It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


At Experian Latin America, aiming to systemize innovation as a capability in an increasingly competitive market, we implemented an ideation platform that mirrors our company’s people-oriented ma
We’re all finally recognizing that management and innovation are social activities – people activities.  So it has struck me as rather odd that HR is hardly mentioned in the conversation.  W
Last night at the Human Capital Institute Summit in Atlanta, the MIX team announced the winners of the first Human Capital M-Prize. We are delighted to share them with you: Lisa Haneberg (Grand Prize) for her HACK Start with a better question to create a better talent management system: the Talent...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on March 9, 2011
There are numerous motivational techniques taught as well as practiced to generate numbers. But as far as I had noticed most of the organization follows “squeaky wheel gets the oil” concept.
RRO (Resource Renewal Officer) responsible for creating a ready supply of confident, fearless managers.
Hack by William W. Keep on June 27, 2010
Interviewing is at best a flawed effort to assess job candidates (and even consultants). Too often, it produces disappointing--even disastrous--results. Here's why....
Barrier by Dr. Janice Presser on August 3, 2010
In October, 2012, iHire transitioned its culture to a Results Only Work Environment (ROWE), which is a management philosophy in which the focus comes off where, when and how long employees are working
Story by Lisa Shuster on December 26, 2013
“Leadership days”? These would involve rearranging the organisation for a day so that managers can relinquish control to an employee one level down in the hierarchical structure.
Hack by Keshal Sookha on October 18, 2011
