At Experian Latin America, aiming to systemize innovation as a capability in an increasingly competitive market, we implemented an ideation platform that mirrors our company’s people-oriented ma
We’re all finally recognizing that management and innovation are social activities – people activities. So it has struck me as rather odd that HR is hardly mentioned in the conversation. W
Last night at the Human Capital Institute Summit in Atlanta, the MIX team announced the winners of the first Human Capital M-Prize. We are delighted to share them with you: Lisa Haneberg (Grand Prize) for her HACK Start with a better question to create a better talent management system: the Talent...
There are numerous motivational techniques taught as well as practiced to generate numbers. But as far as I had noticed most of the organization follows “squeaky wheel gets the oil” concept.
Interviewing is at best a flawed effort to assess job candidates (and even consultants). Too often, it produces disappointing--even disastrous--results. Here's why....
In October, 2012, iHire transitioned its culture to a Results Only Work Environment (ROWE), which is a management philosophy in which the focus comes off where, when and how long employees are working
“Leadership days”? These would involve rearranging the organisation for a day so that managers can relinquish control to an employee one level down in the hierarchical structure.