Virtual Work Bench - A built-in environment to assume any societal role like an auto-pilot that assists a pilot of an air-plane
June 25, 2011 at 1:16am
A transparent societal environment where all societal roles have been updated and kept current without having to learn anything to get into the right mode with the right tools and the right framework. You can participate in the societal activities without any fear of failure.
It takes years of schooling to learn a vocation, skill or a profession only to find that skill become obsolete due to the rapidly changing labor/economic/equity markets and environments.
Retraining and getting ready for a new career does not guarenttee an opportunity or success in that new profession. If even that happens, it may not last forever.
There are wastes of several kinds here. Labor Shortages followed by over supply followed by redundant supplies.
Business Cycles and Econmic Cycles are the outcome of this model.
There are lags and lead-times to prepare for.
This is an industrial-era approach to managing human resources of the right skill type needed to meet the demand.
21st century post-industrial society needs pre-fabricated work-benches that are connected and updated in real-time to meet the needs of the changing demand patterns. A virtual work-bench (or an office) can solve the need to learn, prepare or adopt to change. Change, is absorbed into the virtual environment, as easily as any climate change, for example.
Knowledge and solutions are streamed incrementally with out any concious effort to study or learn. The changing circumstances are pre-programmed into the working environment. For Example, a CNC ( computer numerical control) machine has lots of pre-built solutions for repetitive taks that will be impossible tolearn and practice by any machine operator.
This innovative solution will make it possible for other professions such as policeman, politician, banker or even an artists to be productive without having to remember new procedures,processes or rules. The virtual work-bench or office will be more accurate, fast and giveout consistant performance. The human need only be concerned with knowing the concepts, reasons etc., which they are able to do much faster and with less effort or stress.
It is like filling out one's 1040 form during the tax season. You only need to give your details. The accounting work is built-in a software to take the drudgery out and reduce the chances of errors. The output is a perfect tax-return without having to become an accountant.
Practical Impact
The practical impact will be to help the society adapt to change with out the need to go through an adoption cycle. If change is normal, then, that change has to be easier to make through this innovation. A permanent infrastructure of knowledge and skills. Human's do not have to change. They can remain as they want to be. The societal impact would be, faster transformations that will give agility; effortlessly, to the mass of humanity, at the least cost by way of stress and in an optimized manner; that is well synchronized, like a chorigraphed dance, that people love to watch and enjoy.
First Steps
The first steps are already coming in to existence with mobile work forces, inter-connected communities. We still depend on writing and have to wait for all to read, accept etc., Instead, would it not be better to create a dataware house of all work and make it available for anyone to use and simulate all changes in a test setting so that all activities to move to the next level could be coordinated and be error free? Like the moon-shot, where there is no room for error or a second chance what we realease need to be working and correct for all circumstances. To-day, many political and business process are implemeted with just a hope and a prayer. We need to have a mechnism to model our ideas and test them before releasing them for general use.
So, to summerize, the first step is to build societal models using the real data gathered and stored in many of our datagathering computer storage divices. They should be accessable to all schools,colleges, universities, retired professionals to use, refine their models till we have solutions ready for release. We need to make these as much fun or even more so than watching sports or TV programs. I do not have anything against those activities, as a matter of fact they are necessary and serve a very important need for becoming stress free; I am only trying to compare to show the need to energise everyone to realize this vision.
Kindly read the document at this location: http://www.ucmss.com/main/papersNew/papersAll/EEE4650.pdf

July 6, 2011 at 12:46am
There are interesting approaches like this one here: http://www.sramanamitra.com/2010/10/12/capitalism-2-0-distributed-democr...
that promise 21st century to be a very innovative from all those previous centuries.
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