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Stories, Hacks, & Barriers

Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Charles Prabakar
While most leaders, agree in principle that, empowerment, is absolutely critical, to create the so called, experimentation culture, when push comes to shove, most of them hesitate, to g
Hack by Charles Prabakar on October 17, 2013
 With human capital seems to be emerging as the single most important capital of the 21st century, the general consensus, among most management practitioners is that, it happens to be one of the
Hack by Charles Prabakar on July 17, 2013
With most pyramidal organization structures, these days, happen to demand too much of the too few, from the top, and not much of everyone else in the ranks, the general consensus, among
Hack by Charles Prabakar on May 27, 2013
With me being an active participant within the MIX community, I am being humbled and honored to see that the theme behind the current MIX challenge (i.e.
Hack by Charles Prabakar on November 26, 2012
 The Invisible Hand’s Purpose Seed, manifesting itself as a 5D Market system with a 5M (Meta Events,  Means, Metrics, Method & Mediation) mindset, yielding Triune Shared Value (S
Hack by Charles Prabakar on March 30, 2012
A recent study by the economists from MIT, UOC and CMU, suggest that financial incentives, no longer are the primary motivational drivers of increasing business performance, especially when it comes t
Hack by Charles Prabakar on October 17, 2011
With most purpose agenda driven sustainability solutions, being centered around –just changing our personal choices to reduce the carbon footprint, as opposed to changing our lifestyle first, before c
Hack by Charles Prabakar on June 19, 2011
With most healthcare reform solutions, being  centered around the public-private options, they are stuck at the wrong side of the fork, says, Prof.
Hack by Charles Prabakar on June 11, 2011
For many leaders, "being transformational" means, just pursuing opportunities that fit their company's faith based visions and goals.
Story by Charles Prabakar on May 31, 2011
While the phrase “strategy reset” means different things to different companies, most strategy practitioners agree, that there are not many comprehensive approaches available within the market place t
Story by Charles Prabakar on May 27, 2011
Purpose Innovation driven “purpose bundles”, are products and services from variety of related and unrelated industry providers that are bundled togeth
Hack by Charles Prabakar on May 26, 2011