1. The majority of people are not experiencing Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose in their workplaces.
2. There’s not enough money circulating in our economy to satisfy everyone’s needs.
3. The unsustainable corporate motivation of short-term profit is ruining the planet.
4. The inflation created by governments is taking wealth away from the people.
These reasons I believe cause major unhappiness within people. However, a lot of us just accept it because many feel “That’s just the way it is” or because we’re not aware of alternatives.
social enterprise cooperatives (purpose-driven and democratic businesses)
startup incubators (startup business development centers)
crowdsourcing (efficient pooling of human resources)
crowdfunding (efficient pooling of money to fund projects)
cause-driven social networks (groups of people connecting to create change)
gamification (using play to solve real world problems)
I eventually realized that when all of these models are combined, we have the structure of a self-organized and sustainable economy, which will result into a sustainable planet. The combination of all these findings make up the evolutionary economic model I created called Producism. This was on Labor Day 2010. The idea for putting this idea into practice came about on 1/1/11, and that resulted into the creation of Producia.
Based on the past and current success of the features that’s incorporated into the model of Producism, our hypothesis is that Producia has the opportunity to:
- End Poverty, Unemployment, & Money-Related Crime
- Create A Sustainable World
- Empower The Youth
- Infuse Diversity
- Make Everyone A Passionate Social Entrepreneur
- Weave Communities Back Together
- Bring The Economic Power Back In The Hands of The People
Our humble first year projections:
10,000 Jobs Created
(Each member that joins the network represents a new job being created)
1.8 Million Hours of Community Service Rendered
(The social entrepreneurship model has community service as the driver of enterprise)
10 Million Community Currency Exchanged
(Represents the total value of goods and services exchanged)
(those numbers are projected, at minimum, to triple each year!)
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