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Make direction setting bottom-up and outside-in

“All stakeholders need a role in setting strategic direction.”

As the pace of change accelerates and the business environment becomes more complex, it will become increasingly difficult for any small group of senior executives to chart the path of corporate renewal. That’s why the responsibility for defining direction must be broadly shared—with all organizational members and interested external constituencies. Only a broad, participatory process can engender wholehearted and widespread commitment to proactive change. When it comes to setting direction, influence should be a product of foresight and insight rather than power and position.

52 Stories
104 Hacks
7 Barriers

Make direction setting bottom-up and outside-in

“All stakeholders need a role in setting strategic direction.”

As the pace of change accelerates and the business environment becomes more complex, it will become increasingly difficult for any small group of senior executives to chart the path of corporate renewal. That’s why the responsibility for defining direction must be broadly shared—with all organizational members and interested external constituencies. Only a broad, participatory process can engender wholehearted and widespread commitment to proactive change. When it comes to setting direction, influence should be a product of foresight and insight rather than power and position.

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In an era of federally mandated school turnarounds, Cristo Rey Boston High School is an example of a self-directed improvement plan in which a principal and a core group of teachers were empowered to
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HR Solutions changed the way that its organization and its clients approach employee engagement.  Through PEER®, the Personal Employee Engagement Report, HR Solutions shifted the responsibil
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He lost consciousness twice. Of the first time, he could remember the lightning through the dark clouds. The shudder going through the ship’s hull as it crashed down onto the heavy sea.
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How individual contributors can move beyond the latest emergency outbreak to battle negative perceptions and ever-escalating commitments.
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Once upon a time I was a member of (what I'll call) a commercialised start-up. We had spun out of a university faculty research project, & did an amazing job.
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