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De-politicize decision-making

“We have to find a way of separating critical decisions from personal ‘wins’ and ‘losses.’”

The quality of top-level decision making is often compromised by executive hubris, unstated biases, and incomplete data. Moreover, the number of variables that must be factored into key decisions keeps growing. In deciding to spend millions of dollars to enter a new market or back a new technology, senior leaders seldom seek the advice of rank-and-file employees. However, those on the ground are often best placed to evaluate the issues that will make or break a new strategy. Companies need new decision-making processes that capture a variety of views, exploit the organization’s collective wisdom, and minimize position-related biases.

26 Stories
62 Hacks
7 Barriers

De-politicize decision-making

“We have to find a way of separating critical decisions from personal ‘wins’ and ‘losses.’”

The quality of top-level decision making is often compromised by executive hubris, unstated biases, and incomplete data. Moreover, the number of variables that must be factored into key decisions keeps growing. In deciding to spend millions of dollars to enter a new market or back a new technology, senior leaders seldom seek the advice of rank-and-file employees. However, those on the ground are often best placed to evaluate the issues that will make or break a new strategy. Companies need new decision-making processes that capture a variety of views, exploit the organization’s collective wisdom, and minimize position-related biases.

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The following 3 elements of modern business organizations are strangulating employees and organization while causing employee disengagement:1. Matrix organization design2.
Barrier by Ohm on October 14, 2011
 I believe architecture is resemblance of culture and discipline of either organization or architect.If culture has some issues, then created architecture will be very brittle,and if the architec
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Do you always understand the reasons behind your supervisors’ actions? How do you know that your own decisions are well understood and accepted by your peers and subordinates?
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Bureaucracy today has become a disreputable word for us, but bureaucracy was born out of a need to manage resources as organizations progressively became larger in scope.
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When management fears their own decision-making prowess and being identified with former slow-moving projects or relative failures their readiness and adaptability to change are increasingly compromis
Barrier by Shelly de Greeve on September 20, 2010
NO ONE HAS A SINGULAR ROLE OF LEADER AT ANYTIMENo one in the world has a singular role of a Leader at any point of time.
Current managment was adaptive when the first big corporations were born.
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LSG Skychefs New Zealand with its parent company Lufthansa, is currently trying to implement and drive sustainable change throughout the company.
Story by Heine de Bruin on December 23, 2011
