A 'case of the Monday's', no more. Kicking work anxiety to the moonshot.
Video games are attractive to players because such games offer direct incentives and rewards for accomplishments achieved. Gamers game because the activity offers individual award and recognition as well as team awards and recognition. The rather meritocratic nature of the gaming environment provides gamers the opportunity to harness resources available within the game and achieve an objective. Often, success in games are measured by various metrics of productivity, such as, time of completion, percentage of completion of all tasks, percentage of quality in completion of tasks, and ‘extra’s’, in the case of the organization, this would equal input regarding enhancing processes regarding increasing efficiency or effectiveness of either departmental procedure or of personal job requirements. For example, yielding a more time efficient solution to analyzing financial data and forecasting processes by investing into a software upgrade or by redesigning the current process of analysis to ‘see’ a new way of conducting particular business analysis.
By offering incentives for completion of tasks in a certain time frame (logging into the ‘game system’ from a remote location to monitor time spent on work activity), the attractive nature of being able to ‘clock in and clock out’ on your own time means there are no supervisors monitoring work. Supervisors become responsible for correcting the issues responsible for the lack of motivation from employees. Ostensibly, supervisors become motivational coaches to their employees as opposed to providing oversight and monitorization to ensure that work activity is performed to organizational standards. Employees are paid to perform a task for the organization, yet are rewarded for successfully playing the game and earning high scores. Successful completion of tasks and of a high quality can accumulate points and exchange for tangible/intangible rewards. By utilizing technology such as ‘gotomypc.com’ and the virtual time clock, workers can migrate out of the office and work in areas where there is a secure connection available.
- An overbearing boss/supervisor
- Hostility/Ambivalence: Potentially arising from employee absence from intraorganizational activity. Unfortunately, these employees may be labelled as unfriendly or introverted and deemed unfavorable for leadership positions
- Getting up early
- Morning traffic
- Climate (cold weather, snow)
- Sales or client services of a large number of customers whom often are irate
- Any additional interaction with individuals one under alternative settings would rather avoid having any interaction with
The importance of addressing 'case of the Monday's' and work anxiety in general is the increase in employee happiness. Happy employees are more enthusiastic about their jobs and therefore are less focused on monetary rewards. Additionally, an enthusiastic employee does suggest more production, accuracy, and generally more curteous than an unenthusiastic employee.
- Employee ID Number - ID cards/bracelets/manual input
- Systems IT integration to individual organizational processes
- Software and programs specialization to the employee job description with co-integration into the system matrix providing embedded interoperability within the system.
Organizations must integrate organizational activity into a system that is located on the network available on the organization's intranet. Accessing the intranet via employee user ID automatically logs an employee onto the system. The system acts as a more evasive yet direct mode of organizational interaction at all levels. The system can also faciitate games between organizational members, such as chess. For example: A player makes a move when one has some time to make a decision (a small break). The employee responds when a moment arises on their end. The game can take a week to finish, if the organization is busy, and therefore can be saved.
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