(Neutrinos?) 3.0 Quantic Management : move freely through bureaucracy
Premise : Bureaucracy will never die.

Large companies are highly exposed. We should also help start-ups (rising stars) to avoind falling quickly into the trap (energy glutton black hole).
How much force restrains your leading direction and speed, for how long, and how often?
There is a need for additional levers to move away the mass of such roadblocks or escape fatal attraction.
P3. Framework
Interest for the quantic reference was justified by difficult to admit explanations of quite familiar management actions and very practical interactions with bureaucracy.
- How to limit bureaucracy strictly to the very useful layers and driving forces ?
- What if solutions are known, as neither applicable at all times (moment/situation), nor by everyone?
- How to overcome basic opposition and open eyes and minds to such disruptive 3.0 management moments?
- How to convince about a possible co-existence beside proven 2.0 management logic (already at work), and benefits of additional 3.0 options, useful for specific scope, time or scale factors?
Open new spaces
M1.0 attitude deals with bureaucracy basics through patience,lines, confrontation eventually.
M2.0 overcomes some bureaucratic roadblocks with influence, best practices and forms of lobbying.
Seeking for opportunities to avoid some bureaucracy checkpoints, time or spacewise.
M3.0 Neutrinos powered is made of choices in organization, moves, flavor changes and other actions and attitude all contributing to become less sensitive and under the radar screen of bureaucracy sensors and attraction of its mass.
Agility switches
Community interest
Collective Intelligence
3.0 Management

Because it may hurt some audience addicted to conservative organization.
The slides propose a kind of "Neutrinos 3.0 Booster set " mix of attitudes and tools to guide the implementation :
1.Dynamic vision : Move elements of the vision (quicker than organization tracking)
2.Quantic behavior : Change Management flavors. Do not stick to a leadership style set for a career path.
3.Switch relationships from polarity (1 to 1) to circularity (1 to many through a community chain) and back
4.Dual speed : Velocity above apparent stillness and radar screens
5.Act out of phase, preferably in advance
6.Move outside patterns and cycles, including for budget and resources funding
7. "Two-Faces Organization" extension to change and exchange roles
8.Call for rebounds.(Meaning challenge the idea on a linear growth of ideas or means, and jump-start unusual interactivity with peer sub-organization, as ball bouncing is helping in brainstorming sessions).
9.Bet on collective intelligence on a statistical large scale. (Enlarge the communities with additional rings, including bureaucrats, where some advanced minds hide)
10.Avoid and melt useless bureaucracy (such as using dynamic documentation to escape many recording requests by administrations including audits loops)
11.Adopt daily changing organization (from polarized to circular, from lean internanl teamsto openwide community including consultants experts and fresh apprentice students)
12.Challenge and impact official organization.(Give room to external free-lance talents.Propose "Two-Faces" or "Innovation Storm"temporary parallel streams of talents and energy.)
13.In/Out leadership.(Pull the vision and teams out of comfort zones, including support services).
14.Increase of the out-management ratio.So to identify collaborative resources when denied budgets or facing too little diversity inside.(see Presentation part 2 Map 2 ).
All of the above are practical examples giving hard times to the bureaucracy gravity power (instanlty or on the long range). Properties similar to Neutrinos behavior.
It takes forever to be disseminated and is poorly updated.
You can be live on a cloud solution while decidors are still calling for a request for proposals from vendors.
Velocity expands autonomy and combination of the two is melting the gravity power of bureaucracy (see chart axis)
Neuronal growth of the communities, nourished by individual and organization inputs, including outside partnerships are the causes of the difficulty for conservative HR to stop the expansion of Neutrinos Management influence.
It rapidly calls for changes of criteria in Job grading and Talent Management grids.With consequences for the staffing process and media.

P5. Strategic dimension
It can apply to long term strategic planning as well.
Big numbers rules give accuracy to bets.Those proposed by heretics and perceived against odds by bureaucracy are alternatives for cornered business angels seeking for innovation.(see Presentation part 2 Map 6 ).
C4. Although Dario Autiero is no workfield relation of mine, and me being a total unknown to him : big thanks his international team from CERN/OPERA experience that dare to publish doubtful results about neutrinos travelling faster than light.

Hi Frederic
I would need more time to read it all, but it sounds fascinating. I really like the idea of using quantum mechanics and apply it to management.
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Hello Carlos (and Melissa and Yuli Andrea), thank you to the comment.
I admit both the analogy plus my editing choice to add the Kafka references are not the easiest and most commercial way.
But as you mention in the material of your own story (quoting some famous heavy-weight thinkers and scientists) when making think too easy ideas naturally converge to a consensus lacking of depth and diversity.
Your 2010 Barcelona "Quantum Framework" and the Latin-America business cases (I encourage Mix friends to have a detailed look at it ) is a very interesting related story.
You will be pleased to see ( I wish but you will need additional time to go through, sorry about that....) that I am fine-tuning a new hack that keeps drilling into the same grounds...and black holes...but not only.
I do not guarantee 100% accuracy in my quantum frames, but I have the chance to get connected with top guns individuals that I can ask to check and proof-read.
Anyway, even the edge of them always admit they are not sure to understand what they know and don't, or how much, but just make some probabilities.Of course.
They all recommend bold thinking and failures as very good workouts too.
Keep in touch.
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Dec 21st...almost Xmas...so I wish you all the best.
I carried in a lot of additional ideas and precision for you to display in front of your chimney.
Brand new toys and gears.
I don't mind much about ratings but if you want to stop me from adding details you better give me high five (hand visual joke) on this specific criteria.
Again Merry Christmas around the globe to all Mix fans.
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New ! Dec 9th....Brand New materials with lots of details.
Seek in PPT Neurinos Mgt Part 2.
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Hello Aaron, thank you for your inputs.
1.I agree and state that bureaucracy will never die; let's add it's deserves to get a life.
The goal is to melt it enough to obtain a lean and efficient support from it (and nothing else).
And to prevent from having it destroying value. (Same could apply to financial system).
2. "Reasonable innovation" is an interesting paradox.
Is there such a thing or as soon as you make innovation reasonable, innovation features vanish ? (Sounds like quantic phenomens change solely because we observe). I will include this debate in the text.
3.I totally support your 2 head organization approach as you know. I see it as a smart way co cope with some of above paradox. I will "entangle" the 2 texts, that is to say get some of your innovation leads into this hack. So that when you hack will move and grow, such learning process will reflect in this one.
As soon as I get control back on my text (havng technical troubles these days since opening edition...)
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Hello Bernd,
this is a real pleasure.Looking at both your angle and your "Me in 3 words" profile I have no doubt we are on resonating wavelengths. Key words to define your areas of interests are flashing tags telling me we are going to have challenging proposals for the Mix community.
Your question about the origin and root causes of bureaucracy is a very good one to start with.It sure will benefit from such "5 whys" cascade input of yours!
Do/Don't criteria are very quantic compliant elements. This can be eye-opener.
It deeply favor multiple voices analysis and crow-validation that will make it a unique value.
Welcome and feel at home.
Looking forward pushing the machine together. Headwind may fear our collective power!
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OK, this being an exercise in virtual team collaboration, I would like to join as co-author. I am German - Japanese influenced, versed in safety testing and management system assessment.
To streamline the approach and reduce its resistance facing bureaucratic headwinds, I would like to start from a 5-WHYs analysis as to what were the reasons and benefits to introduce bureaucracy in the first place. My vision for this hack includes do/don't criteria, context and drafting action-oriented process steps, crowd-sourced and hopefully crowd-validated, using this open hack collaboration space.
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Important : this an open (non-locked) hack.
As encouraged by Gary Hamel in the MIX TV.
You are very welcome to co-author if you feel able to jump in and enrich the idea or to illustrate.
Collective intelligence is the name of the game...
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