The experience of growing up online will profoundly shape the workplace expectations of “Generation F” – the Facebook Generation. At a minimum, they’ll expect the social environment of work to reflect the social context of the Web, rather than as is currently the case, a mid-20th-century Weberian...
Replace the fundamental control relationship in the organization from ‘boss-subordinate’ to ‘mentor investor-intrapreneur team’, where mentor investors are modeled on the angel
Create a culture of local purpose in a company rather than just tasks and goals based activities, and create a purpose based organisation ready for adaptation. Create a vision and engage a
We're at the end of an eight-year period, which was marked in the beginning by the demise of Enron and marked at the end by the demise of Lehman Brothers. During that near decade, the quasi-religious mantra of business was shareholder value: Focus on performance and on performance alone. That's...
Capitalism has multiple definitions.However, the essence lies in creation of viable and productive opportunities and the key to a sustainable future lies in encouraging continuous creation of opportun