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christina-rudrich's picture

Onboarding Gamification

What do you think if the first day of an employee could be fun? What is if he/she is guided via an ARG (alternate reality game) through your company? What you think about beeing a manager and seeing how all approaches are done by your new employee? Get you employee branded in a funny and investigated way.

Think about having a mobile device routing you through all the company challenges the first day as p.e.:

Getting your ID card

Getting your laptop, account information and all applications you need for your job

Getting all information about the company, like mission, vision, branding.

Getting information about the company campus, the facilitations they offer and the food they serve

All this information are spread via a virtual game on a mobile device

- See more at:

What do you think if the first day of an employee could be fun? What is if he/she is guided via an ARG (alternate reality game) through your company? What you think about beeing a manager and seeing how all approaches are done by your new employee? Get you employee branded in a funny and investigated way.

Think about having a mobile device routing you through all the company challenges the first day as p.e.:

  • Getting your ID card
  • Getting your laptop, account information and all applications you need for your job
  • Getting all information about the company, like mission, vision, branding.
  • Getting information about the company campus, the facilitations they offer and the food they serve

All this information are spread via a virtual game on a mobile device.

The majority of employees make their decision to stay with the company in the first three month of joining.

Problems are almost:

  1. Employees that aren't engaged earlier are lessproductive and will stay shorter.
  2. Not Engaging new hires between day of offer and day of joining can increase pre-join churn and time required to post-joining induction
  3. High turnover that occurs in the first 30-90 days

An effective onboarding solution could engage employees earlier, so that they are more productive and will stay longer. Engaging new hires between day of offer and day of joining can help reduce pre-join churn and time required to post-joining induction and will reduce turnover that occurs in the first 30-90 days. The effective onboarding could be the ARG (alternate reality game) which

  1. Keep people engaged
  2. Explain roles
  3. Be fun
  4. Involve others

The whole concept need to be company specific especially on the branding. Neverthelesse, the whole idea of getting people in a funny way onboarded, get them rewarded by finding the "holy grale".

The game will save costs in reducing the turnover. The engagement of employees will be high from the first day experience onwards. The costs creating a game are not as high as the costs for recruiting.

As gamification is a "new comer" in HR processes, it is not clear if this could work in a company enviroment for onboarding. Still people are different in behaving the first day. Some likes to have a personal introdcution, some would go for a presentation. There are no scientific approvals of using game for such processes.

Have a look at this game:

HR process being hacked:Talent Acquisition

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sravya-gupta's picture

Christina - Very interesting Hack - Onboarding absolutely needs some spice in it and with the hierarchy changing - a bit of gamification and a bit of social media - new employee can be part of the team much faster.

How would you like to take the hack forward?

christina-rudrich's picture

Good question. The next questions which needs to be answered for a full hack woudl be
1. Set the goal/objectives more detailed (further concept and scientific background)
2. How could an onboarding gamification process look like
3. For which purposes can onboarding gamification be used, and for which not.
4. What could be the expected outcome look like (technical wise, plattform, Web soultion etc.)

leon-coates's picture

Sounds great for recruitment and selection and then build on it for induction. Of course there is the issue of those not into games and wanting to connect in a more traditional way, but good to have different routes in I suppose.

greg-stevenson's picture

Life is already a game, business a game module within it. You want to create a sub-module of that game in the interests of induction into the bigger game?
I'm building something similar but in a different area of business.
I'll watch this development with interest.

christina-rudrich's picture

Thanks for your comment.
True :-). Greg. Would be interesting to know which kind of business area you reach out for. As I said, I am still in a concept phase. Nothing is concret for the development. I am happy to get your thoughts, ideas if you don't mind....

greg-stevenson's picture

The area of business I am working on gamifying is remuneration.

christina-rudrich's picture

Thanks Greg, remuneration means.... what? a payslip, a detailed list of income..however, they are so many differents globally, that it would be great to get more details... if you don't mind, contact me over my profile?

greg-stevenson's picture

Profile? I don't think so. You're welcome to contact me via LinkedIn
If you are interested in some background.

perry-timms_1's picture

I know gamification is getting a bit overused (like big data etc) however since 2006 this has been my dream. A pre-onboard experience matched with an induction process full of fun and insight creation in a gaming manner.

Hacktastic this. Thanks.


christina-rudrich's picture

Perry, thanks. I am working on a further concept to get this idea run. The power of intrinsic motivation should be the motivator for new employees to play this game. For sure this could be set up as well in pre-onboarding especially to get the "employee branding".

perry-timms_1's picture

Happy to help - feel free to link in and we can exchange details.

Good luck


christina-rudrich's picture

For sure, will do so... :-) thanks