Five Fingers Management hack from Sidarth, to challenge the diversity value, and get some price shifting power.
In a nutshell, episode 5 is about Mixers pretending revisiting the calculation of added value.
Adding Time dimension.
And bouncing universes dynamics.
Let's be daring thinkers without fear and spheres of protection...
Mix is a productive community. Quite diverse, yet still acting as a very homogeneous and often traditional framework.
Companies promote diversity, and when played open and right, many get benefit of it.
Yet the benchmark guiding valuation and compensation are still based on individual performance evaluation, combined with some collective elements.
This is different from differenciating and rewarding about the impact of indivual action on the collective dimensions, the fact to be a catalyst or a matchmaker of ideas.
We already covered some examples in previous episode how data show that hackers and story tellers talent is higher (strictly quantitative) than the capacity to rebound and add to the content.So far.
We keep walking down that path.
Problem becomes : how to shift value from individual performance contribution to the consolidated result, to the measure of interaction influence itself?
Analyze real situations. Try to put some description and data.
Beyond the very politically correct and over-utilized expression, how can we shift for more tangible recognition of "diversity" ?
I am not talking about positive discrimination of any kind, not even focusing on different individuals,
I mean shift value of any expression of diversity in processing, thinking or contributing to collective assets.
So within the co-operative production pipe and scope.
So let's introduce a "Fundamental Measurable" breaking point. (FM).
The point where we shift from individual idea to a co-operative production.Where and when diversity kicks in, in the real world.Nothing intellectual any longer. Co-op at work.
Diversity is not a goal. It must be the power factor.It must be the engine of new process design, of interactions generation.
Cross fertilization needs to be put at work on a more extensive scale.
In this micro lab context : when Sidarth the mixer is posting this 5 fingers hack,we collectively gain an asset of a certain and variable value.
Reading such a post is trigerring an individual debt column entry on your knowledge bank account.
Positive in my own above case, as I can recycle some of the key material exposed.
A good surprise often far away from the author purpose and goal. Data, understanding, opportunities light up, free coaching sparkle, or emotion alike. Surprises are very motivating and engaging. Services marketing pros know how to invite surprises into so called "Customer Paths" or "Clients experiences".
Whatever the value of the post and the surprise if any, along your own needs scale, we did establish for the sake of a framework, a virtual currency of 100 for the post. (see previous episode 4)
Within this image of a diverse group of 5 "handymen", as of today, the odds are high that the inviduals matching the definition of index finger, and ring finger will get the higher evaluation in a corporate performance rating.
Because what they deliver is clear, and first degree value versus short term company goals.
It does not say anything about how they got to the results.
We can try to compensate this bias by encouraging diversity actions with incentives.
Not as cash money, but as performance evaluation elements.
We will demonstrate another application of the Value Shifting Doppler effect eventually.
Or illustrate the strength of resistance. In our own context, while so easy to replicate or extrapolate into other systems.
We still and again seek to impact the ratio of interaction on all Mix dynamics, and take it to an upper sate of excitement.
We can contribute to establish shorter contribution loops. Some vortex stream as describe into Episode 1.
And rewards. It does increase our "value shift trade market" tools.
This can help to get out of some dead end costs comparison of today global economics.
And gives back hope and engagement to many, starting by some knowledge workers and dealers.
Back to Episode one statement : Almost as difficult as creating a new currency.
We can make it the hard way (think about the birth of Euro, as much powerful as painful).
We can choose the under the radar (cf "neutrinos management" 2012 hacks..) bitcoins tactic.
Both pro and cons.
The challenge is to convince funders, investors, managers or HR compensation&benefits managers to open a fraction of their mind to this knowledge element impact.
And dare to experiment in corporate or family business what is already partly at work in some more knowledge driven eco-systems.
Quote :
"Diversity is paving the way for gaining competitive advantage in today’s globalizing economy. Every advantage is followed by a challenge to get it done right. Diversity is no alien to this concept because including diversity is one key aspect of organizational growth...". SidarthTikoo.
I also shortened the fingers / collaborators description from Sidarth's hack.
Thumb: - Not aligned with other fingers...These kind of employees have a strong outlook .. can take more than anybody else.... and create magic!
Index Finger:-.... ready to pin point good and bad around them... Working and listening to them, .....is the key because it’s hard for us to find what they can...
Middle Finger: - .... Growth agents by virtue, innovators with a creative outlook... leading them is a blessing because they will open the unexplored for you.
Ring Finger: - ...very disciplined, patient and organized. ..they tend to slow down over a period of time from repetitive tasks ...You open new doors for them and invite them in...
Little Finger: - ...You reach out to them during a crisis ...because of their unparalleled ability to problem solving.... get work done by hook or crook... future leaders ...
We can multiply the base by the collective interest : does it add up to the community objectives and fund in term of knowledge assets? Within a time frame. does same insight have a higer value when ahead of global awareness or agreement ?
You can substract for yourself whatever the debt for lost time reading something no so fresh and inspiring, because already heard or read 100 times elsewhere for instance.
Anyone deciding to like is adding a value of 1 unit in our new born currency.
Because it is helping (a little) others to get opportunity and interest to read, while reducin the risk of losing time.
Anyone deciding to comment makes a differrence and a clear step u for comment author and for the collective intelligence.
Value is at least double of like (let say 3 if limited to a thank you or praise), but jumps to 5 or above if it does point back to a specific part of the content, or link to existing related knowledge with sources and resources infos, data or links. It adds instantly to the next reader.
See how value can pile up and shift, when we ourselves individually shift from like to comments, and collectivelly recognize this contribution segmentation and currency trading place mechanism.
The break point is a new insight.
How do we define it ?
Photo credits FJL 2014 Singapore FM Break Point .
"Enlarging thoughts bandwidth and merging brains flow"
Let say It is when the action (a posted hack in this case) did reach a momentum by itself, but struggle to generate interaction and fuel of new momentum energy..
It is the rule for many contributions.
Authors, innovators generate and enjoy lots of positive flash signs, such as likes, but zero meaningful feed-backs; No comment, as in previous episode 2.
In corporate world , using the 5 Fingers management classification, index finger pointing are often even quicker than the thumbs up.
Innovators statiscally gets first the "impossible " , "offset, out of target", "un-insteresting" comments weeks before any first positive responding message of daring managers.
Unless a specific innovation friendly encouraging context defined and set by the company (as its DNA or for a special event period of time) or a department head.
Zero tangible bounce back is also a classic.
Practical example :
In the 5 Fingers Management Hack real case, I posted a very first comment while like was at 156 Likes,O comment, and post was live for about 6 weeks.
The timing of the interaction is making the difference.
Like in High Frequency Trading.
As a early jump-start effect, or as a later re-boost for the community exchange.
Should we say : The sooner the interaction, the better. ?
It is not a given.
Immediate reaction can be just a polite comment. And lack of understanding "soaking" time.
Let's parking lot this HFT string for the next Episode.
This is how we can analyze a very anecdotic, not much at stake, but direct illustration :
Comment 1 :
"High five.
Love this one.
If you made it out of the blue : congrats.
If inspired by some analogy, let us know and thanks anyway for sharing.
You made my day."
Valued at 2 units because it is a sincere thank you, by someone unknown prior to interaction, and making a rapid discrete link to the fact that the hack was actually read : High Five salutation joke relates to the core input); plus there is an open question about the source that will drive a reply and additional infos, in this case a confirmation and inputs about collective intelligence / hacking events fed-back by the author (Sirtha):
That did trigger comments 2 and 3 binary bounce back :
Comment 3 : Thumbs up.
Also cool to imagine you can use 2 of my favorite concepts to keep leveraging diversity the way you propose.
Mirroring and entanglement of two sets of fingers...R/L hand squads facing, as a mirror symmetry, so efficient feed-back or transmission processes in many coaching situation.
Or as asymmetric entanglements, right palm on left top so thumb and index Rs contact with little L.
Plus index and and middle Rs combine with ring L.
It is easier to do it than to imagine it reading words...like in action learning....just do it to visualize the opportunities.
Valued at 3 units because it keeps building up the concept exposed in the hack: plus there is again a concept re-opening invitation ton not only entagle fingers in the hack, in management and in analogies, but create links with another hack and remote concept,, that is another level demo of co-operative production process.
A "MIX" of serendipity and cross fertilization chemical (brain) reactions.
Proof of concept : it does trigger a third reply (as explained in previous episode 2) that in this case is bouncing back to get same mirror source info.
Sidarth comment 4 : This is a very good concept indeed, Thank you for sharing. Did you create this concept?
Comment 5 : 100% original, inspired by your own.Popped up while reading and materialize becaue I decided leave a comment.So it is pure co-operative intelligence process, according to my personal definition.
It is a real life illustration of what I describe in my last hacks.
You can insert it in your doc if you want."
Valued at 3 units because it keeps buliding up the concept exposed in the hack: plus there is again a concept re-opening invitation ton not only entagle fingers in the hack, in management and in analogies, but create links with another hack and remote concpet,, that is another level demo of co-operative production process.
A "MIX" of serendipity and cross fertilization chemical (brain) reactions.
Proof of concept : it does trigger a third reply (as explained in previous episode 2) that in this case is bouncing back to get same mirror source info.
Real life, trus story.No rocket science or major geo-political event, but a reality check , that you can now extrapolate to any much higher "value or innovation development" of your business and organization contexts.
Replace fingers by individuals and collaborators, like in the management analogy and suggestion by Sidarth, then think hard about mirroring 2 teams (easier shot 1 proposed by myself).
Then dare to move to diversity talents entaglement (more demanding shot 2 that I proposed and relates to another 2012 former story " Entangled Talents : a 21st century social learning".
Coming back to our Episode 1 to 4 value scale, we can add new factors.Such as FM Break bonus.
So if a like is worth 0,1 point, and a comment a 1 to 3 points on average, we can introduce a delay factor.
The "anti-High Frequency Trading factor" in a way.Not totally against or opposite HFT, but delayed trading interaction , some kind of of anti-/mirror of it.
In the Mix context just for the sake of a practical example, we can say that a comment posted after 100 likes is worth 10 units.
20 after 200. A premium for momentum re-kicking.
When authors and interactive mixers get into the game, the value is getting back to normal rating.
So 6 comments appearing on the sensor, and being 3 additions (no praise only) and 3 replies by the auhor, with a dealy re-boost effect and a re-opening energy addition, can be valued as 30+20+10.=60.
This is how you re-energized to maintain or increase a light beam momentum into a particle accelerator. Not at once, but with frequency intervals, whenever needed.
A community meant to produce ideas is easy to picture along this process.
A community meant to produce ideas is vibrant when valuating such energy pulse for collision bouncing back process.
Photo credit FJL Paris Outskirts. "Parallel converging neon light beams paradox" .
A binary pulsar particle accelerator poetic vision...
Just for mind opening, stretching and more important : ...RELAXING......
Then we'll go and add from there.
You can too.
Should you change your way of action and reaction. Change in valuation and performance or contribution evaluation reviews and tools woudl be the ultimate plus and silver platinum bullet..
Change your own management, and influence your report and top managers eventually, daring maverick hackers.
What else?
Although I try to be innovative, I must recognize the triggers, sparkles, catalysts and names the giants shoulders I am taking advantage of to look beyond my own natural horizon for bolder inspiration.
For this episode 5,
Sidarth Tikoo for his "5 Fingers management hack" trigger effect.
High 5 again.
Michael Lewis, with his 2014 issue of "Flashboys : cracking the money code".
For this series, I need to name
Nicholas Nassim Taleb, mostly thanks to elements developped into his "Anti-Fragile" concept.
Seth Godin, again for "Linchpin" but all multi-directional blog arrows,
Jeanne C.Meister& Karie Willyerd with co-authored forward-looking synthesis book by the name of "The 2020 workplace".
Also the binary pulsar set of phase 1 Blue shift guides : Don Tapscott and Anthony D.Williams, with must read famous "Wikinomics" and 2011 "Macrowikinomics.Rebooting business and the world" dedicated to entrepreneurs and social innovators by the authors.
Benoit Mandelbrot, for the huge impact of his "The Fractalist ; Memoir of a scientific maverick" on daring abilities to claim a personal right to be wrong. And free to link nots between oranges and elephant bananas consumption statistical data, that some can call mental frauds.
I wish to be soon able to pile add names of daring Mixers and mention of additional content and materials.
Additional episodes drilling down or adding to the valuation point and application leads and examples.
Episode 6 is almost baked and smelling in the oven.....
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