
MIX Mashup Live Blog: Day 2
Welcome to the second day of the MIX Mashup live blog. The first day's live blog can be seen here. You can also catch the action on twitter by following @hackmanagement and the hashtag #mixmashup and add your voice to the mix here in the comment section.
That's a wrap for the MIX Mashup Day 2 live blog.
The M-Prize winners in attendance were brought on stage by Gary, Polly and Michele and acknowledged.
Gary Hamel: Help us set the future agenda for the MIX. Tweet your ideas to #MIXAgenda
Loren Hamel and Gary Hamel
Loren Hamel: If a patient describes any employee behavior that involves tenderness, compassion or love, we go around and tell that story to everyone we can.
Loren Hamel
Loren Hamel and his wife Anne demo why the heartfelt why is such more important than who and what #MIXMashup pic.twitter.com/onhnEf50nl
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
Get beyond the Who and the What to a heartfelt WHY if you want people to bring their hearts to work - Loren Hamel at #MIXMashup
— Stephen Remedios (@StephenRemedios) November 19, 2014
Being happy is easy. @profhamel challenges #MIXMashup to aim for fulfillment. Rethink the soul of mgmt. Don’t be cynical. Love is killer app
— Leerom Segal (@leeromsegal) November 19, 2014
Gary Hamel: Why is it that the values that matter the most to us as human beings are missing from our organizations?
Alanna Krause: How fast and cheaply can we fail? That is the question we should be asking ourselves.
Give good ideas a place to go. Recognize and value facilitation. Ask: "who's not in the room" Alanna Krause at #MIXMashup
— Stephen Remedios (@StephenRemedios) November 19, 2014
Alanna Krause: A virtuous cycle of innovation: The culture created the tool. The tool facilitates the culture.
"The culture created the tool. The tool facilitates the culture" - Loomio is a great tool to allow distributed decision making #MIXMashup
— Stephen Remedios (@StephenRemedios) November 19, 2014
Alanna Krause's M-Prize winning stories: When Business met Occupy: Innovating for True Collaborative Decision-Making and Collaborative Funding: dissolve authority, empower everyone, and crowdsource a smarter, transparent budget
#MIXMashup @alannakrause when the cost of organisation goes through the floor, new ways of organisation become possible
— mix irving (@whimful) November 19, 2014
Alanna Krause: Culture is the software with which we negotiate the social world.
#MIXMashup @alannakrause What we're looking for in new mgmt models: tyranny-less structure
— Polly LaBarre (@pollylabarre) November 19, 2014
Alanna Krause: Enspiral was brought together around the theme "More people working on stuff that matters."
“@K_Beaven: “@DecodedCompany: 98% of people who do performance reviews think they suck - @leeromsegal #MIXMashup”” @Em140480
— Rob Bridges (@guerrillaHR) November 19, 2014
Why aren’t businesses using tech like consumer apps to predict, customize and enhance the user experience? @leeromsegal #MIXMashup
— The Decoded Company (@DecodedCompany) November 19, 2014
Jay Goldman: Our tools are structured around accountability.
Leerom Segal: Technology as a coach, data as a sixth sense, and engineered ecosystems.
"The data you have shifts your reality," @leeromsegal of @klickhealth #MIXMashup @DecodedCompany @jaygoldman
— Aparna Mukherjee (@aparnamuk) November 19, 2014
Leerom Segal: Technology has evolved, but the technology of management hasn't.
Polly Labarre: Will technology eat bureaucracy?
A key to uptake of a new enterprise social platform: open to everyone, @jgilbertogarcia @CEMEX @markpmcdonald @Accenture #MIXMashup #nobeta
— Aparna Mukherjee (@aparnamuk) November 19, 2014
Gilberto Garcia: When you open up the company to a social network like SHIFT you have to be ready for some push back from various parts of the company.
Gilberto Garcia and Mark McDonald
Gilberto Garcia's M-Prize winning story: SHIFT Changes The Way CEMEX Works
Polly Labarre and James DeJulio
James DeJulio's M-Prize winning story: Tongal: A 21st century business model for finding top talent and putting them to work on something they love
Keep in mind when you try & build a great company: products come & go, culture stays #MIXMashup - awesome pres by @jaysimons
— Strategiemakers (@strategiemakers) November 19, 2014
Jay Simons: The enemies of transparency are closed, one-to-one conversations held via phone, email, and water cooler conversations. Our solution is persistent group chat.
Transparency at @Atlassian means being open about wins, fails, decisions, and questions - @jaysimons at #MIXMashup
— Alanna Krause (@alannakrause) November 19, 2014
.@jaysimons #atlassian new hire drives beer trike on Friday afternoon to meet people and build culture #mixmashup
— mackanic (@mackanic) November 19, 2014
You can teach how to innovate http://t.co/pngUHUyf5r #MIXMashup
— Moises Norena (@MoisesNorena) November 19, 2014
Jay Simons: As a culture we try to stop and celebrate team wins.
Innovation happens, just give it an opportunity to grow @jaysimons #MIXMashup
— Strategiemakers (@strategiemakers) November 19, 2014
Jay Simons: The most important thing to encourage innovation is to simply give people the time and space to do it.
Financial incentives don't get people to come up with innovations. You have to give them time and space. @jaysimons #MIXMashup
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
Leaders expect innovation to happen without teaching them to do it and unleashing the human spirt says #garyhamel. So true #MIXMashup
— Jackie Lynton (@jackielynton) November 19, 2014
CEOs urge employees to be innovators but we never teach them how #mixmashup @profhamel
— Bob Nolley (@bobnolley) November 19, 2014
If you want to build an innovative company, it takes a long time and consistency is the most important factor #MIXMashup @MoisesNorena
— Strategiemakers (@strategiemakers) November 19, 2014
Over the last decade @WhirlpoolCorp has taught 20k employees to be business innovators & 5k certified i-mentors @MoisesNorena #MIXMashup
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
Moisés Noreña's M-Prize winning story: Whirlpool's Innovation Journey: An on-going quest for a rock-solid and inescapable innovation capability
Systematic approach: most companies optimize processes for efficiency. @WhirlpoolCorp optimized for #innovation. #MIXMashup
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
Moisés Noreña: You have to decide how you'll measure innovation and how you'll reward people for it.
@MoisesNorena Innovation = shareholder appreciation @WhirlpoolCorp. Create demand versus customer push. #MIXMashup #innovation #csuite
— Luis Solis (@innoalchemist) November 19, 2014
Michele Zanini: To learn more about the MIX's hackathon change platform visit mhackathon.com
Michele Zanini: Don't appoint a task force to tackle the problem, but rather invite everybody to "hack" the issue.
@MicheleZanini on 3 CHANGE myths: starts at top, change cascades, and is engineered! Major plan-reality gap. #MIXMashup #innovation
— Luis Solis (@innoalchemist) November 19, 2014
Michele Zanini: Think of change not as something you program but as a platform you build.
Execs are usually the last to know about problems but the only ones who can sign off on change @MicheleZanini #MIXMashup
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
Michele Zanini: One thing about change management that doesn't change much: the failure rate.
@helenbevan & @jackielynton just killed it at #MIXMashup - Amazing work creating positive movement and change #NHSChangeDay
— Christopher Peake (@Zappos_Peake) November 19, 2014
Great: @helenbevan and @jackielynton's strategy is to out love everyone else, inspired by @profhamel #MIXMashup
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
Helen Bevan: We must activate the mavericks, radicals, rebels, and heretics.
Helen Bevan's Change day pledge: To support 500 leaders and activists to develop their capability as radical change agents: to rock the boat and stay in it.
First #NHSChangeDay in 2013 target was 65k pledges. Got 185k and 189k actions performed. Huge success #MIXMashup.
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
Helen Bevan's and Jackie Lynton's M-Prize winning story: Biggest ever day of collective action to improve healthcare that started with a tweet
"Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets" @helenbevan #MIXMashup. We say "you get what you measure" in @DecodedCompany
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
The old saying "trust is good, control is better" isn't true anymore. "It's control is good, trust is the future." -@HaufeUSA #MIXMashup
— Lindsey LaManna (@LindseyLaManna) November 19, 2014
Kelly Max: Control feels good but trust is the future.
Heiko Fischer: The HP Way was never put down in words in the time of Dave and Bill. It was expressed in the stories passed down and the personal experiences people had there.
#mixmashup observation that democratic organizations do not thrive in an environment of relative certainty. If you know, then why vote?
— Mark P. McDonald (@markpmcdonald) November 19, 2014
@bbogsnes: "Did we hit the budget?" is biggest illusion of control in business. Need mindset of minimum value creating funding #MIXMashup
— Jeremy Clark (@Emirger) November 19, 2014
"Traditional budgeting is a 100 year old technology" @bbogsnes at #MIXMashup - we are building a participatory tool http://t.co/NE7zqr4aE0
— Alanna Krause (@alannakrause) November 19, 2014
The traditional budget is a 100 year old management technology. We need more effective intelligent ways of managing costs. #MIXMashup
— Björn T Atterstam (@coemergence) November 19, 2014
Bjarte Bognes: It's not about managing performance, but creating the conditions for performance to take place.
Powerful metaphor: traffic light vs. roundabout: efficiency, difficulty, authority @bbogsnes #MIXMashup foreshadows the challenge
— Luis Solis (@innoalchemist) November 19, 2014
Polly Labarre introducing Bjarte Bognes: Steve Jobs famously said "it's more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy". But what if you are a pirate IN the navy?
#mixmashup leaders become coaches mentors, followers and learners in humanized organizations.
— Norma Tirado (@ntiradocc) November 19, 2014
No power hierarchy. Lots of natural hierarchy. Everyone is a leader and a follower at the same time @fred_laloux #mixmashup
— Polly LaBarre (@pollylabarre) November 19, 2014
3 main archetypes of self-managing orgs: small autonomous teams, networked nodes, concentric circles - Frédéric Laloux at #MIXMashup
— Alanna Krause (@alannakrause) November 19, 2014
Advice process: one decision owner + expert advice + impacted stakeholder = decision #MIXMashup
— Jerome Gouvernel (@JeromeGouvernel) November 19, 2014
Good case study on self-org vs. bureaucracy: #buurtzorg home healthcare in Netherlands from @fred_laloux #MIXMashup http://t.co/HaOJYHJBEt
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
"You need structure and coordinating mechanisms, but no you do not need a boss" - Frédéric Laloux at #MIXMashup
— Alanna Krause (@alannakrause) November 19, 2014
Hierarchy cannot cope with truly complex systems. The solution is coordinating systems and processes. Not a boss! - Laloux #MIXMashup
— Stephen Remedios (@StephenRemedios) November 19, 2014
Frederic Laloux: Power isn't a zero-sum game. When everyone is powerful great things can happen.
Big #mixmashup Q: What happens when power is no longer zero sum? Instead of completing to be right--you collaborate to succeed. @mkaphan
— Polly LaBarre (@pollylabarre) November 19, 2014
Frederic Laloux: It seems that the future belongs to organizations that will function entirely without hierarchy.
@fred_laloux outlines a coherent new organizational model: converging work at a global tipping point #MIXMashup #innovation #csuite
— Luis Solis (@innoalchemist) November 19, 2014
"Eating your own dog food helps build momentum in a large change like Holacracy at Zappos" #MIXMashup
— Stephen Remedios (@StephenRemedios) November 19, 2014
#MIXMashup When you change the operating system (going #holacracy) the apps (budgeting, compensation, progress tracking) will stop working.
— Dan Bergh Johnsson (@danbjson) November 19, 2014
John Bunch: One of the pre-conditions to transforming a large organization to being self-organized is that you must have a strong culture that is going to be able to withstand the differences.
In #holacracy, give employees skills to solve their problems; not playing hero may feel awkward but will ensure success @zappos #mixmashup
— The Decoded Company (@DecodedCompany) November 19, 2014
john bunch @zappos: #1 priority is our culture... Everything else stems from that #MIXMashup
— MIX (@hackmanagement) November 19, 2014
I wonder how many orgs have a "governing constitution"? Signing one is the first step of #holocracy. Maybe everyone should. #MIXMashup
— Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) November 19, 2014
#MIXMashup CEO "declaring" Holacracy might seem ironic, but is analogous to king introducing democracy.
— Dan Bergh Johnsson (@danbjson) November 19, 2014
@zappos moves to self-management "holocracy": to mimic productivity gains of cities versus organizations #MIXMashup #innovation #csuite
— Luis Solis (@innoalchemist) November 19, 2014
John Bunch: Organizations as they grow in size become less productive on a per employee basis, but as cities grow they become more productive on a per citizen basis. So how can companies be more like cities?
Polly Labarre: Let's get to the heart of the matter. How do we move beyond bureaucracy?
All checked in and ready to rock'n'RHoll at #mixmashup @hackmanagement http://t.co/0vUtRtA5nE
— RH_Way (@RH_Way) November 19, 2014
Incompetencies #hacked #mixmashup :) pic.twitter.com/d5bN9fJBUC
— Alberto Carlos (@alfacarlo) November 19, 2014
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A great question I find here is "John Bunch: Organizations as they grow in size become less productive on a per employee basis, but as cities grow they become more productive on a per citizen basis. So how can companies be more like cities?"
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"Powerful metaphor: traffic light vs. roundabout: efficiency, difficulty, authority"
Luis Solis
Hmmmmm, yes, very good.... I'll steal that!
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Advice process: one decision owner + expert advice + impacted stakeholder = decision
LOGICAL PROBLEM!!!: by definition you can't know who the impacted stakeholder is BEFORE you make the decision! The stakeholder and their impact is identified AFTER the decision is made.
I buy my groceries in the Supermarket.... but which one? To make the decision I get together the decision owner (me), expert (my wife) and impacted stakeholders (?? all the supermarkets?.... just the supermarket I'm going to choose??) and together we make the decision?
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"Ethics can’t overcome incentives"
The desire to change
and the enthusiasm to change
and the commitment to change
and the need to change
Can't overcome the established incentives (the old "apps"), they are too powerful a force that drags the organization back to "normal".
F.Lal. "structure and coordinating mechanisms":
These are the new apps.
How do you put new apps in first BEFORE you remove the old ones?- is this a question of which comes first the "chicken and egg"?
Get rid of managers BEFORE you put the apps in place, or put the apps in place before you get rid of the managers?
Either which way has got to be a massive investment.
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