I am a husband, father, wannabe superhero, underdog middle manager on an undercover mission to change the business model of a company. It all began as a means to keep myself from walking out of the bureacratic organization where I work. Now I am committed to making a difference...and keeping my job. I subscribe to the idea of Leadership Equality, accepting that we all share the responsibility of leadership equally. Our influence must be lateral as well as vertical, and those above us may need us most.
I'm passionate about truth, justice and the American way. I collect Marvel comics. I am distantly related to Jerry Siegel, creator of Superman. My fave quote is from Spider-Man, "With great power comes great responsibility," - Uncle Benjamin Parker. My pop taught me to be humble. Any good idea should be shot down a few times. Keep coming back and you may just have something worth talking about. Oh, and did I mention, this is an alias? Ideas are my own, but profile has been altered.
My family is most important to me. Creating a secure future for us is what motivates me to stay employed. Serving a higher purpose is how I earn their respect.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Tom Wright
Leadership equality means the responsibility of leading is divided evenly among us. Our influence is lateral as well as vertical, and those above us may need us most