MIX M-Prize: How to plan and run meetings that engage people's minds, hearts and spirit to get more done, in less time, with more fun.
Three stories- 1) In 2010, WestJet, Canada’s most progressive airline, tested our Smarter Meetings system and achieved a 558% ROI (as reported in a federally sponsored research project on return on investment from training) from training a cadre of their managers in how to tap into the brain power of people in a disciplined way and save time.
2) The Premier of Manitoba used our RIP IT/ Rapid Innovation Program as the platform to bring 100 business and community leaders in the province together to work on 6 key economic issues and prepare recommendations to the government which the delegates voted on– all in 6 hours of working time.
3) After 10 years of data collection on thinking styles of working people, we now find that people are increasingly choosing to be less creative in their thinking – no wonder Canada continues to fall behind on all innovation measures – as the twin enemies of innovation, complacency and mediocrity, lurk in the shadows.
Change is tough. Take a page from the Heath brothers. Break it into bite size chunks. Demonstrate how it works real time. Meetings are a critical pain point in virtually every organization. Find the progressive leaders, the outliers who are looking for an edge, who are committed to the maxim that all of us are smarter than anyone of us. Declare portions of a meeting as a smarter meeting and give people a process path to think through issues together. Find them in schools, colleges, corporations, government agencies and not for profits.
Thanks to all the giants on whose shoulders and backs I have clung to and worked from - Robert Sternberg, Jerry Rhodes, Chogyam Trungpa, Marcial Losada, Gary Hamel, Barbara Fredrickson, Carol Dweck, the Heath brothers, Richard Daft, Michael Roach….

This is very interesting. I like the idea of a common language and I think that this is something that so many organizations don't think about when it comes to meeting and sharing ideas.
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This sounds wonderful! I spend more than 50% of my time in meetings and am ready to invest in a system to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of my meetings. Great idea Bob! Will be in touch...
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