The key innovation was a simple yet comprehensive process of divergence accompanied with a game-like tool called Synergy Generator (you can download and try it for yourself here). This was the one-two combo the team required to unleash their imaginative potential and produce multiple business scenarios with unthinkable and/or overlooked partners. Ultimately, one of those scenarios proved to be worth pursuing because of its practical value. It's currently being implemented.
I. Divergence Phase

II. Convergence Phase

III. Let's be Friends & Implement/Iterate Phase
Update #1
Please note that even though the synergy generator tool is described in some parts of the story as a game, it is not a game per se. It certainly has some game elements that make it entertaining. However, it lacks some other elements such as opponents. In this sense and according to Chris Crawford’s definition of a game, it may be more appropriate to refer to the synergy generator tool as a challenge (a plaything with a clearly defined goal) or even as a puzzle (a challenge “with no purposeful opponents”).
A full fletched game, as per Crawford’s line of thought, is a conflict (a challenge with purposeful opponents) “in which the players directly interact in such a way as to foil each other’s goals”.
For more information, you can check Chris Crawford’s webpage:
Thanks to Cristóbal Hildebrandt for pointing out this distinction and to strengthen the story.
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