Using games and collaborative play to help motivate and make work fun.
Many of the same elements of a performance evaluation are implemented in games. Which would you prefer? :)
Collaborative play helps to build a climate of trust - and higher levels of trust can lead to greater experimentation and risk taking - which will lead to creativity and innovation.
Our work over the last 5-6 years in productivity games, and later in 42projects, has taught us a lot about how these three - play, trust, and innovation - are closely intertwined - and can lead to a happier, more efficient, and more productive work environment.
"If it's not fun, you're not doing it right" - Bob Basso
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" - Walt Disney
"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” - Dale Carnegie
We are experimenting - and would love suggestions and input. There's more info at or send mail at
As we’ve learned over the last several years, from Richard Florida’s Creative Class to Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Quotient, the soft skills and organizational skills are the most valuable to the
As the demographics of the workplace shift and more employees actively play games outside of work, the opportunity to use games to improve productivity expands.
42projects is an initiative across several teams at Microsoft to innovate in the way we manage by focusing on building trust, using games to increase productivity, and encouraging grassroots innovatio