Founder / Product and Marketing Lead at BizBigPic,
Me in Three
Disrupting business education through a unique mix of delivery (cloud) and content (new theories). Developing a cloud-based platform for continuous business skill learning and personal marketing, based on a new perspective on how businesses and economies work. BIZBIGPIC... Business Big Picture.
Developed a set of theories that explain several socio-economic phenomena, including how organizations and economies fundamentally work. Subsequently, designed and published a business graphic novel (SPOINTRA) and produced the prototype of a casual video game that mimics the process of running a company (OFMOS).
Founded and organized TEDxUIUC, a TED-licensed "ideas worth spreading" initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Cristian Mitreanu
A new perspective on human nature, particularly on human needs, allows us to develop a dynamic model of the organization and an integrated top-down-bottom-up approach to management.
As we wait for a new theory that would allow us to integrate currently disparate concepts and generate a more realistic business big picture, there is one easy and powerful solution for the MBA progra