Tweet a Hack Contest: Help us "Take the Work out of Work"—in 140 characters or less!
Is your work as engaging, inspiring, and fulfilling as it could be? Do you (and the people you know) get enough meaning, freedom, energizing challenge, and fun from your job? Does your organization have a smart design for unleashing the best gifts of every individual inside it?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, we could use your help. If you answered no to any of the above, you're not alone—and the good news is, we've designed a new contest to accelerate the process of making all organizations as adaptable, innovative, and inspiring as the people who work inside them. It's called Tweet a Hack, and It’s one of the quickest, easiest (not to mention rewarding) ways to participate on the MIX.
For the inaugural contest, we want your ideas for “taking the work out of work.” That’s one of the MIX’s 25 “management moonshots”—make-or-break challenges we must tackle if we’re going to build organizations that are truly fit for the future. We know there are thousands upon thousands of work-changing ideas and disruptive experiments at large in the world—the MIX was designed as a platform to share, amplify, and advance them.
So, tweet your hack—a big, bold, boundary-pushing idea—for taking the work out of work. Enthusiasm, imagination and resourcefulness—the critical ingredients for success in the creative economy—get unleashed when people are truly engaged and having fun. In the future, the most successful organizations will be the ones that have figured out how to blur the boundary between vocation and avocation. Tell us: How would you make work feel more like play? What clever rituals or practices could you invent to inspire more productivity and creatvity? How do you design more freedom into the workplace (without creating chaos)? What's the best way to align people's passions and responsibilities?
Here's how to play:
- Sign in to Twitter (if you don't have an account, it's easy to create one)
- Post your hack in the Tweet box—and be sure to begin your hack with the MIX twitter handle @hackmanagement
Like this:
A few quick rules of the game:
- The contest is open to everyone.
- The contest will run for one week: from 9am EST Friday Aug 20 to 9pm EST Friday August 27
- The contestant will be identified as the owner of the Twitter account submitting the entry
- You may submit as many hacks as you like
- But note: hacks will be judged on the basis of their quality and popularity--as judged by the MIX editorial board and your peer's retweets—so more entries may not necessarily increase your chances of winning!
- The winning hack will be announced on the site by Monday, August 30. The winning contestant will be contacted via email (as listed on the Twitter account attached to the winning hack) for details on mailing the gift voucher
Remember, even if you don’t win--you win. In fact, we all do. Every success story shared, bold idea proposed, comment or build offered by members of the MIX community, advances our goal of reinventing management for the 21st century (and earns you recognition as an adventuresome thinker and practitioner). So, for the sake of everyone around the world who's still working in an organization that is less inspiring and empowering than it could be, tweet your hack for taking the work out of work!
Happy tweeting,
The MIX team
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