"Value Shifts" series : Episode 6.DiversHiFTy.
DiversHiFTi. Capital HFT. Like High Frequency Trading. A derivative product from Episode 5.
Apart from the technology, and the beauty of algorithms complexity involved, I have no special attraction for High Frequency Trading.
Although it has been a major value shift.
But unlike FT could mean, Fair Trade is not the first use of High Frequency.
A minority of "Flash Boys" took advantage of everyone else.
Hackers are not necessarally nice.
So it is time to shift value again, into economics, but ethics too.
Episode 6 echoes, and bounces back on Episode 5, by itself.
A second degree harmonic feed-back loop,
Or like Diver SHIFT i.Capital SHIFT. Break Points.
Back to the engagement of Daring Divers in Episode 1, breaking in on chosen timing in Episode 5.
All about the desire to shift for more sustainable Diversity.
It is to encourage Higher Frequency of interaction, for the sake of generating a dynamic creation process; You can not re-invent anything, without generating a flow of ideas, leads and fields for experience material.
I mean shift value of any expression of diversity in processing, thinking or contributing to collective assets
Economy is passing through ages, maturing, adding layers and changing pricing power Digital economy did tumble upside down many things.etc...see Episode 1to 5...
DiversHiFTi is an analogy, bridging binary digital signals, to the analog world of voicing ideas.
Voices in the sense of harmonics.
Knowledge economy is trying to materialize.We MUST help.
It is time to innovate by mixing HACKING parameters in Mix contributions under Higher Frequency Trading whenever possible.
"Value Shifts" is a serie with a common harmonic patterns, a familiar scheme for
Mixers who did read other stories and hacks I proposed.
Also along life nervous connections principles, and within colonies of living beings organization models.
Ants, bees or maverick thinkers.
All about : how do you want to value contribution, and feed-back, and add-ons connection ? starting
To make a long story flash, episode 6 is about how much the Mixers can get more options when reacting and trading ideas; Especially derived leads.
Amplifying Time dimension.
And bouncing universes dynamics.
Let's be speculative thinkers...and cover our own new born currency.
Mix is a productive community. Quite diverse, yet still acting as a very homogeneous and often traditional framework.
Companies promote diversity, and when played open and right, many get benefit of it.
Yet the benchmark guiding valuation and compensation are still based on individual performance evaluation, combined with some collective elements.
This is different from differenciating and rewarding about the impact of indivual action on the collective dimensions, the fact to be a catalyst or a matchmaker of ideas.
We already covered some examples in previous episode how data show that hackers and story tellers talent is higher (strictly quantitative) than the capacity to rebound and add to the content.So far.
We keep walking down that path.
Diversity is not a goal. It must be the power law factor.It must be the engine of new process design, of interactions generation.
Cross fertilization needs to be put at work on a more extensive scale.
Problem becomes : how to shift value from individual performance contribution to the consolidated result, to the measure of interaction influence itself?
Capital HFT. Like High Frequency Trading. A derivative product from Episode 5.
Small cap " i" as the title, some sort of long tail symbol.
Or Like in Hifi and Wifi
Apart from the technology, the beauty of algorithms complexity involved, I have no special attraction for High Frequency Trading. Although it has been a major value shift, not for the good of many.
I have some optical fiber, but this is it. A tiny link that HFTraders take advantage of extensively.
I understand the value of HFT when building a defense shield and umbrella against volatility.
So HFT creates volatility, and takes advantage of it.Not a good thing for everyone elses;
To get immune or resilient to "red rain shifts" stock market storms acid raindrops.
A minority of smart and innovative Flash Boys have been using some collective intelligence to take advantage of everyone else. Hackers are not necessarally nice, or simply caring. It all depends on the values they want to play.
But it also plays on options and derivation. BY itself a very interesting concept and dynamics..
Photo credit FJ Leconte 2013 Barcelona Barrio Raval " Blooming Fibers"
We will demonstrate an application of the Value Shifting Doppler effect eventually.
We can impact the ratio of interaction on all Mix dynamics, and take it to an upper sate of excitement.
We can contribute to establish new contribution loops. Some vortex stream as describe into Episode 1.
And rewards.
Thanks to clearer comparison elements to existing very well known basis, some sort of revised "Taxonomics" around wages, incentives, fees, labor to purple economy elements, but a working process to consolidate into easy to manipulate packages.
This can help to get out of some dead end costs comparison of today global economics.
And gives back hope and engagement to many, starting by some knowledge workers and dealers.
Something we could get addicted to.
Back to Episode one statement : Almost as difficult as creating a new currency.
We can make it the hard way (think about the birth of Euro, as much powerful as painful).
We can choose the under the radar (cf "neutrinos management" 2012 hacks..) bitcoins tactic.
Both pro and cons.
The challenge is to convince funders, investors, managers or HR compensation&benefits managers to open a fraction of their mind to this knowledge element impact.
And dare to experiment in corporate or family business what is already partly at work in some more knowledge driven eco-systems.
(Back to episode 1) Doppler curve phase 3 questioning:
What is the impact of Know How former actions ?
Post is phase 1 value of 50 + on the graph.Sky is the limit.
Value of 100 in our calculation.
In real business and industries life, units can be grands of usd for books,
Up to Millions for an input ending as a molecule or bio-genetic drug or sequencing patent with market blockbuster potential final output.
On social networks it can be a blog post. 50 followers on a niche site up to 50K likes on a mass market of mobile devices screens.Time any click fee value, according to the media space.
At phase 2 some smart scouters, investing times to get fresh ideas and innovative or creative inputs as close to the source as possible (like using a telescope to get back to the singular event of all energies concentration).
Other early adopters get the point and capture both the value and a part of the time related advantage, and can benefit from the drafting effect.
You can even do it yourself
Practical demo is my own " Value Shifts " series Episodes structure, as well as "18 laps" stories.
Rapid development thanks to small divergence cloning and string pulling.
It is funny to note that theories about multi-universe are using the same dynamic of very small changes in parameters, leading to brand new frames.
Same field and market or as a transpose into another time and space segment.
At this stage it is often not so clear to establish a clear link between original ideas and derivated usage, especially in open and sharing data and source friendly environment.
Patent is easier.Infringement is early detection.But costly to stop as a trade off.
A comment would fit into this spot.As well as derivated idea for another market of field.
Any benchmarking data. Confirmation of genuine original input or "Hello, wake up call about the pre-existing material or business out there;
With standard value of 2 units for a precision question to the author or more widely to any innovator making a business proposition, (not direclty pushing the debate but helping other readers to grasp more of the complexity or the novelty).
With low value, kind of appreciable pad in the back for thanks and praise, in the tenths of unit range.
Still the more, the better for morale and final consolidation.
High value of 5, same as innovative know-how at the bottom of the ladder, reflects addition to the author thoughts or data providing.It is a co-operative valuable asset taken to the collective table.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014- Singapore " The emerging tail series of waves"
Phase 3 is the more bankable one.
This is what I defined as :
Low cost cloning and diffusion
Spread can be done at the speed of light, sequenced like a laser pump or high frequency trading orders scanning, at diving costs rapidly bottoming to nothing.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014 Provence/ France " Scaled pulses replicas "
The reproduction phase is part 3, a.k.a "the tail", a diverse range of outputs, from tense and bright and sustained to fading.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014Singapore " Pulses replicas tail end zoom "
While flattening, we must not forget that any additonal point is adding to the absolute value.....so the total revenue keeps adding up.
Or spread can be the result of a silent growing stream of waves, of cloning and subtle variations of the original idea.
This is likely where funders can accept to open their minds, for the risk and rewards are with very manageable.It does not nedd to rely upon costly patents or copyrights licensing.
Photo Credits FJ Leconte 2014- Singapore " Bridging structure of multi-coloured complexity with purple and red shift""
.....but high value of sustainability eventually.
this is where the new perspective given to many, with more opportunities than risk or unknown is providing different data, different business models, or technical solutions, or emotions.
And materials for rebouncing.
The eco-system can be highly responding and recycling some of it.
Even a micro-reward can pile up and fuel other daring adventures.
Massive infringement such as generic drugs or estabilshed best sellers copies are easier to value and catch.Still not so easy to stop everywhere.But rewards for every stop are piling up.It is a luxury goods and market source of revenues, relevant versus official markets sales with high brand asset and rare market collateral benefits.
Combined revenues from blue period (one hit of high value) down to red shift (multiple raindrops cloning of very small derivated value) can mix into an attractive sustainable purple rain, echo of the so-called purple economy principles.
These are places where paycheck sound can and should be serviced and tuned in the coming months.
Although I try to be innovative, I must recognize the triggers, sparkles, catalysts and names the giants shoulders I am taking advantage of to look beyond my own natural horizon for bolder inspiration.
For this series, I need to name
Binary pulsar set of phase 1 Blue shift guides : Don Tapscott and Antonhy D.Williams, with must read famous "Wikinomics" and 2011 "Macrowikinomics.Rebooting business and the world" dedicated to entrepreneurs and social innovators by the authors.
All lighthouse signals for our own " Taxonomics" search.
("We key No Mix"...how fun, sounds like a rap hit echoeing episode 2 No comment and 3 Echoes.. )
Prince for Purple rain music inspiring the Purple economy shift and innovative package idea.
Nicholas Nassim Taleb, mostly thanks to analysis elements developped into his "Anti-Fragile" concept.
Seth Godin, again for "Linchpin" but all multi-directional blog arrows,
Jeanne C.Meister& Karie Willyerd with their forward-looking synthesis book by the name of "The 2020 workplace".
Benoit Mandelbrot, for the huge impact of his "The Fractalist ; Memoir of a scientific maverick" on daring abilities to claim a personal right to be wrong. And free to link nots between oranges and elephant bananas consumption statistical data, that some can call mental frauds.As long as being convinced it is a potential lead.
I wish to be very soon able to pile add names of daring Mixers and mention of additional contant and materials.
Combo of 6 episodes drilling down or adding to the valuation point and application leads and examples.
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