It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


defining values and aspirations

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Over the years I've participated in countless strategic planning projects, having spent several years as a management consultant and then as a member of the executive team of several public companies.
Story by Jackie Yeaney on November 10, 2011
One of the most important roles to fill when trying to build a passionate community is the storyteller . Edelman SVP Steve Rubel hit the nail on the head in a recent blog post entitled The Rise of the Corporate Transmedia Storyteller . From his post: -- "The reality is, however, that organizations...
Blog by Chris Grams on November 8, 2010
This post originally appeared in Tim O'Reilly's Google+ feed and on O'Reilly Radar . This tweet by Steve Case ( @stevecase ) struck home for me, because in the aftermath of Steve Jobs' death I've been thinking a lot about O'Reilly, wanting to make sure that we streamline and focus on the stuff that...
Blog by Tim O'Reilly on October 26, 2011
Most of the time you take your office computers for granted. OK, there’s a niggle or two, but generally the IT folks can sort it out. Occasionally, though, it gets more serious. When the system crashes regularly or a virus hijacks the network there’s no easy alternative: you need to upgrade the...
Blog by Simon Caulkin on November 30, 2010
In this document we explain how we went from being an organization of hierarchical bankers, to a team of 16,000 systematic innovators who learn every day and believe that everyone can be innovative.
Story by Óscar F. Rodríguez on January 7, 2013

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to the emotional labor of doing great work, says MIX Maverick Seth Godin. He offers up powerful wisdom on how to overcome all of your excuses and get in the habit of starting the right things--and shipping everything you start.

When Kraft Foods embarked on an important program to re-define its corporate purpose, vision and values, they decided not do it in a closed meeting room in Chicago but instead open up the process and
Story by Anna Peters on April 9, 2010
The authorities at Merriam-Webster have declared “austerity” the defining word of 2010 . That may be an appropriate reaction to all that’s transpired this year (and built up over this decade), but the word—and, more to the point, the feeling —that permeates this shabby, hangdog year is loss. Look...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on December 30, 2010
The competition for the world’s first management innovation prize has officially closed—and the judging has begun! We’d like to send out a hearty thanks to the hundreds of MIXers who poured their bold thinking and tremendous effort into crafting STORIES and HACKS aimed at tackling the moonshots of Increasing Trust , Reinventing Leadership , and Taking the Work out of Work . We are inspired and energized by the sheer variety and originality of the submissions—and we and our panel of Mavericks are hard at work on the difficult task of choosing just a few winners.
Blog by Polly LaBarre on October 18, 2010
