I'm the communications lead and director in a stakeholder engagement and change management consultancy. I'm also doing a governance role in a not-for-profit organisation, One of my goals in life is to complete an Executive MBA, as part of a plan to broaden my skills to add greater value to the organisation/s I work with or for. I'm currently achieving that dream now I've started the MBA journey at Massey University, New Zealand.
I'm passionate about Making a Difference, like so many others committed to the causes of various social responsibility causes. As a board member of a course that teaches leadership and life skills to teens, I'm making a difference in the next generation. By setting an example to those around me I'm demonstrating integrity and authentic leadership, and maybe inspiring a transformational change.In recent times I've worked directly with a wide range of stakeholders, providing management reports on their input for decision makers. Some of the topics involved youth or social marketing issues. I love interacting with others through ongoing learning, and wondering if my ideas can change the life of someone on the other side of the world, or some community.
I believe we should be the difference we want to see. My dream is to see more people working together on issues needing input at a local, national and global level. I would like to see nations' governments and business leaders setting agendas to determine how best they can have an impact in the area of social responsibility. Without stakeholders coming together to have their say, collaborating through Collective Governance, we're not going to achieve Disruptive Innovation and Transformational Leadership. I'd like to see more peaceful negotiations and collaboration, more partnerships, so new things can happen,
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Angela Penteado
Ko Awatea, a centre for innovation in South Auckland, New Zealand, is redefining challenges facing the healthcare sector globally by taking a collaborative approach.
Ko Awatea, a centre for innovation in South Auckland, New Zealand, is redefining challenges facing the healthcare sector globally by taking a collaborative approach.