It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Increase trust, reduce fear

“The most critical challenge for any organization is to enlarge the circle of trust.”

Command-and-control systems reflect a deep mistrust of employees’ commitment and competence. They also tend to overemphasize sanctions as a way of forcing compliance. That’s why so many organizations are filled with anxious employees who are hesitant to take the initiative or trust their own judgment. Organizational adaptability, innovation, and employee engagement can only thrive in a high-trust, low-fear culture. In such an environment, information is widely shared, contentious opinions are freely expressed, and risk taking is encouraged. Fear paralyzes, mistrust demoralizes—they must be wrung out of our management systems.

124 Stories
236 Hacks
22 Barriers

Increase trust, reduce fear

“The most critical challenge for any organization is to enlarge the circle of trust.”

Command-and-control systems reflect a deep mistrust of employees’ commitment and competence. They also tend to overemphasize sanctions as a way of forcing compliance. That’s why so many organizations are filled with anxious employees who are hesitant to take the initiative or trust their own judgment. Organizational adaptability, innovation, and employee engagement can only thrive in a high-trust, low-fear culture. In such an environment, information is widely shared, contentious opinions are freely expressed, and risk taking is encouraged. Fear paralyzes, mistrust demoralizes—they must be wrung out of our management systems.

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Giving everyone with experience and the will to give back is the mission and objective, almost evryone is an expert in something.
Story by Dan Auito on May 26, 2013
It begins with you! In the greater sense of all aspects there are no cultural differences. Many of today’s existing, foremost believed cultures are simply pictured by different markets environments.
Story by Hans Soentgerath on November 7, 2010
Corporate politics are a drag on innovation and employee engagement.  Too many managers are worried about not rocking the boat or aligning themselves with the right corporate officer to ensure th
Story by Stuart Thompson on September 16, 2010
Give every employee some money to spend on realizing ideas to improve the business. Allow for  "pooling" of the money between employees.
Story by Joerg Schwartze on June 29, 2010
We talk a lot about how important communication is.  Communication within our organizations is one of the easiest, most valuable tools we have, and we don't always find a way to use it properly.&
Story by Michelle Paitich on September 20, 2010
Our organization was founded on the success of a biotech stock that provided the genesis for the investment organization, and the opportunity that has given many the funds needed to delve into other b
Story by Thanh Hoang on September 19, 2010
LSG Skychefs New Zealand with its parent company Lufthansa, is currently trying to implement and drive sustainable change throughout the company.
Story by Heine de Bruin on December 23, 2011
Five years ago I coached a software development group who absolutely hated one of their members(let's say "Alice") who appeared abusive, condescending, and arrogant -- but was also acknowledged t
Story by Gary Cook on October 4, 2010
The hierarchical structures with in organizations often place accountability and responsibility with managers and executives, leaving the rest of the organization to follow what has been set as b
Story by Thabiso Ramashala on November 2, 2010
Quality Systems departments across all organizations live or die by the data they supply to their internal stakeholders.  But when plans get lost in translation, a support structure is not in pla
Story by Chris Jones on January 6, 2011
