Me in Three
- My motto has always been "There's got to be a better way." My Mission in life (discovered after many years of exploration) is to "Co-Create Unlimited Possibilities." Throughout my professional, business and personal life, I have constantly searched for the "better way." Among my colleagues it was known as "There's got to be a better way Waldheim!" I enjoy journeys exploring "better ways," particularly in organizations, for profit and not for profit. I derive great satisfaction in the results as evidenced by the success of those willing to journey with me as integral members of teams for a purpose, in all walks of life. I thrive on the challenges of people and organizations who aspire to learn and be the very best and are looking for partners in their journey.
- I am a Board member of Sound Of The Rockies. This all men a capella chorus is among the top four in the Barbershop Harmony Society. I am leading an effort by this chorus to rise from among the best to be the best. It is a journey filled with opportunities and challenges not unlike that of most other organizations, except that by its very nature it is a "learning organization," a seemingly distinct competitive advantage. Yet, the competition in the musical arts world are also "learning organizations," and so the challenge is to create a unique, standout organization that delivers a "world-class" product (concerts" unlike any other comparable organization. One of the unique challenges in the transformation of an all volunteer organization is that "commitment" is created all by "carrot" without a "stick."
- I love the outdoors, particularly cycling, followed closely by hiking and skiing. I am very competitive and though I gave up bicycle racing years ago, I still ride, hike and ski to be the very best I can be. My family (seventeen in all) is very important to me and I enjoy contributing to the growing up and learning of children and grandchildren while observing family dynamics. In many ways the interaction among family members is similar to that among co-workers in for profit and not for profit organizations. Opportunities to learn an apply lessons learned abound in all walks of life. I belong to St. Luke's Methodist Church where I am a Stephen Minister. in this role, I have another opportunity to live my mission.