Organisation Wisdom
By Marcus Cake Marcus Cake - Builds Wisdom Networks to crowd create Network Society, patient centric healthcare, equity market evolution .... at WisdomNetworks.im
January 26, 2014 at 11:29pm

Software defined communities in the virtual “Internet of Everything” are more productive, efficient and responsive than hardware defined communities in the physical world (ie; hierarchies and organisations). They achieve exponentially more by using a single standard for interaction between people, they focus on organising wisdom (knowledge and outcomes) and they use a minimum of technologies (people, their mobiles and a cloud app) to organise outcomes across organisation, industry, society and the world.
Organisation Wisdom crowd create productivity, distributed management and leadership and accelerates the wisdom of crowds (r)evolution to the next stage of organisational and economic development.
Subsistence (information) farming

Hardware defined communities mean complexity and chaos

Chaotic interaction
There is no standard interaction between people and no standard hierarchy. The lack of standard interoperable structures, common technology or standard forms of interaction means that the organisation is isolated and can not integrate with others beyond the organisation boundary. People work to understand and drive processes within these structures. People spend months pushing and pulling information things to develop a small piece of knowledge regarding some thing. Arguably, there is no action (other than within the organisation boundary) which results from the knowledge developed. By the time an individual developers the knowledge, the required action may have changed. There is no comprehensive transfer of knowledge in person to person interaction. Person to person interaction is limited to pushing and pulling information things. Comprehensive transfer of knowledge or immediate (beyond organisation boundary) action does not occur. This is no wisdom. Our physical model of organisation is inefficient.
Individual work productivity
An Ernst and Young study revealed that 28% of a workers time is productive. Most time is lost to unproductive “Information Age” processes. Additional information is available from http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/au-employee-time.html .
Every organisation does it differently
There are millions of structures across the globe. Each is unique (although follows some basic principles). Each can not operate with others and their particular hardware defined community is unique. It doesn’t operate with others. Each is carefully crafted and customised. The organisational cost is huge. The global cost is staggering. This outcome could be attributed to both structure and the individual may not be motivated within the structure.
Exhaustion means innovation (not improvement) is required
At the end of the Information Age, the world is suffering from centralised stagnation. There is declining or negative productivity at the individual, organisation, country, regional and global level. Society has been reduced to wealth transfers. Private and public debt have maintained standards of living. Organisations too suffer from low productivity and exhaustion. Further investment (or improvement) in the status quo will not yield positive returns. Innovation which replaces the status quo is required. The organisation needs to lead the community and drive greater productivity from their organisation, industry and society to increase prosperity.
Technology moves faster than people (with influence) can adapt
History shows us two things. Firstly, a new innovation is usually added to existing structures within the status quo (without restructure). For example, the internet has been used to speed up the status quo and exacerbate the problems of the status quo. It is the second generation, that uses the new innovation to restructure the status quo to new structures with a rapid (one off) jump in productivity. The previous generation literally has to die before restructure occurs. There is a 30 year gap between innovation and it being used to its full potential. The internet was "invented" 15 years ago. We have another 15 years before we use it to its full potential by restructuring the status quo to distributed person to person structures.
Centralised decision-making reduces agility and decision quality
Decision making has been less than optimal. Individuals with power and influence in hierarchies have made decision which were not in the community interest, or against community sentiment, with significant global consequences. Symptoms include war, financial collapse, insolvency and a lack of accountability. Within the organisation, the result is less agility, less responsiveness to changing market conditions, disempowering individuals within the hierarchy and less innovation.
The need for global collaboration
The Shell CEO stated that success for organisations over the next 5 years depends upon the ability to seamlessly collaborate across organisation, industry, society and the world.
Let's shift to the next stage of development … put intelligence in the network
Organisation Wisdom accelerates the “Shift” or (r)evolution from Information Age (hardware defined communities) to Network Society (software defined communities). The hierarchy brings physical things and people into the organisation and implements systems to organise them. Society and urban landscapes are structured around this core physical way of organising. The Wisdom Network provides a virtual wisdom book for every physical thing. Every physical thing has a digital counterpart in the Internet of Everything. This means the Wisdom Network anyone can participate and contribute to anything anywhere in real-time. Intelligence and knowledge move from isolated people, organisations and IT systems to collective wisdom networks accessible by all.
Productive knowledge drives prosperity
Productivity is important, but productive knowledge is more important. Productive knowledge across countries can be measured we we know that the Productive Knowledge Index has a high correlation with incomes and prosperity across countries. The original report makes the following comment: "Our measure of productive knowledge can account for the enormous income differences between the nations of the world and has the capacity to predict the rate at which countries will grow. In fact, it is much more predictive than other well-known development indicators, such as those that attempt to measure competitiveness, governance and education." Productive Knowledge refers to the social accumulation society of things and their redistribution into productive uses through teams, organisations and markets.
Wisdom Networks create productive knowledge in years (not decades) by linking “things” in the “Internet of Everything” to reveal knowledge and focusing the “Wisdom of Crowds” on outcomes for everyone, everywhere.
The only opportunity for future prosperity is to simplify human interaction across communities using just cloud, people and their mobiles to organise “productive knowledge” between people virtually. Wisdom Networks create productive knowledge across people wherever they reside which means that population, physical infrastructure or decades of development are signifcantly less relevant to the creation of Productive Knowledge when using a virtual structure. The same principles apply to organisations. Organisations use an Organisation (or Industry) Wisdom Network to create Productive Knowledge for society.
Wisdom in theory. What is Wisdom?
Wikipedia defines Wisdom as:
“Wisdom has, in the Western tradition, been listed as one of four cardinal virtues. As a virtue it is a habit or disposition to perform the action with the highest degree of adequacy under any given circumstance. This implies a possession or seeking of knowledge of the given circumstances. This involves an understanding of people, things, events and situations, and the willingness and the ability to apply perceptions, judgments and actions in keeping with an understanding of what is the right course of actions. It often requires control of one’s emotional reactions (the “passions”) so that universal principles, values, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one’s actions. In short, wisdom is a disposition to find the truth coupled with an optimum judgement as to right actions. Synonyms include: prudence, sagacity, discernment, or insight.“
The key elements we have extracted from this are (1) understanding/knowledge/”what is true”, and (2) optimum judgement as to action. The important distinction is that our definition of wisdom requires knowledge and action.
Wisdom in practice
Information is everywhere, but we have no means to at upon it. Wisdom Networks combine six types of "things" (data, information, community, collaboration, knowledge, wisdom) to reveal knowledge and organise action across organisation, industry, society and the world in real-time at the point of human interaction.
Combine (wisdom) harvesters
The Wisdom Network is simply a combine (wisdom) harvester and offers a new method of organisation. It covers greater tracts of the information landscape, encompasses the different varieties of information, achieves greater scale and is so efficient that it has the energy to provide a large surplus of collective knowledge and collective wisdom to contribute to community prosperity. It provides the means to look beyond the subsistence farming and small plots of the Information Age to collective knowledge and collective wisdom in the Network Society (instead of a large deficit in the “Information Age”).
Combine Harvesters are the 7th greatest achievement of the 20th Century. They led a successive increases in labour productivity (50%, 315% to 600 times) in the Agricultural Revolution and shifted the base unit in agriculture from individual farming lots to large tracts of land in the landscape. There are a number of causes of increasing productivity in the agricultural revolution that can be applied to drive the (r)evolution within the organisation (see http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/combine-wisdom-harvesters.html ). In essence, a single global method covering more area, more efficiently with a minimum of technologies. Organisation Wisdom cloud application delivers a similar increase in productivity by using a single method of human interaction across all communities using the internet, people and their mobiles.
Seamless single standard for human interaction
Standards have focused on process. Each technology underlying the hardware defined community version of management has been subject to standards. We combine these technologies in exponential combinations which mean the interactions between people and organisations are chaotic and unique to each interaction. We need to standardise human interaction across organisation, industry and society. The standard interaction is to link “things” in the “Internet of Everything”, share books, reveal knowledge and focus wisdom.
Software Defined Communities
Software Defined Communities (SDC) are simple, a few moving parts (cloud, mobile and people), cheap and launched within 6 months. A few inputs, maximum prosperity As outlined in the following slide, we can aggregate “things” in the “Internet of Everything”, turn data into wisdom in 6 stages, share books to turn wisdom into prosperity. People with widom create distributed prosperity. Hierarchies with information centralise power, prosperity and are the cause of stagnation and poor productivity.
Organisation Wisdom (defined)
What? Organisation Wisdom is a cloud based network which empowers anyone to link organisation, industry and society things in books which focus collective wisdom (knowledge and outcomes) anywhere, any time. Organisation Wisdom is an upgrade to the command and control hierarchy typically used by organisations.
Why? Organisation Wisdom achieves higher levels of transparency, accountability, productivity and governance across organisation, industry and society. It improves agility and customer service about any “thing” by distributing leadership throughout the organisation. A virtual structure (or Software Defined Community) is cheaper, more agile and can invite contribution from anyone, anywhere in real-time about any “thing” in the Internet of Everything.
Where? Organisation Wisdom spans to organisation, industry, country, region and global community. It transcends boundaries and isolated silos. The network brings wisdom to the individual. The individual does not go to the physical hierarchy.

Everyone empowered, accountable and rewarded to to push “things” to outcomes
Wisdom Networks crowd create distributed leadership, productivity, transparency, and accelerate the Wisdom of Crowds (r)evolution to the next stage of organisational structure which is defined by software in the cloud. The organisation becomes a dynamic group of people with three different types of roles (director, manager and executive) that “push” things through the network to completion. Gamification rewards quantity and quality of contribution and penalises late delivery. Virtual board meetings are held by self-directed ad-hoc teams assigned with the responsibility for specific outcomes throughout the organisation. These teams can be the traditional board of directors, tactical teams pursuing tactical outcomes or a customer service team dealing with an intractable customer service problem. Individuals are empowered with Organisation Wisdom and held accountable with governance wisdom.
Participation, contribution, leadership everywhere!
Organisation Wisdom is part of a Network Society. Social networks achieved global wisdom (without outcomes) in social communities in 7 years. Wisdom networks will achieve telewisdom and seamless collaboration across all communities including health, education, equity market (and innovation), regions (eg European Union), industry, organisations and society in less than 5 years.The following screenshot shows how a person uses books across Network Society:
Organisation Wisdom is an organisation platform that organises wisdom within the organisation, but allows that organisation to seamlessly integrate with industry and all other communities within society. Organisation Wisdom (as an organisation structure) could expand to become an industry or global structure serving a larger community.
A person to person structure with three roles across the organisation
There are three roles in a wisdom network. Everyone takes leadership so we can consider the structure completely flat. Executives execute the daily process of transactions/interactions between the organisation and others. Managers manage/review the daily process and implement tactics to achieve short-term outcomes. Directors direct the organisation toward specific outcomes by focus the wisdom of the organisation toward specific outcomes.
Integrate anyone, anywhere into the organisation
A standard structure also means that anyone from anywhere can join the organisation instantly and participate in a specific “thing” in a specific function. Organisation Wisdom could become one of the 30 Global Wisdom Networks outlined below which could provide the standard interaction for all people within a specific community worldwide.
How? Put all 6 elements of wisdom in the cloud
Wisdom Networks put all 6 elements of wisdom in the cloud (not just 2) and come “Over the Top” (OTT) to aggregate and provide telewisdom for every thing in the “Internet of Everything”. Wisdom Networks organise the wisdom and effort of the community by exchanging wisdom (knowledge plus action) between people via mobile devices.
Society evolves to telewisdom between people from telecommunications between hierarchies. We move beyond the point to point telecommunications of the Information Age which places to elements of wisdom in the cloud. We move to person to person telewisdom in a Network Society which puts all 6 elements of wisdom in the cloud. Facebook did this for social. Wisdom Networks do the same thing for other communities. Wisdom moves from individual to the network which provides intelligence to every thing. Each network can be launched within 90-180 days and transform a community within 2-5 years.
40% of Fortune 1000 companies will use gamification as a means of motivation by 2015. Gamification in a Organisation Wisdom is simple to implement and calculate. Individuals purse points. Points are earned by adding the number of things for contribution (number of “things”) by quality of each thing (determined by peers in real-time).
Availability of data and information
The Wisdom Network uses data and information “things”. They need to be made available by URL from siloed systems across the organisation. After 40 years of the Information Age and 10 years of internet, it is likely that providing access to “things” by URL would be simple.
Organisation Wisdom (screenshot)
The following image is a screenshot from the Organisation Wisdom application. Its shows the “things” across the organisation (and other communities) and the 6 stage process (left to right) to convert data/information into wisdom (knowledge and outcomes). This one screen provides the means to participate and contribution to every “thing” in the organisation, industry and society.
Management (and Organisation) Wisdom demonstrated
We are finalising a video demonstration of Management (and Organisation) Wisdom. It will be available here
Forms Wisdom
Management (or Organisation) also requires Forms. Organisation Wisdom also incorporates existing (or new) forms prepared by the organisation. An example of Forms Wisdom is provided here.
Governance Wisdom is distributed throughout the organisation
Organisations and many projects within the organisation require governance. Teams could be formed from within the organisation to undertake specific objectives. These teams could be self-directed. Accountability and progress could be transparent to the organisation by using Boardbooks (ie board meetings) to achieve transparency and accountability for the team activiites. Individuals could form part of short or long term teams which publish BoardBooks.
Rather than one board meeting at the top, dynamically assembled team hold board meetings on an agreed schedule and apply the same principles to smaller objectives. Each team could be responsible for cascading levels of tactics to achieve a final outcomes. Any team member can propose a resolution (focused on a solution or outcome) and all team members have a vote. The team is accountable for making resolutions, not making resolutions and how the voted because the “book” becomes a permanent record of governance (subject to real-time or retrospective review by peers).
Additional information on Governance Wisdom is available from http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/governance .
Features of individual board books
Wisdom Books bring wisdom (data, information, community, collaboration, knowledge and wisdom) to the individual. The Organisation Wisdom screenshot lists these things across the organisation. Other screenshots show wisdom in other communities. Features includes task management, audit trails, event management, discussions, polls, gantt chart etc. Each of these functions is bought to every ”thing” across the community.
Things are not bought to tools within departments. By bring these functions to the “thing”, it means that one feature (ie task manager) is used everywhere (worldwide) resulting a dramatic reduction in the diversity of technologies used within departments, organisations, industry and society. Additional information is available from here.

Industry Wisdom
Borderless collaboration is the key success factor for organisation. All communities can be reduced to people, “things”, books and wisdom communities. A Network Society platform can organise multiple communities using a single Wisdom platform. An Organisation Wisdom network provides the organisation with the ability to seamlessly collaborate across organisation, industry, society and the global community.
An organisation that utilises a Organisation Wisdom platform could integrate itself with Society by not only organising things within the organisation, but also in industry (for partners) and society (for consumers). Organisation Wisdom and Industry Wisdom become the defining source of sustainable competitive advantage in a Network Society.
Given the global capability of Combine (Wisdom) harvesters, it is also likely that the number of organisations required by society to achieve given outcomes is also likely to significantly reduced. This makes organisation and industry wisdom for any organisation a matter of long term survival. An Organisations wisdom network could become one of the 30 networks that become the foundation for Global Wisdom. Additional information on Global Wisdom is available at our “Global Wisdom” entry in the MIX M-Prize Unlimited Human Potential Challenge.
Anyone can connect, contribute, create, challenge or choose wisdom anywhere, anytime

Practical Impact
Books reveal knowledge and organisation wisdom anywhere. This provides transparency about any “thing”.
Productivity from elective singularity

Recovering personal time lost to hierarchy
The Information Age approach results in a worker being productive for 28% of their work time. The solution is a Network Society which (1) increases productive work time from 28% to 50-75% which means society produces more with less. This is just evolution. Before the industrial revolution wee used to devote 80% of the workforce to feeding society. This has fallen to less than 2%. The same things happens with process workers in the Information Age.
Exponential complexity becomes exponential simplicity
Facebook reduces complex multilayered, fragmented social telecommunications to one simple platform which exchanged Social Knowledge through mobile devices. Organisation Wisdom will do the same for the organisation, industry and society, but includes a focus on prioritised outcomes.
Costs saved
A Wisdom Network is an organisation structure. It is a standard structure that can apply to any organisation. A single downloadable structure could eliminate the customisation costs of organisations worldwide developing their own.
Physical to virtual reduces “hardware” expenditure
The reliance or need on physical infrastructure is reduced. If the network brings Organisation Wisdom to the individual, the person does not need to physically travel to the organisation. Working within the organisation, or outside the organisation becomes irrelevant. Working away from the organisation recovers 9% of time spent by an individual on travel and means less capital expenditure on the hardware of traditional subsistence management.
Less process and technology, more outcomes
Organisation can spend less time on process and maintaining or improving redundant hardware defined communities. The simplicity of Organisation Wisdom means that less inputs can drive more outputs. Aggregation of people drives more outcomes with the network effect of more people in a network, and less inefficiency that results from greater scale.
Leadership everywhere and responsiveness
Organisations ask too much of a few and not enough of everyone else. An individual in an organisation may have a specific role (director, manager, executive) in a specific function within an organisation. That individual can, however, seek contribution from anyone (in real-time) by sharing a book which immediately transfers knowledge and seeks wisdom. This means the individual can drive toward an outcome about any “thing” and involve anyone. The organisation leverages everyone. Everyone becomes a leader. Everyone can contribute to anything in organisation. industry or society.
People can be anywhere
If knowledge and wisdom about any “thing” can be transferred instantly, then new people can join the organisation and make an immediate contribution to a “thing” from anywhere. This has many ramifications. Shortages of skills in a specific geography can be overcome by a virtual structure.
Increasing output and contribution from everyone, everywhere
A Wisdom Network means that a community, industry or organisation can increase the productivity of those within the hierarchy, but also acquire contribution from those beyond the organisational boundary.
Singularity productivity (3:01 video) - click to play
The following video provides a video explanation of the Singularity Jump in productivity:
It may not be a threefold increase as outlined in the video. This increasing output could be exchanged for a decrease in working hours, or people can be redeployed to make other contributions. The key question becomes what are the former "Information Age" process workers going to do. They could make a significant contribution .. but where? We need Education Wisdom to train up the displaced workers for new sectors of the economy which emerge. They become a virtual pool for Organisation Wisdom networks to utilise on demand. Individuals could dynamically make contributions to other individuals, organisation wisdom networks or the 30 global networks that form the foundation of Global Wisdom.
Change in the structure of work means less travel
Wisdom structures mean less travel, more time for family and also less oil consumption. Some believe that the end of cheap oil is a catastrophe for physical and urban layouts which assumed cheap oil forever. A virtual approach to work changes this paradigm. In essence, wisdom can be anywhere, so work wisdom can be at home (rather than needing physically travel to a city). The result is a decline in oil consumption and carbon emissions.
Organisations become seamlessly integrated with industry and society
Organisations become seamlessly integrated with their industry, society and the global community. Organisations participate in the exchange of wisdom about "things" in the Internet of Everything. At the end of the Information Age, organisations have created virtual information things for the physical things. A Wisdom Network simply comes over the top and aggregates those information things (with wisdom things beyond the organisation boundary. They can achieve more with less by leveraging the crowd. They will need less staff, but with greater engagement in the community more people participating in the network beyond the traditional organisational boundary will increase resources utilization. People anywhere in the world can participate and contribute to an organisation and its management. Additional information at www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/organisation .
Organisation Wisdom may deliver organisation survival post singularity and sustainable competitive advantage
Organisation Wisdom suggests an internal strategy of building "wisdom" within the organisation to maximise productivity, responsiveness, agility to maximise prospects for survival. There is also an external opportunity to extend extending the organisations wisdom network to organise wisdom for large tracts of industry and society. Global Wisdom suggests as few a 30 networks could achieve global wisdom. If the overdue singularity does occur and less inputs ( technologies and organisations) are required for a given output, then a wisdom network or strategy becomes the means to ensure an organisation is one of the post-singularity organisations.
Resistance from the status quo

Privacy and security
“Things” within the organisation can be protected (as they currently are) with firewalls and VPN’s. They can be made available for individuals (executives, managers, directors) to organise wisdom within the organisation. These organisation “things” could be shared (with successive levels of privacy and security risk) beyond the organisation boundary (or not) depending on the strategic value proposition of doing so. The strategic value of industry wisdom would need to be assessed.
Each network can be launched within 90-180 days. Each of those networks can (with "Internet Neutrality") reach every person with internet access. The networks can bring wisdom to every individual within the organisation and beyond. The networks empower people within the organisation with knowledge, distributed leadership, flexibility and wisdom. The key issue will be consumer adoption (informing people of the new way to achieve outcomes). Facebook has already taught people how to link things into books and share them.
Single sign-on
People can also use one login (OpenID) to seamlessly login across all Wisdom Networks, web sites, communities or organisation IT systems in a Organisation Wisdom platform. They can quickly transfer between all their communities without needing to login at each network. They can link any “thing” across systems into books to share with others and focus wisdom.
Regulatory risk
A second challenge will be government response to legislate the "Information Age" in place to preserve employment, sovereignty or other issues that may restrict the ability of the organisation to derive advantage from Organisation Wisdom virtual structure or a broader Industry/Global Wisdom strategy.
First Steps
Wisdom needs a reference site
A reference site is needed to provide validation that the virtual (ie software defined communities) are superior to the physical (ie hardware defined communities).
First technical steps for an organisation
A template Organisation Wisdom network can be made available in 5 days. In the longer term, it may be available by download. 2 hours of training can provide suitable technical people with the additional skills to define Organisation Wisdom. With one basic interaction, the only thing that changes are the tags which tell the community what each thing is. The content of each thing changes, the structure of the interaction and tag/type of thing do not. The organisation spends 90-180 days defining the 6 types of “things” that constitute their organisation, customising and making data/information available by URL from isolated information systems.
Data into Wisdom for an organisation
The following slide summarise the process of turning data into wisdom. In summary, existing information systems make their data/information available to the wisdom network by URL. The information could be scraped into the wisdom network, or “things” created by people as required. The data/information is tagged to say what it is (data, information, community, collaboration, knowledge, wisdom).
Wisdom into prosperity for an organisation
Prosperity and success needs to be defined by each organisation. Prosperity may mean greater efficiency (less time spent on process), less capital expenditure on physical assets, increased productive time from each individual, greater agility, innovation from anywhere or the opportunity to expand the boundary of the organisation to include an industry wisdom strategy which captures the industry within the network.
Wisdom Networks builds on the innovation of open source and free software communities. The community has been building the foundation for organising wisdom in the “Internet of Everything” for decades. The community crowd created data (ie internet), information (ie world wide web), community (ie social networks). The community created free and open source software, a pool of global innovation from which the wisdom network assembled the pieces of functionality.
The team at www.wisdomnetworks.im/people have helped put this together.
Wisdom Networks web site
In the future, a Wisdom Network will simply become a web site download with online video training to guide customisation in any specific community. The www.wisdomnetworks.im web site provides comprehensive material to support networks and ventures including 15 presentations, 12 videos, courses, explanatory letters, 250+ blog articles, 9 Flipboards and due diligence and venture collateral. We aspire to empower people with open source software and those organisations implementing wisdom networks.
20 minute crash course ( http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/learn/wisdom-in-15 )
- Video: How to achieve Global Wisdom and prosperity in 3 steps over 3 years (3:14 video)
- Video: The SHIFT from Information Age to Wisdom Networks (4:26 video)
- Video: A brief video introduction to Wisdom Networks and Network Society (8:27 video)
- Video: Singularity Productivity (3:26 video)
Organisation (and Management) Wisdom demonstrated (video)
The “Organisation (and Management) Wisdom demonstrated video provides a specific introduction to the use of a wisdom network as an organisation structure. We recommend the 20 minute crash course above first. The video is currently being finalised and will be available shortly.
Additional information
Additional information including 250+ blog articles, 10+ flipboards, videos, presentations, due diligence and venture collateral is available at the Organisation (and Management) Wisdom home page at http://www.wisdomnetworks.im/networks/organisation
Global Wisdom MIX M-Prize entry
Our Global Wisdom entry in the MIX M-Prize "Unlimited Human Potential Challenge" may also be of interest.
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