I am a consultant, coach and new author. My professional passion is working with leaders and organizations to support their successful transformation (both at the same time). I also had my first book published last year - The Innovative Leadership Fieldbook (which won 2012 International Book award for Best Business Reference Book). The completion of this book was the result of about 10 years of contemplation and work - it is my proudest accomplishment.
On the lighter side, I love being outdoors - it is where I recharge and draw inspiration. I also performed with a woman's African druming group (this is possible for someone with limited skills when living in Columbus Ohio). It was great fun and I appreciate the opportunity to hang out with people much more talented than I will ever bel.
I continue to focus on my own personal growth as a daily practice. I find the inner landscape a fascinating place to hang out - some days it is light and sunny and others it seems stormy and dark.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Maureen Metcalf
Marry Innovation and LeadershipAn Innovative Leader influences by engaging Self, culture and systems equally. Lleadership and innovation are innately connected, and share a deep commonality with