World of Workcraft, The employment Game
Where the employment game is played in the same way a computer game will be played. Challenges determine the skills set required to progress to the next level and not the job description. The lay of the land first needs to be assessed and experienced to determine your strengths, weaknesses and the route you will use to conquer challenges ahead to get to the top.
Job descriptions and current rigid corporate hierarchies have negative effects from a management and employee perspective. The Job description limits the employees drive to do anything other than what is described, also the employee's possibilities for growth are limited to the silo of his current department and in rare cases adjacent departments. The Job description limits the vision and perception management and leadership has of and for the employee.
The rigid hierarchy of a corporate causes the company to operate in different silos of departments, teams and functional areas. There is limited understanding of how the other departments and teams function, no knowledge transfer to and fro. With this discrepancy it causes disconnect and irritation between departments and teams.
Employee growth and selection thus does not happen naturally. Selection is based on a predetermined "box" set out by the job description and the growth or "path" is laid out according to the company and department hierarchy.
The company misses out on so much potential value that an employee could have added in different departments due to the fact that the Job description and career path does not fit.
The employees stagnate due to the restriction of new challenges available to them.
There is no cross departmental knowledge share.
Individuals sit with knowledge on specific processes, systems and clients and not the organisation as a collective
Job descriptions and current rigid corporate hierarchies have negative effects from a management and employee perspective. The Job description limits the employees drive to do anything other than what is described, also the employee's possibilities for growth are limited to the silo of his current department and in rare cases adjacent departments. The Job description limits the vision and perception management and leadership has of and for the employee.
The rigid hierarchy of a corporate causes the company to operate in different silos of departments, teams and functional areas. There is limited understanding of how the other departments and teams function, no knowledge transfer to and fro. With this discrepancy it causes disconnect and irritation between departments and teams.
Employee growth and selection thus does not happen naturally. Selection is based on a predetermined "box" set out by the job description and the growth or "path" is laid out according to the company and department hierarchy.
The company misses out on so much potential value that an employee could have added in different departments due to the fact that the Job description and career path does not fit.
The employees stagnate due to the restriction of new challenges available to them.
There is no cross departmental knowledge share.
Individuals sit with knowledge on specific processes, systems and clients and not the organisation as a collective.
The playing field first needs to be laid out to establish a solid foundation. This will entail that allot of “conventional” corporate symbols and artefacts will need to be removed. The following are the most important
- Projects will need to be replaced with “opportunity missions”
- Day to day responsibilities with “accountabilities scheme”
- Departments will be replaced with “business domains”
- All Job titles will be replaced with a few role orientated titles.
- The traditional Organogram Hierarchy will need to be replaced with “Nuclear Expansion Program (NEP)”
- Job descriptions will be determined by the “opportunity mission” or “accountability scheme”
With the playing field now set out. The rules and the context of this can be explained.
This new design for managing orginasations is based on the “Nuclear Expansion Program”. This will allow Employees to choose their own career path within the orginasation and the company to positively manage employees performance. This will use the theory of progression and levels applied in computer games.
“Nuclear Expansion Program (NEP)” explained
- Different “business domains” will be the old functional departments which can and will be shuffled and integrated as the business becomes more expansive, goal focused and adapts to the Program. In this example the different domains are
- HR – Human Resources
- ADM – Administration
- PLN – Planning
- IT – Information Technology
- MM – Materials and Manufacturing
- SD – Sales and Distribution
- SC – Supply Chain
- FI – Finance
- The Job Titles will work from the inside outwards. Not as traditionally from the bottom upwards. The levels are as follows.
- Operative – a worker bee, that is building on skills, experience and overall company knowledge
- Implementer – Has some level of company knowledge, practical experience with a set of skills to be utilised in a package. He will build on his assets and also transfer valuable knowledge to the operatives and assist with their growth.
- Analyser – Starting to identify areas of expertise and interest, Knowledgeable on the workings of the company, is competent and has an ever increasing skills set. Provides practical insights into the packages. Gives guidance to the Implementer
- Executer – Areas of expertise are becoming more focused and knowledge base and skill set is extensive. Will be administrating and managing ever increasing group of “inner circle employees”
- Designer – Has no more than 2 or 3 areas of expertise and designs the packages and schemes in his areas of expertise. Knows his business domains extremely well and can give guidance and advice to the executer on how to implement and execute a package effectively. Gives direction to the package in general
- Strategiser – Has 1 or 2 areas of expertise, His knowledge is extensive and has proven himself as a critical, analytical and strategic thinker. Gives guidance and formulates the business domains’ strategy.
Work Distribution
Work will be distributed in the form of packages, either through “opportunity missions” or “accountability schemes”. Each package requires for all of the employee levels in different quantities. Packages will fall under one or more “domain”. All the packages are allocated a time of no longer than 12 months.
Rules and Goal of” workcraft”
- Employees accumulate points on their level of employment according to the packages accepted, the level of performance on the package additional extra courses, certifications and demonstration of knowledge.
- Employees on level 1 (operative) and level 2 (Implementer) need to gain sufficient point in all the domains to progress to the next level and accept a package on the next level. On level 3 (Analyser) sufficient points need to be gathered in 6 of the 8 domains. Level 4 (Executer) need points in 4 of the 8, level 5 (Designer) in 2 and level 1 (Strategiser) in 1.
- Your seniority, remuneration, benefits etc. will all be determined by your level and sublevel.
- You have the full backing of the company to pursue any package in any domain if you meet the level requirements.
- You will have the full resources of the company available to you, if you need to equip yourself with the skills required to perform on your level and in a specific domain.
The playing field first needs to be laid out to establish a solid foundation. This will entail that allot of “conventional” corporate symbols and artefacts will need to be removed. The following are the most important
- Projects will need to be replaced with “opportunity missions”
- Day to day responsibilities with “accountabilities scheme”
- Departments will be replaced with “business domains”
- All Job titles will be replaced with a few role orientated titles.
- The traditional Organogram Hierarchy will need to be replaced with “Nuclear Expansion Program (NEP)”
- Job descriptions will be determined by the “opportunity mission” or “accountability scheme”
With the playing field now set out. The rules and the context of this can be explained.
This new design for managing orginasations is based on the “Nuclear Expansion Program”. This will allow Employees to choose their own career path within the orginasation and the company to positively manage employees performance. This will use the theory of progression and levels applied in computer games.
“Nuclear Expansion Program (NEP)” explained
- Different “business domains” will be the old functional departments which can and will be shuffled and integrated as the business becomes more expansive, goal focused and adapts to the Program. In this example the different domains are
- HR – Human Resources
- ADM – Administration
- PLN – Planning
- IT – Information Technology
- MM – Materials and Manufacturing
- SD – Sales and Distribution
- SC – Supply Chain
- FI – Finance
- The Job Titles will work from the inside outwards. Not as traditionally from the bottom upwards. The levels are as follows.
- Operative – a worker bee, that is building on skills, experience and overall company knowledge
- Implementer – Has some level of company knowledge, practical experience with a set of skills to be utilised in a package. He will build on his assets and also transfer valuable knowledge to the operatives and assist with their growth.
- Analyser – Starting to identify areas of expertise and interest, Knowledgeable on the workings of the company, is competent and has an ever increasing skills set. Provides practical insights into the packages. Gives guidance to the Implementer
- Executer – Areas of expertise are becoming more focused and knowledge base and skill set is extensive. Will be administrating and managing ever increasing group of “inner circle employees”
- Designer – Has no more than 2 or 3 areas of expertise and designs the packages and schemes in his areas of expertise. Knows his business domains extremely well and can give guidance and advice to the executer on how to implement and execute a package effectively. Gives direction to the package in general
- Strategiser – Has 1 or 2 areas of expertise, His knowledge is extensive and has proven himself as a critical, analytical and strategic thinker. Gives guidance and formulates the business domains’ strategy.
Work Distribution
Work will be distributed in the form of packages, either through “opportunity missions” or “accountability schemes”. Each package requires for all of the employee levels in different quantities. Packages will fall under one or more “domain”. All the packages are allocated a time of no longer than 12 months.
Rules and Goal of” workcraft”
- Employees accumulate points on their level of employment according to the packages accepted, the level of performance on the package additional extra courses, certifications and demonstration of knowledge.
- Employees on level 1 (operative) and level 2 (Implementer) need to gain sufficient point in all the domains to progress to the next level and accept a package on the next level. On level 3 (Analyser) sufficient points need to be gathered in 6 of the 8 domains. Level 4 (Executer) need points in 4 of the 8, level 5 (Designer) in 2 and level 1 (Strategiser) in 1.
- Your seniority, remuneration, benefits etc. will all be determined by your level and sublevel.
- You have the full backing of the company to pursue any package in any domain if you meet the level requirements.
You will have the full resources of the company available to you, if you need to equip yourself with the skills required to perform on your level and in a specific domain
and not by job descriptions and hierarchies.
Illustration will be as follows:
- Employee start with no “points”:
- Employee will take on packages in different business domains:
- He will need to complete enough criteria in all the domains before being able to take on 2nd level before being able to move on to the next level and take on packages in the next level.
- As you move into the outer circles your level of expertise and accountability will increase as indicated by the size of the segments. You will start to narrow down on speciality fields.
- You will define your own growth path and have the option to remain on the level you are at any time, but if the effort is put in you “NEP” will keep on expanding until you reach strategic level
Design and implement the scoring system, this will be a living document and will need to be updated on regular intervals.
Define the different domains in your business.
Determine the applicable amount of levels and sublevels.
Define the Different levels of employment
The implementation of this model can be piloted in new departments, or departments that function ineffectively at this point as they are already in a state of disarray.
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